.....and we turn away from the insidious Delphis and speeding away, we show him the transom of our speedy ship....the Robo Tuna !
He and his bait boy drink their teguilla [sic] alone, without....
The beautiful women they were looking at a short while ago, but suddenly...
... their flunkin' transom fell off, the boat started taking on water, the ladies screamed for help as Delphis and the bait-boy watched from afar, in their drunken depression, not cognitively capable of providing much help, when out the water arose...
Was gonna be tough, but this was his way to win Miss D's heart! Sooo...
He, in his drunken depression, summoned the bait boy with some Nelsonesque order to....
Get him to the girls the quickest he can. Bait Boy looked him in the eyes with a serious look, paused and....
...pointed skyward and shouted at the top of his midget bait boy voice....."De Plane, De Plane"....and
( Welcome back NT !...and wha happened to Miss Deucie's avatar ? She must have lost it in the onboard poker game)
PvTGallagher 13 years ago
.... a palm tree where he finds....
...Duecie's open arm waiting to sooth his wounds, and she tenderly takes his bait stained hands in hers and whispers in his midget Bust'd ear "Don't worry Hon', I'm..."
...only gonna be gone overnight, cause i have a poker game to finish before...
... these girls will let me leave. They think I'm gay and I'm trying to let them down easy, but that F is a persistent little lady, and...
can't leave until F uncuffs him from the mast, which will happen after the poker game chips are cashed in and the Coast Guard arrives to....
To pick up the criminals. In the middle of the poker game, guess who shows up, looking all sexy and has Deucies attention? ...
SP of course ! So now we can finish this poker game ?
( damnit !! lol)
Deucie & F gets focused again & forgets the rukus going on and focuses on the game and then....