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Jenna Jameson fucks her cousin. SPAM

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 10 years ago Views: 41.2K
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Lvl 25
Now you have.

omuh, jenngurl23 find this awesome.
Lvl 19
Party is starting. Wish all of you were here !

Kill the Batman

Lvl 25
Did she ever tell you how she got those scars?
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Topsail
... Imposing credentials, please excuse my lack of how to quote a post. That said you show very little respect or consideration for those new to the situ. It could be said, although incorrectly quoted, there exists the possibility you have an enormously inflated view of your own self worth. Hopefully I shall be proven wrong in this assessment.

HONESTLY, my credentials are not at all imposing, as "authority" on a website is about as useful in real life as a fart on a windy day. I was merely explaining to you who I am, as you seemed curious. I was terse with you as your initial interactions here seemed less than polite. I surmised this is a result of you being upset that other people didn't treat your "slit" thread with the deference you feel it deserved. I show respect to others who also show respect. When people are curt with me or people I respect, I respond in kind, and in doing so poke fun at their errors or mistakes.

Just so we're clear, I never replied to you in that other thread, nor commented on the quality of said thread, and instead only humorously (so I believed) commented on various other posts in that thread. I don't really care if a particular thread makes sense or not, as there's no real rule here that says threads must be serious or sensible, and I've certainly made my fair share of nonsensical posts. The point being, I don't care how silly a thread is, and I showed you no disrespect until you came into this thread and said something about how stupid it was. That's all.

If you didn't intend to be a jerk, then my mistake and you have my apologies. If you did intend to be confrontational then perhaps try a different tack next time and you'll find that my response will not be so negative.

Good day, sir.
I miss ambien Lindros.
Lvl 11
Huh. I feel like I'm missing out on ambien.
Lvl 21
Possibly the best thread title ever. and Ambien:

So, I'm fucking this girl - long stokes - my favorite, and anyawy, we had to put it on hold or some shit. Well, the cometition was tough, and everything you lookin at is all kids of fucked up right now. But we're here, and we're workding, and it sucks
Lvl 21
Night all. I have to get up early and workding.
Lvl 27
I think I'll steer clear of the Ambien Walrus.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by EricLindros

HONESTLY, my credentials are not at all imposing, as "authority" on a website is about as useful in real life as a fart on a windy day. I was merely explaining to you who I am, as you seemed curious. I was terse with you as your initial interactions here seemed less than polite. I surmised this is a result of you being upset that other people didn't treat your "slit" thread with the deference you feel it deserved. I show respect to others who also show respect. When people are curt with me or people I respect, I respond in kind, and in doing so poke fun at their errors or mistakes.

Just so we're clear, I never replied to you in that other thread, nor commented on the quality of said thread, and instead only humorously (so I believed) commented on various other posts in that thread. I don't really care if a particular thread makes sense or not, as there's no real rule here that says threads must be serious or sensible, and I've certainly made [Link] of nonsensical posts. The point being, I don't care how silly a thread is, and I showed you no disrespect until you came into this thread and said something about how stupid it was. That's all.

If you didn't intend to be a jerk, then my mistake and you have my apologies. If you did intend to be confrontational then perhaps try a different tack next time and you'll find that my response will not be so negative.

Good day, sir.
Good day to you and since you appear to be a jerk, intended or otherwise, I have no desire for any further discourse ...
Lvl 59
Yet still you responded, so perhaps you really do want to correspond with me?
So last night was the first night since I was a kid that I didn't go out for halloween.

Lvl 59
I wore a horsehead to answer the door for trick-or-treaters. Does that count as dressing up?
Lvl 27
Yes in a non-committal kind of way.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Lvl 59
Don't most ladies have a single pussy? Wouldn't it be quite odd if they had more?
Lvl 27
I think I saw a thread about that somewhere
Lvl 71
Originally posted by EricLindros
Don't most ladies have a single pussy? Wouldn't it be quite odd if they had more?

Yeah, that's almost as weird as thinking of a 4 boobed woman. Who would even consider that ?

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