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Leachers, Noobs..Low Posters...Can I Ask You Something?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 13.3K
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Lvl 28
We will never see Sporex again..

Boobs are awesome, in's nice to go for a walk through the general forum..not the car forum though, only losers hang out there.

I'm kidding, FatherTime is a really nice are some of the other people who post around the car forum. Thanks for posting though man, I appreciate it.
Lvl 8
What detracts me from replying to threads is the fact that the conversation under every topic is pretty much the same. I also find the majority of it odd and really have no interest in talking about that sort of shit with other people i do or don't know anyway. I see posters bash other people who hardly post around around here and to them i say fuck you, why does it affect you so much? let people be as social as they want to be. They are still visiting this website and clicking it's advertisements frequently.
somtimes when i post a comment it gets removed .... if i'm bored i try to wind people up or get a reaction.... i go back to look at the replys and my comments are gone .... people should be more layed back and more people would take part
Lvl 59
Originally posted by y2kevo8989

What detracts me from replying to threads is the fact that the conversation under every topic is pretty much the same. I also find the majority of it odd and really have no interest in talking about that sort of shit with other people i do or don't know anyway. I see posters bash other people who hardly post around around here and to them i say fuck you, why does it affect you so much? let people be as social as they want to be. They are still visiting this website and clicking it's advertisements frequently.

You could always start a thread and talk about what you would like to talk about if you don't like the current conversation. I'm sure a site with ~700,000 members has at least some people who would find what you have to say interesting.

Bashing others, while technically against the rules here, is basically just an internet phenomena that is just kind of the nature of the beast. I really don't like it when people are belittled only because they don't have a lot of posts or something, because everyone started at zero at some point. However, others don't see it that way.

It shouldn't be taken toooo seriously, although sometimes it is.

Anyway, if you don't want to post, that's cool too, just interesting to know.
Lvl 28
Exactly, it's really nice to know why more people don't get out there in the open, and speak up in threads. It's a shame some of our...mediocre members find it necessary to attack people based on their post counts, the internet-tough-guy thing seems quite rampant in this forum as well as WTG, and honestly I think for the most part it's rude, and useless. Scaring away people that could be good or even great posters for no reason is just childish..but on the other hand, people shouldn't really care all that much what some asshole with a high post count thinks of them, especially if it's negative for no reason. I just think it would be awesome to have new people around.

Thanks for posting's nice to see people contributing.

@Sumo999: More people would probably clue in that you were just having a laugh if they knew you a bit better.
Lvl 22
i don't know how to do the(QUOTE)thing yet,but
honda+lindros are right just give a non (stoopid)reply
and we are all welcome here!!BTW,i've not been here as
long as,y2kevo or you,sumo,just read the whole thread before
and if it seems repetitious,o'well,it's what(YOU WANTED)to say anyway!!!!
Lvl 6
Originally posted by EricLindros


NO! It's easy to tell I'm a dick and I'm not a pretty nice guy! DAMN YOU!

Well, you got the pretty part right, but I think they call that "handsome" or something.

Also, this is a pretty cool thread.

If people are intimidated by some of the older members with lots of posts, you really shouldn't be. It's very likely that the person with 100,000 posts or whatever is just as dumb as the rest of us, and isn't necessarily a better poster just because they come on the site every day and post in the 15 "game" threads to up their post count. Always remember, internet people aren't real people, so there's nothing to be worried about!

Not trying to destroy your reputation Eric, but you have been really nice to me. For that matter, Honda, Bangles, Latino, NG all have been. Not trying to make it sound like a love feast, but you all were among the first to welcome me here. I try to post as much as I feel fit, but there is a certain amount of intimidation. Kinda like being someones date at a wedding, where everyone knows everyone else, and you know no one.
Lvl 19
I'd like to post more but most of the threads here move quite fast, and I'm not on very often. So if I make a post, then come back to check later and there's already 4 or 5 new pages I'm pretty much just gunna leave it. I don't have the longest attention span in the world so I can't really read through long threads... or posts for that matter. Case in point I didn't even read your entire first post or any of the pages in between. While I would like to post more, because this community rocks, I just don't have the time.
As for pics, well this is my sole source of pictures and since re-posts are frowned upon... well you see where I'm going.
Lvl 12
i think ive been on here for more than 2 yrs .. n ive got only 150 posts! i rock!
Lvl 59
Originally posted by sugarpie26

Not trying to destroy your reputation Eric, but you have been really nice to me. For that matter, Honda, Bangles, Latino, NG all have been. Not trying to make it sound like a love feast, but you all were among the first to welcome me here.

