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Finish The Sentence, Vol. something, maybe 15ish

Starter: DEMO Posted: 13 years ago Views: 22.9K
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Lvl 4
Notech looks up and say "well I got some in my shed already being smoked" and Deucie...
Lvl 28
replies, "but I'm hungry now, and I can eat speckled sea trout and watch the sunset with BustM right now, so..."
Lvl 8
Decisions decisions! I do love fish and I do love a good fisherman to fish with...
Lvl 28
, especially when he knows how to handle a tuna, and rumor has it...
Lvl 8
Tuna is one Deucie likes, but still not her favorite
Lvl 5
smell to have around her crotch but
Lvl 28
this party would be much too clean for such foulness. No, rather a few fresh pompano from the bay, a beach side fire, a bottle wine and soon...
Lvl 19
...this stranger on the nearby beach towel awakes sleepily and says, "Huh ? Did someone here say tuna ?"
Lvl 28
Outraged at the rude intrusion to the moment, Bust-m-All knocked the dullard cold with the carcass of a bull Redfish, turned to Miss P... I mean Duecie and said "...
Lvl 19
....."Sometimes I overreact, but somehow I mean well despite it."

Intruder, nursing a huge fishy welt, runs into the water wondering what happened. 's Mr. BM.

Then she turns and says at the top of her lungs.... " I.....
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 8
Love how thoughtful you are!!! Why, I... Well, I just may....
Lvl 28
show you my...
Lvl 19
tuna fishing license, if you guys can.....
Lvl 8
Possibly help me catch my own...
Lvl 19
.....female tuna fisherman, who has been known to...
Lvl 8
Fight the Deadliest of catch...
Lvl 19
and always observe the legal limits on size and number, while only asking in return that....
Lvl 8
That Deucie date one of them and have a possible....
Lvl 19
....overnight pajama party on the boat out to the fishing banks where the best......
Lvl 8
Women like Deucie, Sugarpie, & F attend and...
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