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Schlicker Spam, now with gimpyness

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 13 years ago Views: 15.2K
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Lvl 59
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG These dudes just lit their assholes on fire! hahahhaa
Lvl 28
Lvl 28


I'm actually lol'in pretty hard at that "challenge accepted" video.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X


Honest to god, what the hell is wrong with guys?
Lvl 59
Yeah, um, that seems like it would be a good idea never.

I don't care how much booze, drugs, lost-brain cells I'm suffering from, there isn't a circumstance in which I'd be like, yeah, how about I light a fire on paper connected to my asshole.
Lvl 28
Exploding assholes.
Where is everyone??
Lvl 14

Lvl 28
I'm trying to write an awful, awful thread. lol
How awful are we talking?
Lvl 28
I texted Dros about it earlier.

One, it's pretty terrible.

Two, it's half done and about eight pages.

Lvl 28

Once we boarded the jet we decided to relax a little bit. “I need to get changed.” said Sugarpie
who was getting her bag down from the overhead compartment. “ that a limited edition
Hannah Montana travelette bag?” I asked. “Why, yes it jelly?” she replied. I was most
certainly jelly sandwich...but I wouldn’t let her know it, so when that baby goes missing she’ll
look elsewhere. “I should probably get changed too...except I didn’t leave my luggage on the jet,
so my collection of collared polos (collars pre-popped) and HM booty shorts were probably
destroyed in the building collapse.

There's a little taste of the
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
8 pages!! Holy crap.

Still...I look forward to it. My first crew meeting!!
Lvl 28
I expect it to come in at a trim 20 pages...of random, boring

I gotta pick it up.
Lvl 14
On a side note...
The next Star Wars Xbox is quite fucking awsome...

Lvl 28
That is pretty cute.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Honda_X

That is pretty cute.

The Box actualy plays R2D2 sounds when powered on... how fucking awesome is that...
Don't care much for the C3P0 controler... he was such a stuckup anyways
Lvl 28
...that would be cool, the sounds thing.

But since I'm single now...I'll have to avoid any anti-poon paraphernalia for the time being.
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