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Funny Little Things You Do..(that you think noone else does)

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 9.1K
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Lvl 29
after any bank deposit, i use a lit cigarette to burn away the account number, then rip the remaining pieces into tiny shreds before throwing said pieces into a minimum of 2 separate trash receptacles. this is just one way i avoid identity theft as you never know who's looking through your trashcans
Lvl 28
Originally posted by the_kevin1

after any bank deposit, i use a lit cigarette to burn away the account number, then rip the remaining pieces into tiny shreds before throwing said pieces into a minimum of 2 separate trash receptacles. this is just one way i avoid identity theft as you never know who's looking through your trashcans

To combat this I jerk off directly into trash bags..

Take that, identity theft've got mah semenz on you.

In all seriousness though, that is very normal, I usually rip mine into very small pieces and throw them out in tiny squares at different times. I just thought I was weird though.
Lvl 59
Hrm. I suppose I should be throwing them out as whole sheets of paper with my account number highlighted anymore?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

Hrm. I suppose I should be throwing them out as whole sheets of paper with my account number highlighted anymore?

Well, unless you're some type of badass maverick...


Also, neat avy.
Lvl 59
Oh, well, yeah, but right now my checking account has three dollars and change in it, so I'm going to have to start shredding those documents.
Lvl 28
Pfft, criminal masterminds will have the last laugh, when you go to buy a candy bar and pop one day, and your card is declined, meanwhile they're balls deep in an Orange Crush and Caramilk bar.
Lvl 59
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Honda_X

Pfft, criminal masterminds will have the last laugh, when you go to buy a candy bar and pop one day, and your card is declined, meanwhile they're balls deep in an Orange Crush and Caramilk bar.

Lvl 5
I masticate in public
Lvl 5
I like to play racquet ball, putt-putt, crocquet and horse-shoes.
The only difference is, I don't hold the racquets, putter or steaks with my hands. It feels quite nice.

Which reminds me, where did I put my TV remote?
Lvl 5
Sometimes I just wish I would die and get it over with. I f#ckin' hate my life.
Lvl 5
I have been married for over a dozen years, and during that time I have had numerous women hit on me along with virtually all of my wive's friends. I have seen more naked women married than when I was single. I haven't cheated once and yet I feel like a dirtbag for having them hit on me and being tempted, a total loser for missing the opportunites and nothing at all for passing them up. I thought doing the right thing was supposed to make you feel good.
Lvl 28
Wow you guys, that was very deep and honest...

I'm glad I went with the anonymous posting...this thread is getting some interesting replies.

Originally posted by Anonymous_Poster

Sometimes I just wish I would die and get it over with. I f#ckin' hate my life.

I'm sorry man...I hope it gets better for you.
Lvl 5
I like to go to schoolyards and show Little TK to the girls.

I think it's hilarious to watch them run away screaming
Lvl 7
I like sniffing coke of strippers tits and ass, No I really , really like it!!
Lvl 7
O shit, I forgot to change my log-in.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Jimmythelock

O shit, I forgot to change my log-in.

@TK: Chris Hansen would like you to have a seat over there.
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Honda_X


@TK: Chris Hansen would like you to have a seat over there.

too late jimmy you been quoted

So this really isn't anonymous after all
Lvl 28
Little TK must be disappointed..
Lvl 5
I am really Honda's mom.
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