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Leachers, Noobs..Low Posters...Can I Ask You Something?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 13.4K
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Lvl 28
Originally posted by wookinpanub

Great question and I reply as such:

I enjoy looking at half to fully naked girls as much as the next person. I actually recently just began posting pictures of someone I know, and given some time, I will elaborate on that thread. Really though, it is the news articles that capture my "posting potential". I find those articles either intriguing and funny, or extremely sensitive.

A compromise is at stake. I propose to post more than on more than one topic or thread, you understand that my allowable time on this site is greatly reduced per average per day.

I like the news articles myself, our news posting crew is a pretty funny bunch, and they tend to find interesting stuff from across the internets.. Nice to see you posting man, keep up the good work.

Originally posted by Bong87

I rarely post because my mind wanders easily, and I don't wanna start something I'll forget to be a part of.. :P If that makes sense.. That, and I'm kinda a n00b ^^

No, it makes sense..not wanting to start something you can't finish makes total sense.

Originally posted by HiwayPriznr

Who Gives A Fuck If We Post Or Not!!! I've Payd my Year Membership! Fuck You!!! I Dont Have To Post If I Dont Want To!! Sounds To Me You're Just A Fucked Up Cry Babby Still Atached To Your Mamma's Tittie!! Go Fuck Yourself You Dumb Stupid Mother Fucking Cock Sucker!! And Leave Everyone Here That Just Enjoys Looking And Watching These Hot Girls Alone!!!

You're that "other kind" of poster..not just because you "Totally Capitalize Every Word, Fuck Yeah"...but because you act like a semi-retarded teenager, even though your profile says you're 32. (so lulzy)...anyway, I "give a fuck"..whether or not people post, because I believe this to be a really good site, and I worry sometimes the atmosphere can be intimidating to some, and I would hate for that to keep good, intelligent people from posting on our boards. Yes, you did pay for your membership, and we appreciate that, but calling someone a "Dumb Stupid Mother Fucking Cock Sucker!!" pretty ironic, and remember..even though you're a sponsor, you're not above the rules...we've banned sponsors before, with no refunds..just keep that in mind in the future..lolz. As for leaving people alone, I'm not threatening to kill them if they don't post, I just don't see the harm in asking a question that I wanted the answer too. You can go back to your titties now, old chap.

Originally posted by pterrell

I post. And pwn. But I don't post porn. Thus my threads are short

I actually like you're recent threads in the lounge, some of the lounge threads tend to be short, becuase too few people feel like posting, or giving advice..that is part of what this thread is trying to change. Thanks for posting man, and I have been enjoying your threads...try not to get herpes.

(In relation to this thread: )

Originally posted by cimmaron069

all boards have LURKERS.....
especially boards that are "open to the public" and don't require registration to view the posts/threads..
it's just part of running a board..

Indeed chap, but sometimes those lurkers and leachers turn out to be pretty great's why I thought this thread might be interesting. Even you for example, at first it seemed like every post you made was a trolling you actually seem like a pretty decent dude, and I always check threads when I see you've posted. Sometimes just to see if you're arguing with Swiss again, because that was kinda funny..

Originally posted by faulty6six6

I post stuff. Well ok...I post naked girls and some vids. Occasionally I like to hit up the forum and see what is...ummmm...."crackin"?

It's good to support the site anyway you want, like I've said before...and posting porn really helps this place out, it's what 85% of the people are here for...keep up the good work.

Thanks for taking the time to post everyone.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by O0O0O0

wow thats a big post

Yeah, it's why I stopped there to split it into 2..

I just want people to know that I'm reading every post..and they're not being ignored. I appreciate all the posts and I want to do everything I can to make this place more open, and friendly to low posters. Thanks for posting

Also, your sigs get greylisted because you have under 100 posts, it's a way the site tries to combat spammers.
Lvl 8
whats trolling?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by O0O0O0

whats trolling?

The term derives from "trolling", a style of fishing which involves trailing bait through a likely spot hoping for a bite. As a verb, "to troll" is probably a corruption of "trawl." Troll is fine as a verb since trawling for comments and flames is innate troll behavior. A "Troll" is a mythical monster that lives under a bridge and surprises people who try and cross the bridge with some bizarre puzzle or challenge that they must complete before crossing. It has been suggested that people who lurk in groups and suddenly enter discussions with unwanted and provocative contributions inspire the same type of fear in law-abiding netizens. More rational people know that Trolls are, in fact, monsters who live under a bridge, probably in Utah, who flocked to the information superhighway after real superhighways were declared obsolete by Al Gore. Bad things happen when trolls meet IRL.

Novice trolls often experience troll's remorse. Such feelings tend to pass once they realize that people who take the Internets seriously enough to get upset by trolling really ought to get over themselves. Once they reach this point, they are said to suffer from Internet troll personality disorder. After long enough, they may even develop Chronic Troll Syndrome.

The kinds of troll:

* A person who brings life to a tired, dull internet message board by purposeful attempts to start flame wars or Internet drama by posting comments that are patently Fucktarded, yet still inflammatory enough to enrage the stupid, irrational and humorless. The moment someone points out that the troll in question was just gunning for a reaction usually results in a fire drill.

* A person that throws around the troll insult to: anyone who defeats them in an argument, anyone who points out facts the real troll doesn't want people to know, or someone the real troll picks at random to stick falsely with a troll label for sheer lulz. This second type of troll is 98.9999999% of all trolls now and is often called an Anti-troll.

