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Exploring Your Local Area...(Urban Exploration) *Updated Again, Now With More Such*

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 14.4K
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Lvl 28
I had no idea I had only loaded the first half of the pictures....nice 3 fullsize hotlinks of your leg though, time well spent sir.

I know what you mean though, with the exploring alone thing...When I was sliding back out of the church, the center pillar of the window let go and I fell a fair distance, luckily I'm young, and I landed on my feet, so I just continued walking normally. I did get pretty rained on though, which was kinda shitty. That leg looks pretty beat up, I hope it hasn't put you off any future missions, becuase this is becoming pretty cool business.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Honda_X

I had no idea I had only loaded the first half of the pictures....nice 3 fullsize hotlinks of your leg though, time well spent sir.

I know what you mean though, with the exploring alone thing...When I was sliding back out of the church, the center pillar of the window let go and I fell a fair distance, luckily I'm young, and I landed on my feet, so I just continued walking normally. I did get pretty rained on though, which was kinda shitty. That leg looks pretty beat up, I hope it hasn't put you off any future missions, becuase this is becoming pretty cool business.

No I'm still in the game!!(recovery time excluded!)

And,I think that I would take the wetness of rain soaked!
Lvl 28
I dunno dude, I had to comb my hair, and air puff my shirt a lot while I drove, since it was sticking to my chest. It was pretty brutal.
Lvl 22

(I don't know how to do that rolling on the floor laughing my ass off thingy,but,that's what fits here !)
Lvl 28

Really? lol..

type ha ha ha without the spaces.
Lvl 21
Notech my brother, very nice work. Please to not be dying while taking pics for the WBW.

You fall down that hole and we would never know what happened to you.

I'll be posting pics of my excursion soon. Mine was a Walt Disney short feature compared to yours.
Lvl 4
Great thread! One of the all-time best for WBW....keep this up and take it even further...
Lvl 22
cheez, notech. great pics, but next time take a partner, my firend!!

my buddy & i were on our way to check out the old black diamond mine site just north of Tombsone, Az...but my buddie's wife called having a panic attack that he was going to die or something & we had to go back. women.

Lvl 28
Originally posted by hydrahead

Notech my brother, very nice work. Please to not be dying while taking pics for the WBW.

You fall down that hole and we would never know what happened to you.

I'll be posting pics of my excursion soon. Mine was a Walt Disney short feature compared to yours.

Yes, I agree...Notech, don't fact, nobody die.

It's kinda funny Notech and I both forgot our flashlights...planning ahead FTW.

I'm looking forward to your pics Hydra..

Originally posted by JohnCleland

Great thread! One of the all-time best for WBW....keep this up and take it even further...

Thanks man, it is turning out pretty awesome, a few of us are posting some pretty neat pics. I'm very pleased with the levels of neatness this thread is throwing around. I (and notech from what he has said) plan to keep it up. You should have a look around your area too could be pretty cool business.

Originally posted by azdesertrat

cheez, notech. great pics, but next time take a partner, my firend!!

my buddy & i were on our way to check out the old black diamond mine site just north of Tombsone, Az...but my buddie's wife called having a panic attack that he was going to die or something & we had to go back. women.


Oh man, that sucks dude...that sounds like it would have been cool as hell. Next time get your buddy to come and not tell his wife..

Man that sounds cool..
Lvl 22
I'm sorry that I left all you guys hanging! (I still live)(I can hardly walk tho' today)....

Soo...I can't bear the thought of loosing a perfectly fine hat,(right?).

Went back and got my hat and some pics of the Hole that would have killed Yours Truly!

(smaller size by popular demand)

Did It Work?....
Lvl 28
Fucking thank you...see, that took me like..a half a minute, rather than the rest of the night.

Fuck, that is quite the damn drop..I'm guessing you took a flashlight this time?

Can you imagine if you had fallen down the hole again?
Lvl 22
Yup, took a flashlight,and still almost fell 'cause my whole body hurts...

Got My Hat Tho'

Lvl 22
rats!...all i got were red x's & a bunch of mumbo-jumbo when i clicked on the pics.

Lvl 18
cool thread but others have mentioned this but im gonna repeat it just incase there are any hardheads around

1 do this with a pal
2 drug addicts and nutcases may be hiding in abandoned buildings
3 snakes spiders and creepys oh my
4 be careful
5 dont get loaded before you do this
6 iron maiden rules
7 you could possibly wind up in jail
8 have fun
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Mr.Poop

cool thread but others have mentioned this but im gonna repeat it just incase there are any hardheads around

1 do this with a pal
2 drug addicts and nutcases may be hiding in abandoned buildings
3 snakes spiders and creepys oh my
4 be careful
5 dont get loaded before you do this
6 iron maiden rules
7 you could possibly wind up in jail
8 have fun

Yes, everyone, take note of Poop's post....this is serious business.

Kinda. lol

You should do some Mr.Poop....get crackin on some sweet, sweet urban exploration.
Lvl 11
Yeh, Mr Poop is right. I travel a lot, and when we do explore old sites I take a headlamp, a snake light around my neck, a sling shot and a BB pistol, bug repellent, 1st Aid & snake bite kit and 100 feet of rope. I wear protective clothing and good hi-top hiking boots. Even then I sometimes wish I had something else with me!!!
Originally posted by robodick

Even then I sometimes wish I had something else with me!!!

I know right?!?!? Like, for example, a 27 year old Nigerian love goddess!!!
Lvl 21
Originally posted by hydrahead

In the town I live in now we used to spend alot of time on a piece of property that was an old estate of some kind. The house was gone but there were stone walls that followed a creek around the edge of the property. The stone walls had arched passages in them and there was a bridge over the creek with stone at each end. The wooden road bed on the bridge had long ago rotted away and all that was left was four steel beams about five inches wide. We would walk across the beams to get to the part of the property that was inside the walls to go fishing in the creek.

Then the property was sold for development. An apartment complex was built and when they dug a pond for the place they uncovered an underground concrete room. It was where bootleggers would pick up the booze that was stored there to keep it hidden from the law. To this day you can walk down next to the pond and look in the water and see the four walls of the room about six inches under the water.

Here are some pics of the walls and creek. This property is approximately twenty acres and is closely bordered by a country club golf course, the apartment complex and a busy four lane road.

I worked my way around to the bridge. We used to hang out here alot.

I followed what was a road to the other side of the bridge. On the way I encountered a deer. I could tell by the look on it's face it wasn't expecting to see me either.

More to follow.
Lvl 21
Here are some pics from the other side of the bridge. You can see the tennis courts at the country club. These were not there when we were hanging out back here. The golf course was there and the tennis courts were up by the clubhouse.

A few looking back down the road. The last one is looking out of the trees by the road and you can see the clubhouse of the country club.

Lvl 21
There is an old stone three sided structure on the part of the property that was developed adjacent to the apartment complex. I believe it to be a stable for horses. The wooden roof and doors are long gone. The walls have some cool detail in them. I have included some pictures of some of the more interesting stones.

This picture of the stable building will give you a better reference to it's size. Also, the ponds and landscaping were not there when we were first exploring this area. The area of the stone stable structure was wooded and heavily overgrown.

When the ponds were dug, an underground concrete room was uncovered just to the left of the stable structure. I saw it when the pond was still dry. It is about 10 feet square and six feet deep. There was a concrete door about a foot thick that had fallen onto the floor of the room. This room was used by bootleggers to hide the booze in for the runners to pick up and deliver. I tried to get some good pics but the light has to be just right and the water needs to be still. I may try to get some better pics soon.

Yeah, well sometimes you gotta take one for the team. Just ask notech.

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