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What's your favourite Beer...

Starter: cooljcb Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 13
Please don't post 4 times in a row. You can respond to all of them in one post. You WILL get your ass fried my a mod if they catch you posting multiple times in a row. Otherwise, I must say you have a comprehensive list.
Lvl 12
Rickard's Red - brewed in Canada.
Lvl 19

Lvl 9
If beer is the name of the game I go with

But seriously, whiskey could kick beers ass any day of the week.
Lvl 7
So many good brews, saw a finnlandian, how about Lapin Kulta?! I lived there for a year and drink many of them! BUT, Mothers milk is and always will be Yuengling Lager! That's one beer i don't mind gett'n head from
Lvl 19
Originally posted by bigsmoothpickle

saw a finnlandian, how about Lapin Kulta?!

Lapin Kulta is shit imho. We call it reindeers piss, it's lamest beer we have here. Although, the brewery of Lapin Kulta has finally understood it, and they are going to change the composition of that beer. Good news!
Lvl 7
karhu and karjala are the only ones i drank in finland lapin kulta tastes like its brewed with reindeer moss!!

@mal : dulle teve is nice belgian one we got em at our local watering hole

@Stubbyjr : the boulevard wheat beer looks like what we call white or hefe weiss beer wouldn't mind to try it

im suprised to see so many Bockbeers, here in holland bock is a seasonal beer, autumn and spring when the brewing kettles are drained for the big clean, the last brew is traditionally a bock, made of seasons residu on the bottom of the tank hence the dark color

its good to see a couple of GROLSCH entries from overseas, it is indeed a better brewski than Heiniken!!

the Yuengling Lager, Saku, Alaskan amber, Arrogant bastard ale, and Shinerbock have gotten me very interested if any one would like to send it to me pm me (ignore)
Lvl 19
Originally posted by creepus


Haha, it's not as good as Karhu, but I like it. Best import from Estonia.
hmmz estonian... i've never had an estonian.... uhm no wait ... been to tallin drank a few in a couple of pubs, got drunk, drank even more on the ferry back to helsinki, forgot what brand it was .... still interested
Lvl 19
Originally posted by creepus

hmmz estonian... i've never had an estonian.... uhm no wait ... been to tallin drank a few in a couple of pubs, got drunk, drank even more on the ferry back to helsinki, forgot what brand it was .... still interested

Damn, you've adopted the Finnish lifestyle pretty well.
finnish ferries are a thrilling expierence!! Hettä!!
Lvl 9
i'll go for my peruvian premium beer CUSQUEÑA (CUS-KEN-YA!). it's simply the best.
Lvl 8
more interesting entries never had a southern american beer ! what does it taste like valerio84?
Lvl 6
Lvl 6
Lvl 9
CUSQUEÑA has a mild aroma of sweet malts. Pours light goldish/amberish with a white head that is quick to disappear. Light and crisp in the aftertaste.
Lvl 8
Miller high life
Lvl 8
Miller high life
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