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Finish the Sentence vol. Onety-Seven (A New Beginning)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 45.0K
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Lvl 28
is it all a ruse? And what will happen to this truce-of-convenience if the prize is ever found? Anyway, with watchful eyes on the horizon, they...

(I had other plans for that avi, after dumping a certain body at sea, but hey, the timing was right... )
Lvl 19
continued to search. and what ho on the horizon ? atop a raft of flotsam is the Monk man....
Lvl 28
...whose nearly 2 week disappearance was now explained. "Ahoy Mateys" he could be heard yelling over the wind as he flailed his arms in the air, hoping to draw their attention. As they pulled him over the starboard rail by his soggy socks, they asked "How did you get out here?", to which he replied...
Lvl 19
...."it started with jalapenos and frijoles.......and then, I woke up for another hit of my mescal bottle, and something happened, but when I looked down to earth I saw Ms D............
Lvl 27
drinking a glass of Metamucil and reading a newspaper, so one can only assume...
Lvl 19
......that prior to his unfortunate (and exceedingly ill timed) jalapeno launch the mysterious Mr. Monk was hanging with Ms. D, because.........

( what does it really matter. by now Ms.D will never respond the the simple question of "let's do launch..."

, F.
Lvl 28
... he had a note stapled to his back with a hastily scribbled "HELP ME. D"...
Lvl 19
....which made no sense to the crew of the Jamaican flagged fishing vessel that stopped to investigate this odd......
Lvl 28
... band of Pirate-Wanna-Be's...
Lvl 19
( wanna be pirates ? speak for yourself)

.....but cautiously boarded their ship and offered the crew a huge spliff and broke out the rum....
Lvl 22
....of which the Monk had a hearty swig but the 2sy said....
Lvl 28
.... something indecipherable, then he realized it was only the rum and his imagination speaking...
Lvl 33
about this girl was wrong because...
Lvl 28
...she has been missing for 1/2 a moon...
Lvl 19
(....missing a half moon you say ? We know that a half moon can't talk, whereas a full moon is a delight .)

nevertheless, all on board shrugged their shoulders and blamed it on their drift into the Bermuda Triangle.
Lvl 33
which he did not care about as long as....
Lvl 22
the rum held out and 2sy didn't.....
Lvl 28
...suffer an agonizing torture at the hands of Mr. Him...
Lvl 22
who was recognized as the notorious.....
Lvl 28
... dealer of bad hands at table three at the Bellagio...
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