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Controversial Opinions You Have..

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 12 years ago Views: 13.1K
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Lvl 59
Originally posted by F1098

How are you going to reverse human nature ? As an electorate we overlook too much in the name of the party we support. Humans are pigs by nature and we get the government that we deserve.


Who invited debbie downer?

As for the topic, I think pretzels are hugely overrated. They're just a piece of toast all twisted up with some salt dumped on them. I will, however, make an exception for hot-pretzels with some mustard. They're not nearly the abomination that those ones that come in the bag are.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros


Who invited debbie downer?

As for the topic, I think pretzels are hugely overrated. They're just a piece of toast all twisted up with some salt dumped on them. I will, however, make an exception for hot-pretzels with some mustard. They're not nearly the abomination that those ones that come in the bag are.

Lvl 59
Further, I really feel the same way about potato chips, but I didn't say that because I felt that would be too much controversy with two wily iconoclastic positions in the same post.
Lvl 27
I like chips and pretzels...

But I hate brussel sprouts
Lvl 6
Didn't read through each and every post or page here on this thread so don't know if this has been covered yet or not but, fat chicks...fat chicks in spandex and tube tops and mini skirts.. can not stand it! If you are a fat chick and dress appropriately I have no problem with you, how ever if you are a heavy woman and think dressing in the above mentioned clothing makes you look hot and desirable you really should reign yourself in, cause most the rest of the world doesn't want to see that.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Demodad68

I like chips and pretzels..

Nobody likes brussel sprouts, so gtfo with that non-controversial opinion....

...but pretzels and chips are just bread/dough that's been cooked. Way way overrated.
Lvl 27
Originally posted by EricLindros

...but pretzels and chips are just bread/dough that's been cooked. Way way overrated.

Not when you add dip, then you have a tasty tangy treat
Lvl 18
Originally posted by EricLindros

I think pretzels are hugely overrated. They're just a piece of toast all twisted up with some salt dumped on them. I will, however, make an exception for hot-pretzels with some mustard. They're not nearly the abomination that those ones that come in the bag are.

Good thing you aren't in the Philly area any longer because those particular cold-ass pretzels in bags are everywhere... Speaking to that whole Philly pretzel thing, why is it deemed acceptable to purchase said pretzels from a homeless looking guy on a corner with a shopping cart during rush hour and/or when bars close when everywhere else in the world people go to actual places of business to purchase virtually any other food item? Oh yes, I forgot... What up Yo! It's a Philly thing. Plus, they are like $1.
Lvl 59
I know you're not hatin' on street vendors! Those dudes are awesome. Where else are you gonna get some food and typhoid all at once without even having to go into a building?
Lvl 11
Originally posted by EricLindros


Nobody likes brussel sprouts, so gtfo with that non-controversial opinion....

...but pretzels and chips are just bread/dough that's been cooked. Way way overrated.

I actually like brussel sprouts, as long as they're cooked well. Does that count as controversial?
Originally posted by ifsck

I actually like brussel sprouts, as long as they're cooked well. Does that count as controversial?

I guess so. The brussels sprout war has been going on for centuries but I agree when they're cooked properly with a dash of white sauce on the side they're magnificent like mini cabbages.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by ifsck

I actually like brussel sprouts, as long as they're cooked well. Does that count as controversial?


Yes, it's controversial and it's disgusting.
Lvl 20
I'm fucking annoyed by American atheists. I know they live in a very religious country, with true nutjobs like Wesboro, but hell they seems so childish! And please could they stop hijacking Darwin & the evolution theory, as if it was a "symbol" for atheism.

Originally posted by EricLindros


Here's what should happen (probably controversial):

1. All government institutions should get the fuck out of the marriage business. By that I mean they should not have anything to do, at all, with marriage of any kind. Governments, both state and federal, should recognize civil arrangements between all people who wish to engage in one.

2. "Marriage" should be left a solely religious institution. Those religions may do whatever the fuck they like with it.

The government should not be in the marriage business, and the church (or other "marriage" authority) should not be in the government (tax status, spousal benefits, immigration status, etc) business.

Also I believe people should be able to make "polyamourous family". Ever read Heinlein, novel like "Friday" talk about it.
Originally posted by FamilyGuy

I hate fucktarded recumbent bike riders! They always have those stupid fucking flags on the back of their glorified bannana seat bullshit as they peddle their dumb-ass low riding two wheeler like it is some bastard cousin of the Lamborghini of bicyles. While I am on a Honda-like rant. Bike riding in general has a time and place, like... all summer long when you are 10 years old. No self-respecting adult human that is not in the Tour de France should be riding a damn bike (I don't care how much it costs) wearing those multicolour "professional" bike riding outfits. Those things are ri·dic·u·lous and you look like the complete fucking tool that you are.

Originally posted by Demo
Hrmmm yeah, the bicyclists, I really don't care what they wear, if they would just get their heads outta their ass and stay out of the flow of traffic, I mean some of these people have to be brain dead riding down the middle of a busy street, and I'm mostly talking about the adults riding them, at least the kids have enough sense to know, wow a car is much bigger and faster than I am, maybe I should get outta their way

Can I ride a mountain bike at least, if I promise to mostly keep to off road trail? I also promise not to wear too much of a multi-colored jersey...or act like I'm in the Tour De France...I'll also do my best to keep my head outta my ass.
Lvl 27
I don't drive in the mountains as a rule, so you're good SP
Lvl 28
Lvl 14
Originally posted by EricLindros

Controversial view:

I think the word "kidshitter" is a perfectly acceptable synonym for vagina, and I wish girls would stop getting mad when I use it.

Well the word itself is kinda uh harsh so to speak, but if you stop and take a look around at what the kids are doing and getting into "trouble related" the term actually fits now adays. I mean I look back when growing up and some things then I wouldnt even think of doing for fear of my father taking off my head and a piece of my ass. And now days its the parents that are afraid. Be it the child killing them in their sleep or the next door neighbor crying child abuse cause they got their ass spanked for what ever they did. Yes spanked. not a time out for little johnny. And not actual abuse where you bruse or draw blood when spanking the child. come on yall lets get real here.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Can I ride a mountain bike at least, if I promise to mostly keep to off road trail? I also promise not to wear too much of a multi-colored jersey...or act like I'm in the Tour De France...I'll also do my best to keep my head outta my ass.

I am 100% cool with that! Just happend to get stuck behind a few folks in the last couple days that act like I am insane for wanting to actually drive my car on roads. I am also fine with it if there is a bike lane, just not when there isn't one and people pedal at 5 or 10mph on a two lane road acting like they are Dave Stoller in Breaking Away...
Lvl 28
This might actually be controversial...

When fighting, like man on man business time fighting.

I think it's best to just do whatever it takes to win, since people only remember the winner.
Lvl 18
Agree completely. If my safety is on the line I would assault your dick. I'll kick it. I'll punch it. I'll bite the mother fucker.

Also, I do think people on bicycles can get the fuck out of my way. If you can't do 60 on that mother fucker get out of my way.

And black woman can't drive for shit.

Also, before people should be allowed to drive SUVs they should have to prove they can park them. If you can't put an SUV between the lines in one space you can't buy it asshole.

Also, I like guns.
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