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She's pregnant

Starter: lsdforme_333 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 11.5K
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Lvl 29
do whatever it take to get her to abort- it sound cruel but its better than being fucked in the ass by her and the govt for the next 19 years.

Supporting a child you created is getting fucked in the ass?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 51
Health effects of Abortion...

Early-term surgical abortion is a simple procedure. When performed before the 16th week by competent doctors — or, in some states, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician assistants — it is safer than childbirth.[20][21]

Abortion methods, like most surgical procedures, carry a small risk of potentially serious complications. These risks include: a perforated uterus,[22][23] perforated bowel[24] or bladder,[citation needed] septic shock,[25] sterility,[26] and death.[27] The risk of complications can increase depending on how far pregnancy has progressed,[28][29] but remains less than complications that may occur from carrying pregnancy to term.[21]

Assessing the risks of induced abortion depends on a number of factors. First, there are relative health risks of induced abortion and pregnancy, which are both affected by wide variation in the quality of health services in different societies and among different socio-economic groups, a lack of uniform definitions of terms, and difficulties in patient follow-up and after-care. The degree of risk is also dependent upon the skill and experience of the practitioner; maternal age, health, and parity;[29] gestational age;[29][28] pre-existing conditions; methods and instruments used; medications used; the skill and experience of those assisting the practitioner; and the quality of recovery and follow-up care.

In the United Kingdom, the number of deaths directly due to legal abortion between the years of 1991 and 1993 was 5, compared to 3 deaths following spontaneous miscarriage and 8 deaths caused by ectopic pregnancy during the same time frame.[30] In the United States, during the year 1999, there were 4 deaths due to legal abortion, 10 due to miscarriage, and 525 due to pregnancy-related reasons.[31][32]

Some practitioners advocate using minimal anaesthesia so the patient can alert them to possible complications. Others recommend general anaesthesia, to prevent patient movement, which might cause a perforation. General anaesthesia carries its own risks, including death, which is why public health officials recommend against its routine use.

Dilation of the cervix carries the risk of cervical tears or perforations, including small tears that might not be apparent and might cause cervical incompetence in future pregnancies. Most practitioners recommend using the smallest possible dilators, and using osmotic rather than mechanical dilators after the first trimester.

Instruments that are placed within the uterus can, on rare occasions, cause perforation[28] or laceration of the uterus, and damage structures surrounding the uterus. Laceration or perforation of the uterus or cervix can, again on rare occasions, lead to more serious complications.

Incomplete emptying of the uterus can cause hemorrhage and infection. Use of ultrasound verification of the location and duration of the pregnancy prior to abortion, with immediate follow-up of patients reporting continuing pregnancy symptoms after the procedure, will virtually eliminate this risk. The sooner a complication is noted and properly treated, the lower the risk of permanent injury or death.

In rare cases, abortion will be unsuccessful and pregnancy will continue. An unsuccessful abortion can result in delivery of a live neonate, or infant. This, termed a failed abortion, is very rare and can only occur late in pregnancy. Some doctors have voiced concerns about the ethical and legal ramifications of letting the neonate die. As a result, recent investigations have been launched in the United Kingdom by the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH) and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, in order to determine how widespread the problem is and what an ethical response in the treatment of the infant might be.[33]

Unsafe abortion methods (e.g. use of certain drugs, herbs, or insertion of non-surgical objects into the uterus) are potentially dangerous, carrying a significantly elevated risk for permanent injury or death, as compared to abortions done by physicians.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
Originally posted by mistral

Early-term surgical abortion is a simple procedure. When performed before the 16th week by competent doctors — or, in some states, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician assistants — it is safer than childbirth.[20][21]

In the United States, during the year 1999, there were 4 deaths due to legal abortion, 10 due to miscarriage, and 525 due to pregnancy-related reasons.[31][32]

I've already done some extensive reading on the subject. Like it says, "abortion is safer than childbirth" so if you are using this as an argument against it, it's not very effective.

4 deaths<<<525 deaths
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 5
Always remember that Adoption is an option. My sister has adopted kids and its the greatest thing i have ever seen. People who adopt are usually people who cant have kids and are financially steady. People who will love the child
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
I respect people's opinion of abortion being morally wrong, it's just not my opinion.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
I would like for the child to be adopted but she says it isn't an option. Apparently, she would rather abort it.

At least with adoption, the kid will have two loving parents who can financially, emotionally and physically support it. If they ever decides to find their birth parents, I would not have a problem with that and would try to keep in touch with the adoptive parents for when the child decides to do so.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
Hey 1st if I post the photo the wrong way Im sory but I needed to show the brother some thing im 43 and my first son is 18 mos old if you go the abortion rout youll miss things like his first snow thanks for listning
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
Just goes to show that sex (at least male/female) should never be considered casual.

Not preaching, just stating an opinion.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Anton69

Not preaching, just stating an opinion.

