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What's your favourite Beer...

Starter: cooljcb Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 7
I like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Lvl 11
AmberBock in a super icy cold mug
Lvl 44
of of these 3: (depends on my mood and how much I have to spend)

1. Guinness
2. Killian's (Irish) Red
3. Budweiser
Lvl 13
Lvl 21

Lvl 8
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Vesuvius

I really like Norrlands Guld. Yeah, it's Swedish.

[ Image ]

Guld, now when a beer is labeled "Guld / Gold" its usually a strong beer, except in sweden where no beer is strong
But you can always just cross the bridge and try something of quality, the best beer in the world:

Lvl 53
Lvl 12
My favorite beer is Palm and sometimes Rodenbach (zombie)
i cant restrict it to just one beer,
there is one american brewery that makes fine beer we can buy here and i currently drink it a lot : flying dog brewery - india pale ale

the white/ weizen beer i like most is weihenstephaner - hefe weiss bier a bavarian beer from the oldest still existing brewery in the world having started brewing in 1040 AD, and is actually owned by the state of Bavaria

as i'm into the heavier beers i have a favorit abbey beer
triple karmeliet8% alcohol
Lvl 7

Lvl 9
My favorite is a local brew called Arcadia IPA
Lvl 30
budweiser king of beers
Lvl 12
I'm pretty partial to Guinness. Although my favourite is Trois Pistoles by Unibrou (sp?) It is super tasty!
Lvl 11
Lvl 17
Lvl 27
Samuel Adams in a frosted glass

Lvl 7
Golden Anniversary
Lvl 5
I cant get over my gag reflex on Guiness, Ny-Quil is what started that in my life. But I prefer a local beer made here:
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