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Leachers, Noobs..Low Posters...Can I Ask You Something?

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 13.3K
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Lvl 21
Originally posted by mrdorkbutt

I want to know what is wrong with jerking off to the golden girls? I'd tear that Betty White up if you gave me the chance.

Just for you mrdorkbutt
Lvl 20
Thanks for the love, Honda!
Lvl 12
Valid question. Being the type of person I am, I have to answer your question with one of my own. Why is it that you care what percentage of people who frequent this site actually post in the conversation part of the forums? People visit sites for their own personal reasons. Some people like to have a place online where they can make friends and have collective banter. Others like the same exact site for a totally different reason alltogether. To understand why my post count here is as low as it is, I will give you this example. I (like everyone else in the free world) have a myspace account. Its my internet social networking site. But I do not use myspace to meet new people, or to network at all. EVERYONE on my friends list is a person that I know personally. I do not have any famous people, models, politicians, or just random hot girls on my friends list. I use the site to keep in contact with people that I already know. Not to meet new people.

I guess where I'm going with this is that everyone uses the internet for different things. A lot of people like the internet because its a place to be someone completely different than they really are. I am not that person. I like who I am.... Fuck that, lets be honest..... I love me some me. So when I am online, I am the same person I am when I am not online. That being said, I do not need to make new friends - I have plenty. I do not need to meet women - I can do that in the real world. I do not need anyones approval online - and I don't in the real world either.

I didn't respond to this post to ruffle anyones feathers. The reason I answered is because like I mentioned earlier - you had a valid question. But I think I had a pretty valid question as well. I will check back soon, I really do want to hear the answer.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by jaycjayz

Fuck that, lets be honest..... I love me some me.

Well, ok... um, I guess when you jerk off you just look in the mirror in the bathroom
Lvl 25
I try not to post because I get accused of stealing threads from other sites.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Strichnine


Well, ok... um, I guess when you jerk off you just look in the mirror in the bathroom

You don't follow sports do you? That was a T.O. quote. Just my lame sense of humor coming out there.
Lvl 27
excouse me... i'm a leech too!
Lvl 13
Not going to lie... Usually I come on to WBW to rub one out with such aggression that 2nd degree friction burns appear, then I go to bed. I do read the posts sometimes, and I will share with you all why I do not jump in...

I hope I'm not hurting anyones feelings when I say this, however, most of what I see on this site in terms of postings are either: unfunny, unoriginal, unintelligent (see: slightly retarded), without point, or so grammatically incorrect I feel bad for the poster. Not all posts are bad, but 99% of them are. I'm not saying I'm perfect, or that I am better than any of you, I just choose non-involvement instead.

With that being said... I will once again withdraw to the shadows of my porn movies. I will however, make an honest effort to respond to the posts that I do not find revolting. Albeit with one hand on my johnson.

That is all...
Lvl 6
Originally posted by jaycjayz

Valid question. Being the type of person I am, I have to answer your question with one of my own. Why is it that you care what percentage of people who frequent this site actually post in the conversation part of the forums? People visit sites for their own personal reasons. Some people like to have a place online where they can make friends and have collective banter. Others like the same exact site for a totally different reason alltogether. To understand why my post count here is as low as it is, I will give you this example. I (like everyone else in the free world) have a myspace account. Its my internet social networking site. But I do not use myspace to meet new people, or to network at all. EVERYONE on my friends list is a person that I know personally. I do not have any famous people, models, politicians, or just random hot girls on my friends list. I use the site to keep in contact with people that I already know. Not to meet new people.

I guess where I'm going with this is that everyone uses the internet for different things. A lot of people like the internet because its a place to be someone completely different than they really are. I am not that person. I like who I am.... Fuck that, lets be honest..... I love me some me. So when I am online, I am the same person I am when I am not online. That being said, I do not need to make new friends - I have plenty. I do not need to meet women - I can do that in the real world. I do not need anyones approval online - and I don't in the real world either.

