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I Cannot Fucking Stand It When..

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 17 years ago Views: 26.0K
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Lvl 28
Okay, this thread is about those little things that make us cringe...You know like nails on a chalk board, or people chewing tinfoil, shit like that. Everyone has one, and they can be weird..what's your odd tick or just phobia in general?

I can't stand it when people rub their hands across carpet, and when I do it..even by accident, I shudder and get all grossed out and my mouth waters.

So what's your odd thing that drives you crazy?
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 20
I really hate when people are absentmindedly fiddling with hardened skin, tick tick tick. I seriously creeps me out for some reason, I could crawl out of my skin.
Lvl 15
people preach to you in the streets about whatever religion/charity/shop they're promoting.
Lvl 15
a customer comes into my shop talking on their phone and then grunts at you as if you are being rude to them for interupting them by asking them for money for goods theyve bought
Pure and simply girls burping drives me up the wall!
Lvl 11
people farting in a public place! particularly in a work environment and NEAR me. not cool!
Lvl 16
When folks bitch about all of my habits.

Seriously, when someone decides they want to argue a point with you and then stalk off calling you names because they had no facts.
When theres a HUGE sign, right infront of a person telling them where something is, and the person stands infront of the sign and say, excuse me I have been looking for someone for 10 mins to tell me where this thing is.

But if they looked at the freaking sign 10 mins ago, they would have gotten what they were waiting for.
Lvl 9
When a person on a bicycle ride the white line on the right side of the roadway when there is a good 6-7 feet of pavement on the right of the line for them to ride on. I don't want to hit them, and would pissed if I did for their own stupidity. (And I haven't hit anyone yet.)
Lvl 5
When someone- ANYONE - sits at my desk and messes with my stuff. My wife does it and even after 20 years she does not understand that it just irritates me to no fucking end. "I'm not hiding anything, I just don't like you doing that" is a constant refrain at home and work.
Lvl 59
someone else using the last of the toilet paper and not replacing it
Lvl 30
I hate it when someone leaves their cellphone on, at the movies, and when it rings, they answer the call, inside the theater, generally either right next to me, or in a nearby seat.
Lvl 7
- people who can't pick a speed while driving.
- my girl, who is obviously in a bad mood and after I ask what is wrong, replies with, "Nothing."
- people who turn their crappy flea-market based systems in their rag-tag piece of crap cars all the way up while pumping their gas.
- my girl's parents ..... and everything about them.
Lvl 8
people think they know more than me.
Lvl 13
When people are late regularly, especially when i've made it known i don't like it. It aggrevates me even more when they constantly have no reason for it other than, "setting off late", "forgetting"........morons.

or when they say "its an extra 20 for anal............
Lvl 59
I hate when people list things they hate.
Lvl 30
people smoke around me when they know i dont like it
Lvl 59
I hate coins. Really, I hate them. They just sit around and make a mess, weigh down my pants and stuff and generally are annoying.
Originally posted by EricLindros

I hate coins. Really, I hate them. They just sit around and make a mess, weigh down my pants and stuff and generally are annoying.

i never have coins...i hate them
i only use eftpos or use my debit card as a credit card cause i pay no fees and i always use the exact amount i need to use and no more..

I hate lazy people, people that cant do things themselves...specially the ones who wont even try cause they know someone else will do it for them.
Lvl 8
Anyone driving slow in the left lane, that drives me nuts. These people seem to want to make a moral statement about speeding so they sit in that lane and hold up traffic, I wish you could spin 'em out and not get in trouble for it.
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