Denial that the holocaust happened is racism against Jews. That is the explanation I see on ghost hunter shows
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Originally posted by liaI believe in God so I know in my heart that he exists, and if there is a God it is only reasonable that the Devil and his fallen Angels exists as well. But for a lot of people who see Demons under every rock, and behind every bush and tree I only have one thing to say, they have medication for that.
Originally posted by Poida...
Like what? Are you saying that If I don't believe in god and see demons under rocks and behind trees I need medication?
Originally posted by lia...
Poida I am not saying that they don't exist, it's jus that some peeps take everything to extremes. Your most likely one of the more sane people around, but some peeps are jus paranoid bout many/most things. I guess maybe I should take a break and have a conversation with my other self for a few and get my meds too......
Originally posted by liaI believe in God so I know in my heart that he exists, and if there is a God it is only reasonable that the Devil and his fallen Angels exists as well. But for a lot of people who see Demons under every rock, and behind every bush and tree I only have one thing to say, they have medication for that.
Originally posted by Sugarpie...
Yeah I don't know. Thats kind of like saying I believe in water, so I know the Loch Ness Monster exists.
Originally posted by Sugarpie...
Yeah I don't know. Thats kind of like saying I believe in water, so I know the Loch Ness Monster exists.
Originally posted by NightCruiser...
That is not a sensible argument to the question of whether the infinite Universe just popped up out of nowhere for no reason at all. There is also no reason why an inanimate Universe would provide all the ingredients for life. Scientist now say it seems the Universe promotes life. Scientist can only go back so far before they reach a dead end for their theories. Takes just as much faith to believe the Universe popped up out of nowhere for no reason. NO scientist has any provable idea why the Universe exist. No provable idea of why is started expanding. No Idea what was here before the Universe existed. Why there was nothingness.. Your faith is in science. A Science that has a long way to go before it figures out the secrets of the Universe
Originally posted by NightCruiser...
That is not a sensible argument to the question of whether the infinite Universe just popped up out of nowhere for no reason at all. There is also no reason why an inanimate Universe would provide all the ingredients for life. Scientist now say it seems the Universe promotes life. Scientist can only go back so far before they reach a dead end for their theories. Takes just as much faith to believe the Universe popped up out of nowhere for no reason. NO scientist has any provable idea why the Universe exist. No provable idea of why is started expanding. No Idea what was here before the Universe existed. Why there was nothingness.. Your faith is in science. A Science that has a long way to go before it figures out the secrets of the Universe
Originally posted by Sugarpie...
In typical Jeff fashion you never actually read what I posted...again. I'm not debating the infinite universe, I'm not debating that the universe doesn't promote life.
Lia said: Because she believes in god that it is only reasonable that the Devil and his fallen Angels exists as well.
And I said thats akin to saying I believe in water, so its only reasonable that the Loch Ness Monster exists.
Meaning that just because one may exist, does not necessarily mean the other exists.
Originally posted by NightCruiser...
Is the brain alone capable mass murder? Is the brain alone capable of being a serial rapist? On and on examples of possible evil influence. Why do some do these horrendous acts and others don't? Most people are shocked by what some are capable of. I wouldn't rule out some supernatural influence in a magical Universe that popped out of no where for no reason--I know a double negative haha
Originally posted by NightCruiser...
Who is Jeff? We see evidence of evil influence every day. Is the brain alone capable mass murder? Is the brain alone capable of being a serial rapist? On and on examples of possible evil influence. Why do some do these horrendous acts and others don't? Most people are shocked by what some are capable of. I wouldn't rule out some supernatural influence in a magical Universe that popped out of no where for no reason--I know a double negative haha