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I Cannot Fucking Stand It When..

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 17 years ago Views: 26.0K
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Lvl 28
Gas station attendants that can't grasp the three buttons they have to push.

Then put regular in my fine, pimpass ride.
Lvl 59
I cannot stand it when awesome threads die.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by EricLindros

I cannot stand it when awesome threads die.

I'll fucking second that!

I also can't fucking stand it when a good looking chick teases the hell out of me with promises, then doesn't follow through.
Lvl 19
When an otherwise gorgeous woman has a boob job. It is a sign of total insecurity at a minimum, and lousy aesthetics as the norm. .

( Hey there a silicone filter available on/for this site ? )
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 19
When such poor pictures are taken of such beautiful women.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by 888SPO

When such poor pictures are taken of such beautiful women.

I agree. How 'bout you show'em how it's done?
Lvl 6
"Nothing needs reforming as much as other peoples' habits." Mark Twain
Lvl 59
I hate when people who look like they're in their twenties show up at your front door for trick-or-treat.

Go buy some candy you fuckbags.
Lvl 28
When people haterade all over me for trick or treating.

I'm "handsome guy" for Halloween, suck it up, chaps.
Lvl 13
I cannot fucking stand it when...

I'm sitting down.

...When I read a thread and realize that the people whom made it so great are no longer around.
Lvl 23
I cannot fucking stand ti when people chew with their mouths open or talk with food in their mouths!!!
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Slacker_X

Gas station attendants that can't grasp the three buttons they have to push.

Then put regular in my fine, pimpass ride.

You still have regular in Canada? I need to bring my 70 1/2 camaro up and get some gas...
I cannot fucking stand it when I call a local company and i get a recording that says "press 1 for English" and I live in America!
Lvl 59
When I'm on WBW and there are like 2 new forum posts over a half hour, but then I go here: and see like ninety-four billion people on WBW.
Lvl 6
it drives me nuts when ppl come into the store, you say hi to them, and they look at you like they could really care less what you have to think

the fact that 90% of the population, is a bunch of retarded lemmings

women that display beautiful cleavage, but get pissed when you look
Lvl 28
I hate it when people say "I hate King of the Hill"....

Since you know, KotH is whateves.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by ohpunk

women that display beautiful cleavage, but get pissed when you look

Are you in my politics class?
Lvl 11
People that hit on me who do not own boats, or a BMW of a 5 series or higher.

It's like, what? What are you even doing?
Lvl 6
haha ^

i hate creeps who just don't get it.
like the kid in my ethics class. if im texting/on the phone/have headphones on/am doing work/look busy/look like i'm trying to look busy during breaks, before and/or after class - I DON'T WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU! honestly makes me dread a class I otherwise love.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Lucy_Diamond

haha ^

i hate creeps who just don't get it.
like the kid in my ethics class. if im texting/on the phone/have headphones on/am doing work/look busy/look like i'm trying to look busy during breaks, before and/or after class - I DON'T WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU! honestly makes me dread a class I otherwise love.

Be all "look you haz a BMW?" and when he says no, just walk on.

Taking some shit from a sucka, you're better than that.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Quaker_Dip


Be all "look you haz a BMW?" and when he says no, just walk on.

In all seriousness, this would be an awesome blowoff line.
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