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Leachers, Noobs..Low Posters...Can I Ask You Something?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 13.3K
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Lvl 14
I'm pretty much a lurker on all the forums I post on *there are several.* I rarely feel that I have something poignant, witty or insightful to add... least not something post-worthy, so I just lurk and enjoy.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by mrdorkbutt

And dude, that Trolling email was the smartest thing I've ever read. That should get its own thread.

We should also have a thread about what a douche Patroller and HQ Poster are.

Patroller and HQ poster don't really need a thread talking about what douchebags they are, everyone already know they're douchebags. They're completely fucking ruining one of our forums with their bullshit..and nobody is doing anything about it..but it's not my forum, so officially I guess it's not my business.

Maybe I will make that a thread.. "how to spot a troll"


Originally posted by sumo999

i think there should be a forum where u can argue and upset people and say what u want ....but it is ur choice to go on it knowing what its like that way people who want a good argument can have one without upseting the admin....lets face it we all need to let of steam now and again

Well, we hope people refrained from openly bashing one another on the forum, and if they had to have words it would be in a "debate" style in the Panel like Xandar said if it fits the style of that forum, or in the SPAM thread..but mostly we would like you guys to work it out via PM.

Originally posted by WindyM

Honda, I luv almost all of your posts, Most of the time I think you are sweet and would give you a blowjob downtown. On the other hand there are rare times I think about giving you a Bobbitt job. Never-the-the less would you make me a fucking Crougar av. love you most of the time.

Like the sexy older woman...or the cat?...I'm guessing woman.

Yeah, that shouldn't be too big of a deal...I'll try to have it done soon.
Thank you for enjoying the majority of my posts..keep up the good work.

Originally posted by rockkokane

I'm just here for the amatuers. I say thanks sometimes and haven't posted anything ever.
Sorry, but I guess I'm just here for the naked girls.

Fair enough man, thanks for posting.

Originally posted by creepus

i wish i had more time, i've been absorbed completely by the family life

Yeah, your face.

That sucks creepus, get your ass in're a global mod for fucks sake.

Stop trying to impress us with the fact that your sperm works...ohhh creepus is so badass, he's making babies and shit. WHAT ABOUT US MAN?
Lvl 6
I just wasted valuable perving time to read that and post this. I will never get that back you know!!!!!

I do frequent and enjoy The Lounge however, there are some funny bastards on here.
Lvl 7
I have a few things to post and I will get around to it.

I became a sponsor to show support and occasionally throw up the odd comment.

I love the amateurs - what can I say. I'll start popping up in the Lounge more often.

Thanks Honda!
Lvl 18
I certainly can't speak for management, but if you are helping to financially float the bill, who gives a fuck if you are posting. You are more than contributing by helping to keep the lights on. Amen to all of the sponsor members. Feel free to sit anonymously in your masturbatoriums and go to town.

Its the fuckers that view the threads and soil their keyboards to all of the pictures of our wives and girlfriends, yet post nothing of their own who are the problem. If you don't have a joke to make a tit to post or a dollar to give...... what good are ya.

At least have the decency to click some google ads.
Lvl 18

i like that word can i use it?
Lvl 18
that depends, do you have one?

I think everyone should. Golf is played on on a golf course...bowling in a bowling alley. There is a time and most definitely a place for everything. I look forward today to retiring to my own masturbatorium to lay the 5 finger smack down.

You should look into one. As well you should consider investing in a sodomy room.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Joey-J

I just wasted valuable perving time to read that and post this. I will never get that back you know!!!!!

I do frequent and enjoy The Lounge however, there are some funny bastards on here.

He's gotta lil nOOb crush on me..

Everyone on here was a noob at one point.. It's the trial by fire that I enjoyed and jumped in with both feet blazing, erm both guns first, erm aww fuck it, you get the point.
Lvl 51
Leachers have always existed in forums where it is allowed access to them without being a registered member and they are the worst part of a forum, Noobs sometimes feel intimidated by certain members of the forum who believe or think they are wrong but it is not true because all we ever noobs and they have to particicpate more if they want to be part of this great family, and Low posters i only invite them to continue to participate in any of the forums because their participation is important in order to make this a great site... Stop being a leecher... Newbies you are always welcome... and Low posters feel free to posts in any forum of your like and try to participate more on them...

