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Leachers, Noobs..Low Posters...Can I Ask You Something?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 13.2K
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Lvl 27
Originally posted by The_Dragon_

Does that make an addict?

No, it makes you dedicated
Lvl 11
other :

i'm pretty damn lazy and typing requires an effort... too much effort if you ask me.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Demonicmale


No, it makes you dedicated

Oh...well then. I have know trouble admitting to that. Here's to dedication! (beer)
Lvl 5
Couple of different reasons for me:

The sound of the keyboard might alert my wife to the activity occurring on the computer - There might be hell to pay and she wouldn't believe that I was reading the forum for the articles (she'd be dumb if she did believe that)

I've been stuck looking at all the pictures for about 3 years now can't see myself stopping anytime soon.

I'll make an attempt to contribute more but tell everybody to stop putting new pics and videos up.. I get distracted pretty easily.

Honestly folks like me should contribute more often. Your thread title caught my eye and you guys should call lurkers like me out more often. I have a thick skin and can take the jabs if they're deserved. The website is a classic for my friends and I and it is truly appreciated.
Lvl 14
technically I shouldn't be answering * vanishes into the darkness*
Lvl 22
why not
Lvl 3
Valid question. I have been "lurking" for a few years now and this is the first thread that I've read beginning to end that didn't have pics of boobs...wait...I almost forgot about Betty White. I tend to think that I don't have anything "post-worthy" to say so I say nothing at all. I gave up on trying to find unposted pics because I just don't have the time or knowledge (I have no clue how you bastards find such amazing pics!) to go to other forums/sites to find pictures to add. I do feel bad for not posting and will try and make an effort to contribute more.

The main reason, however, that I don't post more is that it is a pain in the ass to type with one hand....
Lvl 22
posting does not mean pics(although that's cool)posting,
is contributing input!(being a part of)if you get that [gut] feeling
that you have to say something,do!!!i do!otherwise i don't say anything!!

(btw, glad to meet ya)
Lvl 7
What better way to contribute to the site than helping to pay the bills... That's why I'm a sponsor. (Thumbs up and smiling)

The people on this site are hilarious. You do get the occasional noob that should be tarred and hung, but they eventually learn our ways.

In fact, let me take this opportunity to say thanks to most of you here.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by poppajack

I would imagine that a lot of people feel the same way I do. If you post something in the wrong place accidentally, or are not one of the cool "crowd" then you tend to get hammered by the forum gods.

Not just me, I mean I see it a lot where people get jeered for being new. Or you see threads get locked cause a mod deems it to be necessary. And you just don't want to expose yourself to the internet humiliation.

I agree the forum must have rules otherwise chaos ensues, but it does seem a little over the top to me. So I tend to be an onlooker more than I contribute on other forums.

I actually think this is pretty unfair to some of the regulars and mods. I'm new, certainly not one of the "cool crowd" I only post every now and then, but I have never been hamered by anyone. The spam thread is perfect example...pretty much anything goes, and there isn't much in the way of rules. I've never made any picture threads, but I think the rules are pretty clear, and if you are unsure, there are mods to help you. When I joined, I made an introduction thread (like requested) and within hours I recieved welcomes from 3 mods and all offered to help if I had any questions.

And not to sound like a bitch, but Internet humiliation?? Who cares?
Lvl 37
So what have we learnd so far?
Lvl 14
That i want to see sugarpie26 naked?
Lvl 27
Originally posted by Sails

So what have we learnd so far?

Pretty much that people don't like to type one handed

But, this thread has seen a bunch of people that don't typically post actually typing, one handed or not, and that some do want to contribute, yet are just unsure how, and I hope we have helped with suggestions
Originally posted by marcell1001

That i want to see sugarpie26 naked?

Me to
Lvl 8
Originally posted by The_Dragon_
This is my second screen name. The first was compromised - that is - my girlfriend knows what it is. She got a little when she found out about the site.

First Rule about fight club is that you don't talk about fight club..