* Tele-marketer, also known as phone troll, bred to destroy your dinner time for lulz. See Tele-marketers/Phone Trollers

* The terrible movie that had a sequal (see:Troll 2) that was so bad it was good.

Also, he trolled the world.
Also, he trolled the world.

Hater is YouTube for troll. Being a bunch of illiterate trailer trash, your average YouTube blogger is unaware that internets exist outside of YouTube. Quite possibly because most of those internets require better than a third grade reading level to successfully navigate.

Trolling YouTube is deceptively simple. Just wait for some schmuck to post a video whining and crying over something nobody cares about (9/11) and post a response video calling them a drama whore. YouTubers are still naively sheltered from the realities of the internet making their reactions even more lulzy. It's kind of cute.

A video game species of troll. Griefers are unable to resort to the time-honoured techniques of text-driven drama and, as such, have concentrated on ruining the game experience for others. This takes many forms, from breaching the fourth wall on roleplaying servers, to filling in-game chat windows with commentary about monkey fucking.

Then, of course, are the spawn campers, the lag-fags, and lets not forget the cheaters and the glitchers.

Griefers can often be ingenious in finding ways to annoy people, but more often than not they're just fuckwits.

Smart Troll
Smart trolls go to troll school to hone their skills
Smart trolls go to troll school to hone their skills

Smart Troll is a very rare species of Troll, The result of breeding a Griefer with a Geek/Nerd, They will often join some website, almost always a video game forum and will pretend to be a normal member for awhile, They may even help out a bit for awhile but they will then make an alt with some retarded name, like "ZELDAH4XL33T", "Jesus", "GIMMETEHMONEY", "Ajjeko", or "TheTeej" and will make a fake website that "cannot be found by google" and that is total bullshit off the bat there, They will cause chaos like a normal troll on the normal members of teh site but will be moar clever with the admins, if they succeed the website will close down and die, if they fail they will be hit by the banhammerorz and the forums will be replaced instead of brought back up due to teh admins being smart-asses, they are very rare but very deadly, they often name themselves after a movie nobody gives a shit about. (Like Pokemon2000, 007, Spiderman or even Bloodmoon.) Most of the time a Smart Troll is a basement dweller or a Internet Tough Guy but they seem to fit right in with the title of Internet asshole.

(nobody is going to read that)..
Lvl 8
i think im gonna change my name to weekend at bernies 3
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Honda_X
Indeed chap, but sometimes those lurkers and leachers turn out to be pretty great's why I thought this thread might be interesting. Even you for example, at first it seemed like every post you made was a trolling you actually seem like a pretty decent dude, and I always check threads when I see you've posted. Sometimes just to see if you're arguing with Swiss again, because that was kinda funny..

eh, I'll admit to trying to stir the pot sometimes.. trollin, er whatever y'all call it..

and swiss was bein a ass...
Lvl 16
Busy wanking
I did my time making threads and contributing, i still do but not as much now.

So I guess that would make me none of the above

Lvl 18
Originally posted by Honda_X

Exactly, really get into it..and whenever you do post, it's usually pretty funny're a quality member.

I...I have approval. I'm almost in tears right now. It would have meant more if it had come from Fefe, but at least it didn't come from that fucker Lindros.

Originally posted by Honda_X

Don't...some people choose to support the site through it girls or laughs..

No, I do feel guilt cause I have a good job and a few bucks laying around. I'm just a cheap bastard with a lot of expensive hobbies. Golf balls ain't free, bitchez. Neither are ball gags, gimp masks and riding crops.

But I swear its on my list. So is banging Betty White
Lvl 18
And dude, that Trolling email was the smartest thing I've ever read. That should get its own thread.

We should also have a thread about what a douche Patroller and HQ Poster are.
i think there should be a forum where u can argue and upset people and say what u want ....but it is ur choice to go on it knowing what its like that way people who want a good argument can have one without upseting the admin....lets face it we all need to let of steam now and again
Originally posted by sumo999

i think there should be a forum where u can argue and upset people and say what u want ....but it is ur choice to go on it knowing what its like that way people who want a good argument can have one without upseting the admin....lets face it we all need to let of steam now and again

Lvl 8
Lvl 10
Honda, I luv almost all of your posts, Most of the time I think you are sweet and would give you a blowjob downtown. On the other hand there are rare times I think about giving you a Bobbitt job. Never-the-the less would you make me a fucking Crougar av. love you most of the time.
Lvl 59
lol @ Bobbit job.

Originally posted by EricLindros

lol @ Bobbit job.


Lvl 8
I'm just here for the amatuers. I say thanks sometimes and haven't posted anything ever.
Sorry, but I guess I'm just here for the naked girls.
Lvl 8
I'm just here for the amatuers. I say thanks sometimes and haven't posted anything ever.
Sorry, but I guess I'm just here for the naked girls...Its like you go to a party, and what are you going for?
Naked girl(s) probably, sure, to see your frineds and to drink and talk, but mostly for a naked girl, so this place,
I see it as a party and I just go for what I want which is: naked girls. The other stuff like drinking and talking about mostly useless stuff, I do that with with friends in real life.
I know alot of people do alot of work to make this party happen and you guys kick ass and I thank you for it.
Great party!! in other words
Hope that helps explain one lurkers motivation
Lvl 8
freddy kreuger? or Cougar(older woman who snacks on younger men) ?
i wish i had more time, i've been absorbed completely by the family life
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