I can't stand when snow plows can see you coming, and pull out anyway, really slowly just to piss you off.
I wish to god I was allowed to kill people.
I wish to god I was allowed to kill people.
Originally posted by jower
People who preach they r color BLIND...Please!!!
Originally posted by comeslikeahorse
That and chicks that throw up gang signs in pictures. You're not in a gang, you're not ghetto, and you're not hard ass. You're white suburbia.
Originally posted by EricLindros
I hate when good threads die because of the auto-lock script that gets them.
Honolulu is worst place I have ever been for this - it seems there are fatal injuries quite often.Quote:
Originally posted by Xenocyde
When a person on a bicycle ride the white line on the right side of the roadway when there is a good 6-7 feet of pavement on the right of the line for them to ride on. I don't want to hit them, and would pissed if I did for their own stupidity. (And I haven't hit anyone yet.)
Originally posted by Ivan-the-SoSo
I hate when two people drive side by side on a four lane...and one passes the other verrry slowwwly
Originally posted by nickanthony
Hah. i'm the guy purposely driving slow next to another slow car when I can tell some guy is in a hurry and being an asshole about it.