I didn't respond to this post to ruffle anyones feathers. The reason I answered is because like I mentioned earlier - you had a valid question. But I think I had a pretty valid question as well. I will check back soon, I really do want to hear the answer.

I second that (beer)
Lvl 7
Originally posted by jaycjayz

Valid question. Being the type of person I am, I have to answer your question with one of my own. Why is it that you care what percentage of people who frequent this site actually post in the conversation part of the forums? People visit sites for their own personal reasons. Some people like to have a place online where they can make friends and have collective banter. Others like the same exact site for a totally different reason alltogether. To understand why my post count here is as low as it is, I will give you this example. I (like everyone else in the free world) have a myspace account. Its my internet social networking site. But I do not use myspace to meet new people, or to network at all. EVERYONE on my friends list is a person that I know personally. I do not have any famous people, models, politicians, or just random hot girls on my friends list. I use the site to keep in contact with people that I already know. Not to meet new people.

I guess where I'm going with this is that everyone uses the internet for different things. A lot of people like the internet because its a place to be someone completely different than they really are. I am not that person. I like who I am.... Fuck that, lets be honest..... I love me some me. So when I am online, I am the same person I am when I am not online. That being said, I do not need to make new friends - I have plenty. I do not need to meet women - I can do that in the real world. I do not need anyones approval online - and I don't in the real world either.

I didn't respond to this post to ruffle anyones feathers. The reason I answered is because like I mentioned earlier - you had a valid question. But I think I had a pretty valid question as well. I will check back soon, I really do want to hear the answer.

Exactly how I feel. On the few times I've posted in a thread, they generally get ignored and I don't follow the thread to even bother replying.
Lvl 14
I come here and i do reply to a lot of topics and i try to participate although i do not upload images. I dont know if this qualifies me as a leach but i dont really surf other sites except for 1 regularly. Wbw pretty much has what i require, so my question to the powers that be -

Am i regarded as a leach? I know im still a noob as i only have around 200 posts.

Feedback would be appreciated.
Lvl 8
Cuz i get into fights when i post on forums. So i tend to stay away from them. Even when i know im right people try to tell me im wrong. And you can't kick people on forums and tell them no they are wrong. So even if i do post i never really go back to the threads to reply again. Ohh plus i don't have an awesome avy like most people who post.
Lvl 13
Great question and I reply as such:

I enjoy looking at half to fully naked girls as much as the next person. I actually recently just began posting pictures of someone I know, and given some time, I will elaborate on that thread. Really though, it is the news articles that capture my "posting potential". I find those articles either intriguing and funny, or extremely sensitive.

A compromise is at stake. I propose to post more than on more than one topic or thread, you understand that my allowable time on this site is greatly reduced per average per day.
Lvl 11
I rarely post because my mind wanders easily, and I don't wanna start something I'll forget to be a part of.. :P If that makes sense.. That, and I'm kinda a n00b ^^
Lvl 16
Who Gives A Fuck If We Post Or Not!!! I've Payd my Year Membership! Fuck You!!! I Dont Have To Post If I Dont Want To!! Sounds To Me You're Just A Fucked Up Cry Babby Still Atached To Your Mamma's Tittie!! Go Fuck Yourself You Dumb Stupid Mother Fucking Cock Sucker!! And Leave Everyone Here That Just Enjoys Looking And Watching These Hot Girls Alone!!!
I post. And pwn. But I don't post porn. Thus my threads are short
Lvl 8
all boards have LURKERS.....

especially boards that are "open to the public" and don't require registration to view the posts/threads..

it's just part of running a board..
Lvl 29
I post stuff. Well ok...I post naked girls and some vids. Occasionally I like to hit up the forum and see what is...ummmm...."crackin"?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Mr.Poop

quite the interesting thread good job old chap

Thank you, good sir.

Originally posted by Tarquin

Thanks for the love, Honda!

No problem..

Originally posted by jaycjayz

Valid question. Being the type of person I am, I have to answer your question with one of my own. Why is it that you care what percentage of people who frequent this site actually post in the conversation part of the forums?

