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Funny Little Things You Do..(that you think noone else does)

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 14 years ago Views: 9.0K
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Lvl 28
Originally posted by Anonymous_Poster

I am really Honda's mom.

Lvl 22
Originally posted by Anonymous_Poster

I am really Honda's mom.

I noticed a family resemblance , I didn't want to mention !

The real reason I reply to your post is that I was wondering if you liked this present that Mr. Dad Honda got you "

( I suggested it )

I ate something in my refrigerator that smelled funny. I have no idea what it was, or how it got there. And it tasted like it had been pickled. I currently feel more high from eating that strange thing than I ever have from drugs or alcohol. Seriously light headed, and unable to walk a straight line. Moral of the story, if you can't identify it, don't eat it.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Mashad

I ate something in my refrigerator that smelled funny. I have no idea what it was, or how it got there. And it tasted like it had been pickled. I currently feel more high from eating that strange thing than I ever have from drugs or alcohol. Seriously light headed, and unable to walk a straight line. Moral of the story, if you can't identify it, don't eat it.

Bro, I suggest a doctor. Or make yourself throw up or something. I think you may have poisoned yourself.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros


Bro, I suggest a doctor. Or make yourself throw up or something. I think you may have poisoned yourself.

That man is a party animal..
Apparently it was a spicy pickled artichoke heart. Now what I want to know, is who the FUCK put spicy pickled artichoke hearts in my refrigerator?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Mashad

Apparently it was a spicy pickled artichoke heart. Now what I want to know, is who the FUCK put spicy pickled artichoke hearts in my refrigerator?

Lvl 5
When I go upstairs, I go on all fours and ascend rapidly.
Lvl 5
sometimes i bite the skin on the inside of my mouth
Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros


Bro, I suggest a doctor. Or make yourself throw up or something. I think you may have poisoned yourself.

The proper response to poisoning is rum. Fool.
Lvl 13
Whiskey works fine as well
Lvl 28
I drive around for no good reason, and then pretend I'm in a hurry as an excuse to drive fast.
Lvl 16
I like to drive slowly around town now for a few reasons;

#1- My Truck "large esyouvee" is not so good on the petro usage,
#2- My Florida tags make people think I'm very lost, since most people up here in Ohio are not used to my tags, so I catch them staring and thinking WTF is he doing here?
#3- (I, in no way, have my truck ghetto'ed out but regardless people see it and think Im not "white".).. So I like to piss them off also. It keeps it interesting.
Lvl 28're stuck in Ohio.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Anonymous_Poster

I like to smell my finger after I scratch my nuts. It's a good shower time gauge.

that is awesome and hilarious!

Also, sometimes I think people are watching what i post on WBW... turns out I am right, but I don't think it is too weird. What is weirder is that I am really flattered by it, but she thinks I am creepy? (long story and pretty much this post is for my amusement only)
these are soo funnyy! lol
When i come home...i HAVE to take the clothes i wore outside off! some of my friends were the same thing inside as outside (like jeans and stuff). i cant do it though!! I either just wear panties/shirt or if they are ppl i have "home" outfits.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by sillygoose123

When i come home...i HAVE to take the clothes i wore outside off! some of my friends were the same thing inside as outside (like jeans and stuff). i cant do it though!! I either just wear panties/shirt or if they are ppl i have "home" outfits.

that's great, i was with a girl that always wore her undies at my house, cause i asked her to though
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Anonymous_Poster

sometimes i bite the skin on the inside of my mouth

I do this sometimes too.

Also, I hate sticky. If my fork or something gets syrup on it when I'm eating pancakes, I have to get a new one or wash it off. On the handle, I mean. If it gets on the prong part that goes in my mouth, that's not a big deal.
Lvl 5
When I make jam on toast, later on I always discover some jam on my elbow or in some impossible place like the divot between my wrist knuckle and the back of my hand and wonder how the fuck it got there.
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