Yeah, but you're a hot lesbian chick. That's different. I'm allowed to be nice to them. If you had testicles you'd be making your own avatar, pal. Well, not really, but I can be nice to chicks that are easy on the eyes without destroying my rep.

Originally posted by sp26
I try to post as much as I feel fit, but there is a certain amount of intimidation. Kinda like being someones date at a wedding, where everyone knows everyone else, and you know no one.

Do what I do, take advantage of the open bar and enjoy the food.

Actually, the worst is when your date is actually in the wedding. That shit's terrible. You sit at like the last table because the only person you know there is up on the "wedding party" table, so you get your food last, and are sitting with the pederasts and strange uncle Charlie who hasn't bathed in like 12 years, meanwhile your 'date' is matched up with some random dude from the groom's side of the wedding party....

Ok, nevermind, I'll stop being bitter. That's why they have open bars, to make it possible for me to put up with that shit.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by CatBack

I'd like to post more but most of the threads here move quite fast, and I'm not on very often. So if I make a post, then come back to check later and there's already 4 or 5 new pages I'm pretty much just gunna leave it. I don't have the longest attention span in the world so I can't really read through long threads... or posts for that matter. Case in point I didn't even read your entire first post or any of the pages in between. While I would like to post more, because this community rocks, I just don't have the time.
As for pics, well this is my sole source of pictures and since re-posts are frowned upon... well you see where I'm going.

Commenting on pics works, too. Any way you choose to get involved is good. Everyone has their own preferences. We're a diverse community. Enjoy the site however you see fit and make yourself known. Most of us don't bite, and FeFe makes sure all of us spammers get our shots, just in case. Watch out for Tequila, though. We think he's gone rabid.
Lvl 18
quite the interesting thread good job old chap
Lvl 16
I try and post as often as I can but those posts go largely unnoticed, or in one instance I got flamed and called a liar. I'm a graphic artist so I try and help people in that forum when someone has a question but that's not too often. Most of the time I feel like I'm talking to myself, commenting for the sake of commenting. I know throughout the whole site there is one constant and that's the mods and demigods, and you guys seem to have your own little groups going on, which is fine you guys have been here forever it's only natural. However for us noobs it's a one sided conversation most of the time.
I have been grounded and Dad would not let me on the AOL account.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by sookyjumps

I know throughout the whole site there is one constant and that's the mods and demigods, and you guys seem to have your own little groups going on, which is fine you guys have been here forever it's only natural.

Yeah, but you'd be surprised at how many of us don't like each other.

As far as the words falling on deaf ears, it's true, and you just have to kind of A-type personality push your way through that.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by EricLindros


Yeah, but you'd be surprised at how many of us don't like each other.

As far as the words falling on deaf ears, it's true, and you just have to kind of A-type personality push your way through that.

Alright then I'm going Alpha dog here and I'm gonna hump all your legs till you like me.....bitches.
sorry....ill try and contribute more to the forum in the form of lulz and chatter
Lvl 59
That's the spirit!

Hump FefeHumHum's leg first. She's into that sort of thing, I hear.

Originally posted by Latino

sorry....ill try and contribute more to the forum in the form of lulz and chatter

wait, who are you again?!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

Do what I do, take advantage of the open bar and enjoy the food.

Actually, the worst is when your date is actually in the wedding. That shit's terrible. You sit at like the last table because the only person you know there is up on the "wedding party" table, so you get your food last, and are sitting with the pederasts and strange uncle Charlie who hasn't bathed in like 12 years, meanwhile your 'date' is matched up with some random dude from the groom's side of the wedding party....

Ok, nevermind, I'll stop being bitter. That's why they have open bars, to make it possible for me to put up with that shit.

They only stuck you with uncle Charile because they wanted to give him something to look at..

Originally posted by EricLindros

wait, who are you again?!

Dude, shuddddup..I think he's important.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by ev1l0ne

I have been grounded and Dad would not let me on the AOL account.


Originally posted by EricLindros


Yeah, but you'd be surprised at how many of us don't like each other.

As far as the words falling on deaf ears, it's true, and you just have to kind of A-type personality push your way through that.

Exactly, if what you're saying is relevant..interesting or funny..people will listen and acknowledge it..

Or they're just dicks..fuck them.

Originally posted by sookyjumps

I try and post as often as I can but those posts go largely unnoticed, or in one instance I got flamed and called a liar.

You kinda have to ignore the majority of the flamers...they've got nothing interesting to add anyway.

Originally posted by sookyjumps

However for us noobs it's a one sided conversation most of the time.

Sorry about that old chap...I blame the media.
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