I care because on a forum like this, the community plays a large part of the goodtimes, and I genuinely like having new people around, causing new conversation..with different takes on situations, and being a moderator her I would like the community to be as strong as possible, that's why..

As far as the rest of what you said, I totally get that man..some people don't come around here looking for fun or anything, the come around looking for porn..and we have a lot of it so that is completely understandable, I appreciate you posting man, thanks for taking the time out.

Also: This "Fuck that, lets be honest..... I love me some me." was a pretty hilarious line.

Originally posted by JonS511

Not going to lie... Usually I come on to WBW to rub one out with such aggression that 2nd degree friction burns appear, then I go to bed. I do read the posts sometimes, and I will share with you all why I do not jump in...

I hope I'm not hurting anyones feelings when I say this, however, most of what I see on this site in terms of postings are either: unfunny, unoriginal, unintelligent (see: slightly retarded), without point, or so grammatically incorrect I feel bad for the poster. Not all posts are bad, but 99% of them are. I'm not saying I'm perfect, or that I am better than any of you, I just choose non-involvement instead.

With that being said... I will once again withdraw to the shadows of my porn movies. I will however, make an honest effort to respond to the posts that I do not find revolting. Albeit with one hand on my johnson.

That is all...

I agree with you a little honestly, I wouldn't go so far as to say that 99% of the posts are unoriginal or retarded, but I cannot ignore the fact that some of our members are a little *plays banjo solo from "Deliverance"*....and that is a valid reason to stay out of the conversation, having no interest to converse or not seeing anything all that interesting makes perfect sense man, hopefully eventually something interesting does catch your eye, you seem like a pretty funny and intelligent dude. Thank you taking the time to post, and for supporting the site by being a sponsor as well.

Originally posted by 78special


I second that (beer)

Fuck yeah..

Thanks for posting man...and supporting the site with a sponsorship

Originally posted by The_Doctor_


Exactly how I feel. On the few times I've posted in a thread, they generally get ignored and I don't follow the thread to even bother replying.

I've actually been noticing you posting as of late, some of your stuff is a little whacky, but you seem like a pretty funny/nice dude..much better than our other resident "doctor"...Robodick, he's just an asshole.

But yeah, just because a post doesn't get directly quoted, doesn't mean people aren't noticing you man.

Originally posted by marcell1001

I come here and i do reply to a lot of topics and i try to participate although i do not upload images. I dont know if this qualifies me as a leach but i dont really surf other sites except for 1 regularly. Wbw pretty much has what i require, so my question to the powers that be -

Am i regarded as a leach? I know im still a noob as i only have around 200 posts.

Feedback would be appreciated.

The whole "Leacher, noob..etc" shit is all pretty relative..a lot of people don't even bother to check a guys votes, uploads and stuff before auto-branding him a leach because his post count is under 3432424...I think that's silly, I like coming here to have some goodtimes, with some nice, funny people. Some people come here to look at teh pornos and that's completely fine too...just because your post count isn't super high, doesn't mean your opinions aren't still valid and appreciated around the forum, some people would lead you to believe that nobody gives a fuck about noobs. While it is true you're slightly more likely to be ignored, people like me "who read all the posts" enjoy seeing other peoples reactions and insights into a makes the site better as a whole and can make advice a lot better when more people chime in.

Also, anyone in this thread looking for an avatar...don't hesitate to PM me, I'll make one up for you..just tell me what you want.

Originally posted by tricky8035

Cuz i get into fights when i post on forums. So i tend to stay away from them. Even when i know im right people try to tell me im wrong. And you can't kick people on forums and tell them no they are wrong. So even if i do post i never really go back to the threads to reply again. Ohh plus i don't have an awesome avy like most people who post.

The avy thing sounds like sarasm....but if you PM me what you want, I'll whip you up an avatar.

That is a good reason too, some people hate forums for that reason, difference of's hard when two people think they're right...and sometimes that leads to arguments, so I understand. Thanks for posting though man..
Lvl 8
wow thats a big post
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