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What's your favourite Beer...

Starter: cooljcb Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 23
Stella Artois
Lvl 8
Paulaner from munich/germany hefe hell
Lvl 18
Lvl 13
Budweiser but I really like Estrella Galicia 1906 and Voll Damm double malt
Lvl 37
Originally posted by oldman49

Miller high life

I can't stand Swiller Low Life And it's an old man's beer anyway (pun totally intended )

Most American Lagers are donkey piss IMHO, anyway. Give me a dark brew or any ale anyday!
Lvl 3
Damn. This should have been a poll.
i am starting a new brew on monday, i want to make a pilsner with a touch of wheat, this time i want to get it all complete even with its own glass wit logo
Lvl 8
The only beer is Franziskaner!

Yr. 1363 - Franziskaner Beer in Munich
First documentary evidence of the 'brewery near the Franciscans' in the Residenzstrasse. Franziskaner is thus the oldest privately-owned brewery in Munich.

This is the best. Live is to short to drink cheap beer!
Lvl 28
Lvl 6
proud to be belguim and proud to drink hoegaarden
the franzikaner is also a nice hefe weiss bier !! but i myself are more of a weihenstephan man !!
Lvl 7
Whatelse, fucking Corona Extra
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Mr.Blue

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Lvl 14
Lvl 7
Banks's for me...

Lvl 4
Either Shiner Bock or Newcastle in a frosty mug.
Lvl 5
Ginness & Carlsberg
Lvl 16
Hobgoblin Ale from The Wychwood Brewery.

Or Tuborg Lager.
Lvl 6
san miguel. my only love
Lvl 13
There are many beers from switzerland that are very good, like Heineken, Calanda or Feldschlösschen!

But the best beer is Miller!
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