Originally posted by ducati_freak
ok honda i'll start a thread of my wife, i'm wicked proud of her dude
Sweet man, I'll be sure to give it a look....thanks for changing your mind.
Originally posted by ducati_freak
ok honda i'll start a thread of my wife, i'm wicked proud of her dude
Originally posted by mrdorkbutt
...I was busy lurking in my sodomy room.
Originally posted by Honda_X
Originally posted by dragonsnyper
lol. bet there is a chair with a dildo sticking up on it that he sits on....just a guess on my part tho....
Originally posted by dragonsnyper
lol. bet there is a chair with a dildo sticking up on it that he sits on....just a guess on my part tho....
with a dildo on itQuote:
Originally posted by EricLindros
If it's a quality sodomy room there should be a portion of the room set aside for keeping yourself in shape.
With a stationary bike, perhaps.
[ Image ]
Originally posted by dragonsnyper
i try lol. so like i said earlier whats this about getting a avatar made?
Originally posted by broksonic
Well... heres my reply to your question Honda_X....
I have been here for almost 3yrs..18 posts and 4 movie uploads...
I make an attempt..
BUT being im out in BFE with only a 56k connect speed (which usually only gets about a 48k) its kinda hard to upload much.. and that also goes hand in hand.. hard to download anything fresh.
what dl's i do get i might as well as start the dl and go to bed....
IF i can ever get a higher speed connect.. my uploads will increase...
As far as posts goes.. most the time i get time to read posts, most topics are fairly well covered... the ones that dont i feel dont really need a reply as they are pretty weird to start with...
Anyway, my 2 cents
Originally posted by cimmaron069
First Rule about fight club is that you don't talk about fight club..
Originally posted by Honda_X
Sponsor members are not leaches..they support the site financially, which is a pivotal part of this site staying up, and tagging of pictures is much appreciated. It's nice to see you posting man, once you get bored with the pornoz (probably never)..you should post around the lounge more often. Thanks for posting.
Originally posted by sugarpie26
@ Honda - glad to see that I'm interesting, although I'm not quite sure how?
Originally posted by sugarpie26
@ EL - ok, seeing as how you brought it down to this level; I actually have been "hamered" before. It's just not my thing anymore
Originally posted by sugarpie26
- And yeah, my name might be a little overly cutesy, but Ive been using in for years, and seeing as how you love double entendres......well, you're a pretty smart guy
Originally posted by EricLindros
As for the double entendre, I don't get it. All pies have sugar in them. That's what makes makes them so delicious. Especially with some ice cream and.........oh. Nevermind.