Lvl 22
I tried on several different occasions to upload tons of pics only to get them rejected and then a few months later they show up in the galleries under some other members name, as far as commenting on the forums, i don't see things in the same light as the majority of the world does and usually get a crap load of hate mail condemning me for my opinion so, i buy a membership when i have the $$$ and go on my merry way...
Lvl 10
Sexy older women who is really enjoying fucking younger guys
Lvl 16
Originally posted by WindyM

Sexy older women who is really enjoying fucking younger guys

Im single now and sexy,, come get some of this Windy...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by RumDum

Im single now and sexy,, come get some of this Windy...


Lvl 16
32 is younger than 47..
Lvl 11
This thread is already fairly long, and my post might be unnecessary. It's hard to take the time to read through the whole thing so I am only replying the first question posed.

I would imagine that a lot of people feel the same way I do. If you post something in the wrong place accidentally, or are not one of the cool "crowd" then you tend to get hammered by the forum gods.

Not just me, I mean I see it a lot where people get jeered for being new. Or you see threads get locked cause a mod deems it to be necessary. And you just don't want to expose yourself to the internet humiliation.

I agree the forum must have rules otherwise chaos ensues, but it does seem a little over the top to me. So I tend to be an onlooker more than I contribute on other forums.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by poppajack

This thread is already fairly long, and my post might be unnecessary. It's hard to take the time to read through the whole thing so I am only replying the first question posed.

I would imagine that a lot of people feel the same way I do. If you post something in the wrong place accidentally, or are not one of the cool "crowd" then you tend to get hammered by the forum gods.

Not just me, I mean I see it a lot where people get jeered for being new. Or you see threads get locked cause a mod deems it to be necessary. And you just don't want to expose yourself to the internet humiliation.

I agree the forum must have rules otherwise chaos ensues, but it does seem a little over the top to me. So I tend to be an onlooker more than I contribute on other forums.

That makes good sense. The good thing is we can pick on the mods to, its part of the fun for me. I see how some are treated like you said.. None of it is meant harmful from the mods or most of the "cool crowd". Maybe this thread will show that to alot of people and change some minds..
Lvl 27
Originally posted by RumDum

The good thing is we can pick on the mods to, its part of the fun for me.

Puts rummy on my "keep an eye on" list

@ poppajack - thanks for replying, we do tend to run a tight ship, and even the people with tons of posts get in trouble on occasion. If you want to start a thread and don't know where to put it, or want help with anything just PM a mod and we'll do our best to help out so as you don't get hammered by the forum gods

And don't worry about being humiliated, just look at Honda, he's always being humiliated, yet for some reason, he keeps coming back for more, I think he likes it
Lvl 7
i reply, thank, and encourage posting when the spirit moves me. i have posted a few pics, here and there, and they don't seem to be "what boys want" as they don't draw many comments. and i can hardly compete with posts the "big boys" do. so i mostly just sit here and wank. oh, and keep hoping that someday i'll see fefe naughty gypsy nude.

and did i mention that you all are just a bunch of small minded perverted, nymphomaniac, attention whores longing for attention in any manner you can get it? but i still love it here!
Lvl 27
Originally posted by kpstoner

and did i mention that you all are just a bunch of small minded perverted, nymphomaniac, attention whores longing for attention in any manner you can get it? but i still love it here!

Damn, another post referring to Honda, I just can't seem to attract any kind of attention

Lvl 20
Usually, I am too busy browsing the gallery. I've been a member for about three years now. This is my second screen name. The first was compromised - that is - my girlfriend knows what it is. She got a little when she found out about the site.

I may be a low (ok, almost never) poster, but don't consider myself a leach. I've been a sponsor member for 2 1/2 years and uploaded a few hundred babes under my previous name - even contributed a few forum topics. It is a matter of pride (for me anyway), I have voted on nearly every picture I have ever seen in the gallery. I also contributed a few thousand tags - until I realized it was slowing me down.

Does that make an addict?
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