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What's your favourite Beer...

Starter: cooljcb Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 7
no one is from Texas I guess because I don't see my favorite, Shiner Bock, on the list
Lvl 37
hmmm... I don't have just one favorite. My favorites include:
Guiness (Draught or Extra Stout)
Bass Pale Ale
Murphy's Red
Sam Adams Boston Lager
Sam Adams Summer Ale
Sam Adams Cherry Wheat
Sam Adams Dark Lager
Sam Adams Pale Ale
Negra Modelo
Heineken Dark
Becks Dark

Well, you get the point...
Lvl 7
I am a fan of Shiner Bock, but I also like Grain Belt....I know but it is brewed not too far from where I live so it is hometown for me.
Lvl 12
@MiHerbal, i like some of arcadias stuff, glad to see another michigander on here.

My Favs:
1. Killians Irish Red
2. Guiness
3. Newcastle

Lvl 9
it has to be sam adams summer ale
Lvl 8
Lvl 9

Lvl 8
Lvl 9
# 2

Lvl 9
# 3

Lvl 3

But I love Corona's advertisments.
Lvl 6
Red Stripe, or Sam Adam's Boston Lager.
Lvl 7
I'm a Yuengling man. Great beer. Great price.
I also like Warsteimer, Spaten, Harp Lager, and Sam Adams.
Lvl 2
Lately I've been into the Klitsh Pilsner by Lakefront Brewery. Best brewery tour in Milwaukee too!
Lvl 15
3.Red Stripe(on hot days)
Lvl 27
Originally posted by sarcastic_dork

no one is from Texas I guess because I don't see my favorite, Shiner Bock, on the list

OMG... God bless Shiner Bock. It has been a while since I visited College Station! Wish i had cold one now!!!
Lvl 8
Originally posted by GreenStones

I like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

that stuff is disgusting its like drinking melted pennies...
Lvl 8
Originally posted by skwyd

I'm pretty partial to Guinness. Although my favourite is Trois Pistoles by Unibrou (sp?) It is super tasty!

Trois Pistoles is HORRID!!! it taste like a cracked out homeless man's asshole. Or what i believe to be...but yeah it is HORRIBLE!!!!!!
Lvl 8
Originally posted by montanamax

3.Red Stripe(on hot days)

i like all ur picks except Guinness its alright but eh it gets old and u have to be in the right mood.
Lvl 8
hoegarrden (sp?)
amstel light
Woodchuck (all varities)
Mississippi Mudd
New Castle
Red Stripe
Blue Moon
Pabst Blue Ribbon (if you want something cheap thats not as crappy as Natty)
Honey Brown
Sam Adams Light
Carta Blanca
Dos Equis
Strohs (another good cheap beer cool label too.)

yeah i learned alot in college.
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