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The next member to post here....

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 16 years ago Views: 9.1K
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Lvl 16

The next poster has seen the notebook over 200 times
Lvl 8
False (so far)

the next poster spends more than 5 hours a day playing video games
Lvl 15
False..the next poster
has an armpit fetish
Lvl 18
Absolutely false (though my astrological sign disputes that)...the next poster
once saw his sister naked and got a little bit of a chubby
Lvl 10
false - I'm not even a guy

the next person to post here stuck something up their nose today
Lvl 27
True, my finger, someone was following me to closely as I drove down the road and I needed to flick a booger on their windshield

The next poster carries 5 keyrings and one key

The next poster ate crayons from kindergarten to the 11th grade
Lvl 22
next wonders (what's paste)
Lvl 21
false (elmers is great )
the next poster likes midget tranny sex
Lvl 13

The next poster loves tuna casserole
Lvl 16

The next poster has had crabs (the crotch kind)

Next poster picks their nose in public
Lvl 13

The next poster had a sandwich for lunch
Lvl 18
False, I didn't eat lunch

The next poster has Olympic fever
Lvl 10
False - not interested

the next poster is going comando
Lvl 21
how did you know true
the next poster is in heat
Lvl 13

The next poster wants proof
Lvl 22
that the next is not gay
Lvl 24
False - i'm a little gay :P

The next poster has been in a threesome
Lvl 18
False, but by God I wish

The next poster has been in Costa Rica
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