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Funny Little Things You Do..(that you think noone else does)

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 14 years ago Views: 9.0K
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Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros

I think I'm defective. The back of my ears don't stink.

Me too...
Lvl 5
I am a douche. I fap to goatse.

I am RainbowDemon.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Anonymous_Poster

I am a douche. I fap to goatse.

I am RainbowDemon.

No way...
awesome thread

i cant think of anything, im not as weird as i thought i was.....although, im pretty close to been OCD
Lvl 37
I thought this was anonymous posting?!?!?

One Thing I don't do is read directions.

I'm a man.

Another thing; every now and then Ol' TK likes a cold one.

If one is not readily handy, I'll have my GF lay in a tub of ice an hour before we have sex.

I don't need no stinkin' anonymity, I'm a Demigod fer crissakes.
Lvl 5
I'm actualy almost a complete women now. Just one more nip, tuck and stretch and I'm there.

I also pose as a Modmember here that is named after a Japanese motorcycle.

I feel much better atleast getting that off my chest, even if only in secret.
Lvl 12
I fuck my brothers wife, however i'm yet to test if he considers it a funny little thing by telling him.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by EricLindros

I think I'm defective. The back of my ears don't stink.
Latino you have the driest 'fuckin' humor on the site
i do?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Latino

i do?


@Anonymous_poster: Nice burn.
Lvl 16
Yeah, anonymous_poster, Nice burn indeed.

Lvl 29
Originally posted by EricLindros

I think I'm defective. The back of my ears don't stink.

And as I was thinking to myself, "Who is going to try that?"........
Lvl 5
I like to set these really small fires where ever i am at the time, i try not to because now any time a fire gets big i'm first on the list of who to check

They do a check of my where abouts and a sniff test of my hands (thankfully i had just checked shower status) the fools.
Lvl 16

I'm a bit of a pyro also. But I mainly like controled burns. You know, fire places and pits and the like. But I do like me some fire.

Thank god, Im on no checklist..

Btw.. I like this new member, he's good fun. It pains me to say it but here it is.

Well done Honda.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by RumDum

Btw.. I like this new member, he's good fun. It pains me to say it but here it is.

Well done Honda.

I know right..

..even I'm pretty impressed with how well this is going. I hope some low posters are actually having a bit of

Keep up the good work
Lvl 5
Sometimes I take naps in the shower
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Latino

i do?

Damn. And I thought I was a special snowflake.
Lvl 5
Opps i meant to add that i sometimes wake up with a little brown runnig down the drain.

how do you change your back posting ? and how do you guys quote like that?
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Anonymous_Poster

Sometimes I take naps in the shower

I do this also.. I also like to sit in the shower and cover my ears, so it feels and sounds a like a good rain storm.

But I know nothing of any brownnesses's goin down the drain.
Lvl 26
I read magazines whilst i sit on the toilet to have a dump and then cant get up because my legs have gone to sleep !
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