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I Cannot Fucking Stand It When..

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 17 years ago Views: 26.0K
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Lvl 28
I can't stand when snow plows can see you coming, and pull out anyway, really slowly just to piss you off.

I wish to god I was allowed to kill people.
Lvl 28
I can't stand mimes..

...what the fuck, asshole mimes.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by jower

People who preach they r color BLIND...Please!!!

Thats funny cause mine is other white people who think that just because i happen to be a white dude also, that I share in the ignorant fucked up racist views they have.

Why do they feel its ok to say some racist shit to me on the random....I have freaking dreads, ones that were to my waist, and you wanna drop the N bomb on me, come on yo are you that stupid? Ignorant fuck.

Ok, done thanks for listening.
Lvl 10
I can't stand online tough guys...the ones that talk about how hard core they are and that they'll "beat the shit out of you". It's pathetic. That and chicks that throw up gang signs in pictures. You're not in a gang, you're not ghetto, and you're not hard ass. You're white suburbia.
Lvl 13
I cant stand when..

1) my girl says "nothing" when i ask her whats wrong

2) lousy cashiers who seems to have had the worst fuckin day of their lives

3) people who take ages to pull out of their lot when they know someone is waiting to pull in

4) idiots who drive slow in the fast lane

5) dumb adverts keep on repeating every 5 mins when i'm watching tv - esp law firms, insurance and tele-marketing crap

6) people who grab my phone and act as if it's the first damn mobile phone they've seen in their entire miserable lives

7) people talk about me as if they really know me

8) my girl annoying me when i'm on the phone, or when i'm playing a game on my PC or Xbox

9) professors who give a load of assignments just before spring break/fall break and say "you are on holiday, so got plenty of free time, make sure you do them ALL" -- aargh! its a supposed to be a break!!

10) people who lean on my car as if its their's

11) people who wouldn't bother saying 'thanks' if/when i hold the door open to them - at least fuckin smile you dumb bastards

12) Flava Flav and his stupid show. period.

13) morons who can't control their dogs

sorry guys, i'm on a roll here hehe

14) people who overtake you in a hurry, get in front of you and slow down

15) people bring kids to movies that they really shouldn't - and when these kids start talkin/crying/kicking the front seat

16) teenage tramps who can't keep their mouths shut during movies

17) people who criticize things that they dont really know about or haven't had an experience with/of

18) rich bastards who dish out too much money to buy an SUV, just so that the 2 kids can go to school which is just 1 mile away from home

19) people who buy proper off-road vehicles like Land Rovers, Hummer H1s, Jeep Wranglers, etc and then try to avoid every tiny puddle of mud or gravel patch on the road. get a toyota corolla, jackass.

20) some friends of mine who try to give me instructions when i'm off-roading and in a tricky situation - most of them haven't even driven over a curb in their lifetime.

oh well.. thats 20 that i could think of.. could go on forever but hey, guess this should be suffice
Lvl 28
Wow Omega..shit pisses you off...and I agree with most of it.

Originally posted by comeslikeahorse

That and chicks that throw up gang signs in pictures. You're not in a gang, you're not ghetto, and you're not hard ass. You're white suburbia.

Yeah, I hate those idiot girls too...they try REALLY, REALLY hard to be as extremely hardcore as they can.....which at the very most is getting fucked by a dude in a gang...ohhhh so hardcore. People really need to pull their heads out of their fucking asses.
Lvl 28
People who have no morals..


I heard about this dude at work, who slept with the bosses daughter today, meanwhile hes dating a chick who works there.

I hope he gets fired for being a retard, ...also, they're both fat.
Lvl 4
The sound of other people brushing their teeth!
Lvl 7
I cannot fucking stand it when people threaten me with cotton balls... I shutter and run away in fear.
Lvl 9
when people dont tip good/fast service (i'm a bartender)
Lvl 59
I hate when good threads die because of the auto-lock script that gets them.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros

I hate when good threads die because of the auto-lock script that gets them.

We don't take kindly to folks that don't take kindly 'round here.
Lvl 7
People with a lot of bumper stickers. I don't really care what your political opinion is when I'm driving and they aren't funny.
Lvl 37
I hate it when I get kicked off WBW 4 or 5 times a day, but who don't

My real life hate it is when I'm out and about wearing light colored slacks.
I make a pit stop and no matter how hard I shake Little TK ( sometimes to exhaustion) a few drops spread ominously on the front of pants when I tuck him back in his nest.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Xenocyde

When a person on a bicycle ride the white line on the right side of the roadway when there is a good 6-7 feet of pavement on the right of the line for them to ride on. I don't want to hit them, and would pissed if I did for their own stupidity. (And I haven't hit anyone yet.)
Honolulu is worst place I have ever been for this - it seems there are fatal injuries quite often.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Ivan-the-SoSo

I hate when two people drive side by side on a four lane...and one passes the other verrry slowwwly

Hah. i'm the guy purposely driving slow next to another slow car when I can tell some guy is in a hurry and being an asshole about it.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by nickanthony


Hah. i'm the guy purposely driving slow next to another slow car when I can tell some guy is in a hurry and being an asshole about it.

I hope you get hit by a meteorite.

Also, back from the dead...well done, tehdros.
Lvl 26
I cannot stand slow the fast lane
Lvl 4
people who can't park... ie: have one wheel on the line, or have their car at a really big angle. I mean, don't be so damn lazy, make's me not want to key your car so much
Lvl 14
I cant stand people...........period!
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