OK, I just found out this week that I may have gotten a girl pregnant. I've read tons of information about this stuff but I would like to here what you lovely people think about it. I'm freakin' out, man! Here's the situation:
I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 4+ years. I love her to death but we were having problems with her excessive drinking but that's a whole other story. A month ago, I was talking to one of my old friends from high school. We went on a date and the next weekend I came to visit her. We ended up having sex but I got totally creeped-out by the experience and have talked to her once since then, not until last week. She told me she was on birth control when I asked her (we'd already started to fuck. I know<-stupid!) and I asked her if she was sure it was ok. She said yes and I trusted that she had been taking it as directed. Last week, she told me she got a slightly + result on a pregnancy test and that we should go to plan parenthood together. I was relieved that she felt that way, I was in no position to raise a kid. I told her not to freak out just take a piss test at a doctor's office to be sure. She did and she is pregnant.
Now she is saying that she wants to keep the baby. She already has a 3 year old boy who is being raised without a father. It's heartbreaking. She has a high school education with an ok job but I don't think she can support two kids. I am 24 and a senior in college. I've got one semester left before I graduate. I have no job and can barely support myself. I live off student loans and have accrued an already massive debt. I was planning on going to graduate school.
I really think that bringing a child into the world in this situation is wrong. I have no feelings for this girl. I think she's emotionally unstable and so am I. I don't want a kid to be raised this way because I went through some of the same shit growing up. I don't think we would be able to adequately provide for a kid; emotionally or financially. I also live in another city. It's definitely the wrong time with the wrong person.
I don't want to pressure her into getting an abortion when she doesn't want one. I think she's crazy and could possibly have lied to me about the birth control in an effort to have my kid. I can't raise a child and I don't want her raising it either. She's currently 6 weeks pregnant. She says she won't ask me for anything but I don't want that kind of life for the child. Anyone have any advice or can relate? Any personal stories about this are appreciated.
I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 4+ years. I love her to death but we were having problems with her excessive drinking but that's a whole other story. A month ago, I was talking to one of my old friends from high school. We went on a date and the next weekend I came to visit her. We ended up having sex but I got totally creeped-out by the experience and have talked to her once since then, not until last week. She told me she was on birth control when I asked her (we'd already started to fuck. I know<-stupid!) and I asked her if she was sure it was ok. She said yes and I trusted that she had been taking it as directed. Last week, she told me she got a slightly + result on a pregnancy test and that we should go to plan parenthood together. I was relieved that she felt that way, I was in no position to raise a kid. I told her not to freak out just take a piss test at a doctor's office to be sure. She did and she is pregnant.
Now she is saying that she wants to keep the baby. She already has a 3 year old boy who is being raised without a father. It's heartbreaking. She has a high school education with an ok job but I don't think she can support two kids. I am 24 and a senior in college. I've got one semester left before I graduate. I have no job and can barely support myself. I live off student loans and have accrued an already massive debt. I was planning on going to graduate school.
I really think that bringing a child into the world in this situation is wrong. I have no feelings for this girl. I think she's emotionally unstable and so am I. I don't want a kid to be raised this way because I went through some of the same shit growing up. I don't think we would be able to adequately provide for a kid; emotionally or financially. I also live in another city. It's definitely the wrong time with the wrong person.
I don't want to pressure her into getting an abortion when she doesn't want one. I think she's crazy and could possibly have lied to me about the birth control in an effort to have my kid. I can't raise a child and I don't want her raising it either. She's currently 6 weeks pregnant. She says she won't ask me for anything but I don't want that kind of life for the child. Anyone have any advice or can relate? Any personal stories about this are appreciated.
* This post has been modified
: 18 years ago