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What's your favourite Beer...

Starter: cooljcb Posted: 17 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 3
I don't know if this has been talked about on here before or not, but i was wondering what was the favoured Beer of the wbw clan. What beer would you choose, if you were really thirsty and to treat yourself, you know - that real satisfying first few gulps !
Mine would be 'Leffe brune' - ice cold - in a large glass.
OK - let's go...........
Lvl 24
i'm a brit but ,san miguel's the one for me, or stella of course
Lvl 8
Fat Tire Apricot Ale. I know it sounds 'fruity', but it really is a good brew, and it has just a hint of apricot aftertaste. I don't usually go for fruited beer, but this one surprised me.
Lvl 13
Sam Adam's Dark in a frosted mug. Amber Bach if that's not available. ^^^^Hmm, I'll have to give it a shot.
Lvl 21
Budlight... always
Lvl 4
Wich ever kind that they have at the free drunkfest
Lvl 6
changes almost as frequently as my underwear
Lvl 3
Originally posted by ROB213

changes almost as frequently as my underwear

Crikey - every week - that's fickle !!
Lvl 12
Guinness baby!
Lvl 6
Originally posted by cooljcb


Crikey - every week - that's fickle !!

just tryin to my part to protect the environment!
Lvl 20
I really like Norrlands Guld. Yeah, it's Swedish.

Lvl 4
Tyskie - polish beer - mmmm
Lvl 12

Lvl 16
Miller Lite - It's union made and it tastes great.
Lvl 9
Gordon Biersch Marzen
Yuengling Lager is tasty as hell for the money. You can't beat a frothy mug of Guiness or some Dogfish Head though.

Lvl 8
Mm, Guinness is my standard for going out, when it's on tap. But I also really like Smithwicks, Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat (a nice fruity taste from the yeast), Newcastle, Winter Warlock, Killians, Murphy's, etc. Some of the Sam Adams beers are good, too, as are some of the Pete's Wickeds. I liked the Pyramid Apricot one, not too fruity (I dislike the overly-fruity fruit-beers too). Sometimes I like an IPA type of pale, hoppy beer -- I had one called Hazed & Infused that was extreme, but tasty. And I brew my own beers now and then, too, mostly porters and stouts and reds.

I stay as far away as possible from the cheap, diluted domestic American beers like Coors and Bud and Miller and Zima. Easter Bunny Piss, my friend calls them. It's like the old joke says: "What do American beers and sex in a canoe have in common? They're both fucking close to water!"

Though I will drink a Corona now and then on a summer day, if there's a nice fat wedge of lime around.
Lvl 13

Brewed in Holland, Grolsh is a lager beer
Lvl 14
Normally Guinness too. I like Murphy's and Killians. Recently found the Bare Knuckle is good (even if it is bottled by Bud). When I was out in the LBC, I had Humble Hemp at the Yard House. That is a good beer but I can't find it over on the east coast.

Is anyone part of a beer tour at a bar? I do the World Beer Tour at Old Chicago. I'm half way through my third one right now (54).
Lvl 2
Guinness, Ridgeway's Lump of Coal and La Fin Du Monde
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