Originally posted by sugarpie26
I actually think this is pretty unfair to some of the regulars and mods. I'm new, certainly not one of the "cool crowd" I only post every now and then, but I have never been hamered by anyone. The spam thread is perfect example...pretty much anything goes, and there isn't much in the way of rules. I've never made any picture threads, but I think the rules are pretty clear, and if you are unsure, there are mods to help you. When I joined, I made an introduction thread (like requested) and within hours I recieved welcomes from 3 mods and all offered to help if I had any questions.
And not to sound like a bitch, but Internet humiliation?? Who cares?

That's because you are FEMALE and you are BEAUTIFUL...
Besides, How can you criticize someone with a name like SugarPie ??

I draw fire because of my inflammatory posts.. I can take it from people, but I can also dish it out..
and I'm with you... WTF is internet humiliation ? I'd have to CARE... riiiight?

Originally posted by Xandar
[reply=marcell1001]That i want to see sugarpie26 naked?
Me to[/reply]Me Three
Lvl 6
Originally posted by cimmaron069

That's because you are FEMALE and you are BEAUTIFUL...
Besides, How can you criticize someone with a name like SugarPie ??

I draw fire because of my inflammatory posts.. I can take it from people, but I can also dish it out..
and I'm with you... WTF is internet humiliation?

...Me to
Me Three

I don't think me being female as anything to do with the mods being nice or not. As for it being a factor in the forums...maybe. However, with the exception of maybe a few members, I think all the criticizing that happens amongst members is all in good fun. None of it is actually serious.

And for the three requests...we all want things we can't have...better to accept it sooner than later
Lvl 8
Originally posted by sugarpie26
None of it is actually serious.
NAH.. I know that..
Originally posted by sugarpie26
And for the three requests...we all want things we can't have...better to accept it sooner than later
it's alright... I'd hate for the real thing to mess up my imagined noods of you :P (j/k)
Lvl 28
Originally posted by poppajack

This thread is already fairly long, and my post might be unnecessary. It's hard to take the time to read through the whole thing so I am only replying the first question posed.

I would imagine that a lot of people feel the same way I do. If you post something in the wrong place accidentally, or are not one of the cool "crowd" then you tend to get hammered by the forum gods.

Not just me, I mean I see it a lot where people get jeered for being new. Or you see threads get locked cause a mod deems it to be necessary. And you just don't want to expose yourself to the internet humiliation.

I agree the forum must have rules otherwise chaos ensues, but it does seem a little over the top to me. So I tend to be an onlooker more than I contribute on other forums.

It's awesome you posted, not unnecessary at all..the whole point of this thread is to have people who, like Demo said.. don't normally post, and I'm glad so many people are taking the time out.

I have a firm belief that if you read the rules, and the stickies in the forum, there is nothing you can do wrong. Most of our mods are really funny and friendly shouldn't worry about that kinda thing when posting, and even if someone does give you some shit..just let it go..

Originally posted by kpstoner

i reply, thank, and encourage posting when the spirit moves me. i have posted a few pics, here and there, and they don't seem to be "what boys want" as they don't draw many comments. and i can hardly compete with posts the "big boys" do. so i mostly just sit here and wank. oh, and keep hoping that someday i'll see fefe naughty gypsy nude.

and did i mention that you all are just a bunch of small minded perverted, nymphomaniac, attention whores longing for attention in any manner you can get it? but i still love it here!

If you wanna see NG nude, check her uploads in her profile..

I agree with you, I am a nymphomaniac, attention whore. But I'm also quite are a lot of our members...and not all pictures get lots of comments, in fact I've made entire 50 page threads with only a handful of comments..people appreciate it, but like you..some people are overly big on posting. It's cool that you did post here, man..thanks.

Originally posted by The_Dragon_

Usually, I am too busy browsing the gallery. I've been a member for about three years now. This is my second screen name. The first was compromised - that is - my girlfriend knows what it is. She got a little when she found out about the site.

I may be a low (ok, almost never) poster, but don't consider myself a leach. I've been a sponsor member for 2 1/2 years and uploaded a few hundred babes under my previous name - even contributed a few forum topics. It is a matter of pride (for me anyway), I have voted on nearly every picture I have ever seen in the gallery. I also contributed a few thousand tags - until I realized it was slowing me down.

