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Finish The Sentence, Vol. something, maybe 15ish

Starter: DEMO Posted: 13 years ago Views: 22.9K
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Lvl 8
Everything, Deucie flagged BustM down.. We couldn't leave him there (thinking of the kind things he's done for her)...
Lvl 28
... but sympathy is such a lonely companion, and he...
Lvl 8
Didn't want to get on the boat. Just as Deucie was going to turn away, he stared at her...
Lvl 28
lovely green eyes, and...
Lvl 8
Said, "wait!!!" I....
Lvl 28
I...I... Uh...(sinking in a sea of "lost for words" )
Lvl 19
and we thought maybe you were right, and knowing that you had had your way with us dear D, and that we would need a bait boy ( always bring one along for swabbing, hook baiting, fish unhooking, mixing drinks and remembering to bring extra ice and gas) for our next fishing holiday, we left you ride home in the comfort of his skiff knowing that loyalty in friendship is as important as comfort.

Monk is our captain on the bridge for the ride home and SP and F are grinning on the foredeck on the smooth ride home. F can't help but wonder what the commemorative T shirt should say, and she thought maybe....
Lvl 19
Lvl 28

...maybe that guy has potential. So bustM takes his place on the poop-deck with the bait fish, lets his mind drift back to 2nd grade, Miss Peabody, the trick she showed him with his Watchamacallit, and waits for his...
Lvl 8
Wait... What!!!!
Lvl 28
(sorry 2sy, I can't even remember what I wrote. Something about a longwinded F ... now finish the F'in sentence )
Lvl 19
(bma made a rude comment about me...the most insulting since he clobbered me with that damned redfish carcass and ordered me off the beach)

Lvl 19
Now, back to our regular programming......and Deucie was going to say that......
Lvl 28
(see, someone that got clobbered by a redfish keeps coming in right behind me and changes the subject matter.... again)
Lvl 8
You should try calling Miss Peabody, maybe she'll pick you up...
Deucie grabs her bottle of Patron pours 4 shots and we all raise our glasses
Lvl 28

But alas, the teacher that held his "crush" for those early years has long since past. If only he could rid his mind of that first ....

(damn that edit button)

... BustM just watches the merry toast through tear stained eyes, and drifts off to sleep, dreaming...

(g'night Ladies)
Lvl 19
and i am going to sleep now. thanks all, for the lovely fishing trip cum pajama party and helpless maidens on the high seas adventure. hugs to F and D.

and a note to BMA, next time you whup me with a redfish carcass thaw it first, ok ?

'night all
Lvl 8
Feeling bad about leaving BustM behind, but too late because we dropped the girls off already, the Monk says ehh don't worry about him, I'll take care of you.

Night you two! Huggs & kisses
Lvl 28
"Death to the Monk" thought BustM, as he began to plot...
Lvl 8
What he could do to win Miss D back, but afraid the Monk had already put it on her...
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