What is the difference??
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
dude im sorry
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
Originally posted by lsdforme_333

Last week, she told me she got a slightly + result on a pregnancy test

ahahah fucking classic!
pay the $300 and get an abortion
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
Here is what I would do.
Let me know what you think
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
Preaching would be saying "You should keep it in your pants!"

Before you take the above statement as my opinion, let me say that it is not.

I say do as you please but understand...
Every choice you make forms your life. <--- Now you may call that preaching, but it's true. Deny it if you wish, but, denying it would simply be your choice.

Mind you, I would never think of considering every single choice I make, nor do I suggest anyone else do that. Not exactly a healthy thing to do as it would probably lead to extreme stress, paranoia, mass murder.

That said, lsdforme_333, I feel for you and hope everything does work out all around.
Lvl 16
is suicide an option?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 20
Originally posted by rocknthefreewor

1) She can not absolve you of responsibility for the child. No court in the world will allow that as it isn't her rights she is giving up, it is the childs rights.

2) DO NOT AGREE TO BE THE FATHER!!!!! Make her prove it. She may be using you as a meal ticket. Talk to a lawyer if she keeps it up and have him send her a letter stating that if she attempts to make you the father she will have to go to court to prove it.

3) Do not believe that shit about "I won't ask for anything." She can't do that. If she ever winds up going for welfare she will have to cough up a name to collect from.

4) Doesn't matter how you feel now or if you want a kid. You made the bed and now you have to lie in it. She has all of the rights regarding abortion and in some states it is illegal to make any threats or use any form of coercion to get her to abort.

All the above is absolutlely TRUE.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 10
Ok, here's my nickels worth of free advice. First, as already stated she has to name a father to get any benefits. So you will be named. Second, As already stated GET A DNA TEST!!! Third but not mentioned, the courts are not in the position to make orphans or make kids poorer. So until you get that test done do not pay, many many men pay for children they and the courts know are not theirs because of the policy of "in for a penny in for a pound". Some judges will go after you irregardless. GET A LAWYER!! One who specializes in this. All in all, If you are the father and she does have the child the life will be very hard but the child will make it better. Good Luck.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Anton69

Just goes to show that sex (at least male/female) should never be considered casual.

Not preaching, just stating an opinion.

Very true words. The one thing I am going to try and pass on to my kids when they get a little older is that they should remember that even with protection, they may be tied to whoever they have sex with for the rest of their lives. Others may think this is harsh but it is true. Disease or pregnancy can last a lifetime. Casual sex is great but it is not without its responsibilities.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
Right I am 46 I have 4 children been Married and divorced twice have had sole custody of all the children for a significant proportion of thier lives. Some advice from a father that has lived through the treadmill of Family support on both sides as well as rthe agony of decision of Abortion.

1. Abortion is not your concern it is hers. It is her right not yours. I am not against it per se but as the father in this area you have no rights so put it out of your head.

2. That being said absolutely demand a DNA test. Statistically in marriage 1 in 4 children are not living with their Biological father in other words the mother has cheated on the Husband. While there are gray areas in Marriage about Custody/child support out in the non married world there is no such problem if you can show that it is not your child you will not have to pay the child support. The odds increase substantially that the child isnt yours if you are not in a proper relationship. The timing is suspicious.

3. At this stage you said that one of the reasons that you broke up with her is Alchoholism. Let ther know that if the child is yours you will make a formal custody request through the courts. Remember this if the child is yours you have a PARAMOUNT responsibility to the child and ANY possible endangerment to the child. THat is what is meant by being a father not just getting her Pregnant.The cost of the courts whilst expensive pales into insignificance in relation to proper child support. If you are not the childs father you shouldnt be a meal ticket but if you are the childs father you have responsibilities step up and take them like a man. Talk to your parents tell them what has happenned and discuss the possibilities with them including that it may not be yours.

Finally make sure you get some proper legal advice the money it costs will be well worth it if you do not you may well suffer consequences of a significant short fall in your standard of living at the expense of some other person getting to live off your wages other than the child.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by lsdforme_333

Early-term surgical abortion is a simple procedure. When performed before the 16th week by competent doctors — or, in some states, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician assistants — it is safer than childbirth.[20][21]

In the United States, during the year 1999, there were 4 deaths due to legal abortion, 10 due to miscarriage, and 525 due to pregnancy-related reasons.[31][32]

I've already done some extensive reading on the subject. Like it says, "abortion is safer than childbirth" so if you are using this as an argument against it, it's not very effective.

4 deaths<<<525 deaths

Unfortunately, that is an absolute number and does not take into consideration the number of live births vs the number of abortions or that abortion happens in a controlled environment and live birth happens wherever it happens. The last controlled numbers I saw show similar patterns when controlled for age and where the abortion/birth happened (hospital or home).
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 11
yep, like one has said: abortion is NOT your decision!

what else can i say...good luck with it all.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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