Does that make an addict?

Sponsor members are not leaches..they support the site financially, which is a pivotal part of this site staying up, and tagging of pictures is much appreciated. It's nice to see you posting man, once you get bored with the pornoz (probably never) should post around the lounge more often. Thanks for posting.

Originally posted by SyPTo

other :

i'm pretty damn lazy and typing requires an effort... too much effort if you ask me.

Alrighty man, fair enough..thanks for taking the time out.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by outd00rs

Couple of different reasons for me:

The sound of the keyboard might alert my wife to the activity occurring on the computer - There might be hell to pay and she wouldn't believe that I was reading the forum for the articles (she'd be dumb if she did believe that)

I've been stuck looking at all the pictures for about 3 years now can't see myself stopping anytime soon.

I'll make an attempt to contribute more but tell everybody to stop putting new pics and videos up.. I get distracted pretty easily.

Honestly folks like me should contribute more often. Your thread title caught my eye and you guys should call lurkers like me out more often. I have a thick skin and can take the jabs if they're deserved. The website is a classic for my friends and I and it is truly appreciated.

Trying to avoid a beating from your girlfriend would be a pretty good reason not to post..

I'm glad you're one of many lower posters coming out to post, and I doubt if you started posting more often you would have to take any kinds of "jabs"..but the thick skin can come in handy...especially if you happen to be a fan of wearing scarfs. (kindof an inside joke, I get mocked a lot for posting a picture of myself in a scarf)..

Originally posted by Exiledhellfire

technically I shouldn't be answering * vanishes into the darkness*

Wait what?...Where the hell did that guy go?!

Originally posted by robweg

Valid question. I have been "lurking" for a few years now and this is the first thread that I've read beginning to end that didn't have pics of boobs...wait...I almost forgot about Betty White. I tend to think that I don't have anything "post-worthy" to say so I say nothing at all. I gave up on trying to find unposted pics because I just don't have the time or knowledge (I have no clue how you bastards find such amazing pics!) to go to other forums/sites to find pictures to add. I do feel bad for not posting and will try and make an effort to contribute more.

The main reason, however, that I don't post more is that it is a pain in the ass to type with one hand....

@ type with one hand..

Thanks for reading the whole thread man...It was worth if for the hot Betty White tittays. You don't always have to have a reason to can just pop into the SPAM thread and post whatever random thing you want..of if you ever have a problem or situation you would want advice on..go ahead and make a lounge thread, no hard will come from it. As long as it's not about penis size.. (it's been done to death)..

Thanks for taking the time out man, I appreciate it.

Originally posted by hatemetwice

What better way to contribute to the site than helping to pay the bills... That's why I'm a sponsor. (Thumbs up and smiling)

The people on this site are hilarious. You do get the occasional noob that should be tarred and hung, but they eventually learn our ways.

In fact, let me take this opportunity to say thanks to most of you here.

Sponsor members are awesome...they're keeping the lights on in this place..and we appreciate their fondness for the breasts..

Thanks for sponsoring, and thanks for posting man.

Originally posted by Sails

So what have we learnd so far?

Apparently not how to spell the word "learned"..

...Keep up the good work Sails..

Originally posted by sugarpie26


I actually think this is pretty unfair to some of the regulars and mods. I'm new, certainly not one of the "cool crowd" I only post every now and then, but I have never been hamered by anyone. The spam thread is perfect example...pretty much anything goes, and there isn't much in the way of rules. I've never made any picture threads, but I think the rules are pretty clear, and if you are unsure, there are mods to help you. When I joined, I made an introduction thread (like requested) and within hours I recieved welcomes from 3 mods and all offered to help if I had any questions.

And not to sound like a bitch, but Internet humiliation?? Who cares?

You're one of the newer, more interesting members..and I'm glad to see you've decided to stick around. I completely agree with you on the whole "internet humiliation" thing, people should care less about what a hand full of tools think of them. This site is awesome, and the people are funny and friendly...and sometimes they're actually helpful when it comes to real life problems..
Lvl 28
Oh also, any remaining avatars will be PM'd shortly. Don't think I'm ignoring you..
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