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What's your favourite Beer...

Starter: cooljcb Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 3
Keep it going guys.....i haven't heard of half of these 'Golden Nectars' - but i'm gonna make it my aim in life to try them all !!

Anyone like 'Duvel' - 8.5% vol. fallover juice. Straight from the chiller - hard to beat !
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Stubbyjr

I cant get over my gag reflex on Guiness, Ny-Quil is what started that in my life. But I prefer a local beer made here:

My favorite beer as well! Boulevard isn't nationwide yet, and I believe it's only in the midwest region, I could be wrong, but in Vegas, they've never heard of it. If you like wheat beer, try this one with either an orange slice or lemon if you can find it.
Lvl 16
Coors light . I feel very unpatriotic now
Lvl 7
Heineken off course..
Lvl 12
Nothing to add

Lvl 13
La fin du Monde 9% Maudite 8% (both Uniqubru)
Guinness, still the best, but better in winter.
Harpoon Winter Warmer A great holiday spiced beer.
I'll try any beer once and if I like it I'll keep trying it.

Ben Franklin once said "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
So if you're not drinking beer, you're letting down God.
Lvl 10
mmm lotsa good beers posted.
Lvl 2
Weihenstephaner - hefe weiss
Bell’s - Oberon Ale
Stella Artois
Sam Adams Boston Lager - the only larger U.S. brewery that actually makes BEER
Lvl 13
Young's Double Chocolate, Innis & Gunn
Lvl 9
Lvl 4
Unfortunately I can no longer get my favorite beer. I loved the Promethean Porter at a local brewery called Bon Fire. But they have closed and I am left wanting (whine)
Lvl 6

Lvl 9
Lvl 15
fuck beer, spirits all the way. u cant beat some fine whiskey. yum yum.
Lvl 6
I enjoy a nice light refreshing lager Labatt Blue. But I pulled the short straw at work and have to go to Melbourne Australia on an all expense paid 6 week trip for work. Any Aussie's out there with suggestions on what to drink down under.

Crazy Canuck headed down Under
Lvl 6
Moose Drool from Montana. Fan-damn-tastic beer.
Lvl 8
anything ice cold!!!
Lvl 7
Great Lakes Dortmunder, period.
You like beer ? Then you have to taste german beer ! German beer is the best beer on this planet ! Only when I`m on holiday , I`m drinking XXXX .
Lvl 9
Amstel Light.
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