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Jenna Jameson fucks her cousin. SPAM

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 10 years ago Views: 41.2K
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I don't even like cats.
Lvl 19
You terrible person !. Our friendship is on hold.
Lvl 59
No, she's right, cats are jerks.
Lvl 19
Have cat, would like a dog as well.

Haters gonna hate.......
Lvl 59
I have both, so I am in a better position to judge, I think. Probs best to just trust my assessment.
Lvl 19
Most pets reflect the issues of their owners. Yes, I am a student of Cesar Milan.
Lvl 25
Sounds like a rustic, but delicious dressing for salad.
The Cat Whisperer.
Lvl 24
I like cats.
Lvl 28

ya see..I'm part of it!!!
jenngurl23 finds this awesome.
You suck.

However you did make a thread....but seeing as it lacks any mention of shoes, scarves, or science experiments involving your still suck.
Lvl 19
Pussies + cats. How can you lose ?

( @ Kanzen....Cesar Milan.... )
The Jenna Jameson school of web camming.

Lvl 25
Swallowing? She's doing it wrong.
Lvl 27
There is a bird named a Swallow.

Very interesting
Lvl 19
Welcome back Demo.
Lvl 59
I don't believe them.

(Those "cousins"

If you're in bed with someone you're calling your "cousin" I'm going to go ahead and not believe it until you show me some DNA tests or family christmas photos or something.
Originally posted by Kanzen
Swallowing? She's doing it wrong.

I think that was earlier...or she meant swallowing - WITH HER VAGINA!
Lvl 11
So. Random point of interest. I can't view any pages on wbw that have YouTube links on them. When I scroll to them it first boots me to the top and logs me out, and second time I scroll down to one it crashes entirely. Kind of lame.
Can someone please explain to me why people try to add me as a friend when they've never talked to me before? We've never exchanged PM's, never exchanged banter in the forum...nothing! Like what do you think is gonna happen....are we gonna get married and have babies?
jenngurl23 finds this awesome.
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