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Jenna Jameson fucks her cousin. SPAM

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 10 years ago Views: 41.2K
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I don't know if this is 100% true, but I'm going to assume it is when she walks around naked on cam, while her shirtless "cousin" lays in her hotel bed watching. Ask EL...he'll back me up.
Lvl 59

Lvl 15
I need a picture of ducks in a row.
Lvl 24
Pfft... screw you guys. When I make beef wellington, none of you chumps are invited. Jenn and F can come over though, cause they're cool.
tdawgpound finds this awesome.
Originally posted by Bangledesh
Pfft... screw you guys. When I make beef wellington, none of you chumps are invited. Jenn and F can come over though, cause they're cool.

I didn't poo poo your beef wellington.
Lvl 59
I didn't say anything about beef wellington.

I don't really eat a lot of beef. I have filet mignon once a year, but that's about it.

Some chicken and turkey, and a bunch of fish.
Curses!!! I caught the anonymous bug!
Lvl 59
Goddammit, I tried to contain you dirty folk to the other thread and now you're spreading.


Cover your mouths when you cough.
Lvl 59
So, I'm trying to get my porn on, by watching some girls in the MFC window when some dillweed decides he's going to accost me through the MFC private message window. What follows is but a portion of his mental illness typed out into my PM window:

Some good came of it, however, as his PM barrage to me took his attention out of the main window which allowed the other users to masturbate in peace. So I feel I've done my good deed for the week.
Lvl 11
That was a lot of painful reading. Why did you post that haha.

Bangles- I've never had beef wellington before, but I love it when people cook for me.
Lvl 24
@Jenn- I'm a pretty good cook. As long as I know what I'm cooking, so I'll probably have to do an unseen trial one 2-3 times. But once I learn it, prepare yourself!

Also, I hate having books end. It makes me really sad. Even books in a series, I hate having the book end even when the story continues.

I need to adopt the practice of never reading the last page of a book. Tear it out like the Doctor and such.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Bangledesh
@Jenn- I'm a pretty good cook. As long as I know what I'm cooking, so I'll probably have to do an unseen trial one 2-3 times. But once I learn it, prepare yourself!

Also, I hate having books end. It makes me really sad. Even books in a series, I hate having the book end even when the story continues.

I need to adopt the practice of never reading the last page of a book. Tear it out like the Doctor and such.

It's the only downside to reading. That sadness.

I can cook. I just hate it. If I had a partner that cooked for me I'd be in heaven.
Lvl 24
I'll cook for you. But I doubt it would be very romantic and sexy. lol
Lvl 25
Just updated my graphics drivers two days ago, and already a new update. But on the bright side my copy of Battlefield 4 has shipped.
jenngurl23 finds this awesome.
Also...fuck you whoever gave my awesome spam thread 1 star.
Lvl 25
Well have you considered that the spam's thread may be too short or possibly too long?
jenngurl23 finds this awesome.
Lvl 71
Originally posted by Kanzen
Well have you considered that the spam's thread may be too short or possibly too long?

Yeah, the other one was 100 pages and this one is only 2 pages long. That's lame !
Lvl 19
Saw the movie " Gravity ". I now look at my friends who enjoyed it very, very differently.

Also, to SP...because this site still hates me I am unable to give you stars or awesomes
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