Originally posted by wookinpanub
Great question and I reply as such:
I enjoy looking at half to fully naked girls as much as the next person. I actually recently just began posting pictures of someone I know, and given some time, I will elaborate on that thread. Really though, it is the news articles that capture my "posting potential". I find those articles either intriguing and funny, or extremely sensitive.
A compromise is at stake. I propose to post more than on more than one topic or thread, you understand that my allowable time on this site is greatly reduced per average per day.
I like the news articles myself, our news posting crew is a pretty funny bunch, and they tend to find interesting stuff from across the internets.. Nice to see you posting man, keep up the good work.
Originally posted by Bong87
I rarely post because my mind wanders easily, and I don't wanna start something I'll forget to be a part of.. :P If that makes sense.. That, and I'm kinda a n00b ^^
No, it makes sense..not wanting to start something you can't finish makes total sense.
Originally posted by HiwayPriznr
Who Gives A Fuck If We Post Or Not!!! I've Payd my Year Membership! Fuck You!!! I Dont Have To Post If I Dont Want To!! Sounds To Me You're Just A Fucked Up Cry Babby Still Atached To Your Mamma's Tittie!! Go Fuck Yourself You Dumb Stupid Mother Fucking Cock Sucker!! And Leave Everyone Here That Just Enjoys Looking And Watching These Hot Girls Alone!!!
You're that "other kind" of poster..not just because you "Totally Capitalize Every Word, Fuck Yeah"...but because you act like a semi-retarded teenager, even though your profile says you're 32. (so lulzy)...anyway, I "give a fuck"..whether or not people post, because I believe this to be a really good site, and I worry sometimes the atmosphere can be intimidating to some, and I would hate for that to keep good, intelligent people from posting on our boards. Yes, you did pay for your membership, and we appreciate that, but calling someone a "Dumb Stupid Mother Fucking Cock Sucker!!"..is pretty ironic, and remember..even though you're a sponsor, you're not above the rules...we've banned sponsors before, with no refunds..just keep that in mind in the future..lolz. As for leaving people alone, I'm not threatening to kill them if they don't post, I just don't see the harm in asking a question that I wanted the answer too. You can go back to your titties now, old chap.
Originally posted by pterrell
I post. And pwn. But I don't post porn. Thus my threads are short
I actually like you're recent threads in the lounge, some of the lounge threads tend to be short, becuase too few people feel like posting, or giving advice..that is part of what this thread is trying to change. Thanks for posting man, and I have been enjoying your threads...try not to get herpes.
(In relation to this thread: http://whatboyswant.com/forum_read/4328008/1/10 )
Originally posted by cimmaron069
all boards have LURKERS.....
especially boards that are "open to the public" and don't require registration to view the posts/threads..
it's just part of running a board..
Indeed chap, but sometimes those lurkers and leachers turn out to be pretty great members..it's why I thought this thread might be interesting. Even you for example, at first it seemed like every post you made was a trolling attempt..now you actually seem like a pretty decent dude, and I always check threads when I see you've posted. Sometimes just to see if you're arguing with Swiss again, because that was kinda funny..
Originally posted by faulty6six6
I post stuff. Well ok...I post naked girls and some vids. Occasionally I like to hit up the forum and see what is...ummmm...."crackin"?
It's good to support the site anyway you want, like I've said before...and posting porn really helps this place out, it's what 85% of the people are here for...keep up the good work.
Thanks for taking the time to post everyone.