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Exploring Your Local Area...(Urban Exploration) *Updated Again, Now With More Such*

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 14.3K
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Lvl 28
Yeah, the idea of going into an asylum or jail or something, where people actually died would be pretty fucked up, especially at night..

You should check it out man, dress in all black...become an awesome shadow.

Originally posted by grotheafro

for more information check out

I'll check that out dude. Thanks for posting some pics, that place looks amazing to roam around in.

Without flashlights....that place would be fucking freaky dude. Damn..

Thanks for posting.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by grotheafro

first off, awesome thread.

I used to go explore an abandoned mental facility. there were 6 buildings or so linked with underground tunnels. At night the tunnels would sometimes have a moist fog due to the change in the summertime temps and humidity.

place was creepy. they had patient records which detailed their problems and what treatments they were receiving (mainly shock treatments).

It was built around the 1920's I'd have to say. place was scary, we would go at night due to the 24 hour security guards.

That place would be creepy. Sphincter factor of 9.5 easy.
Lvl 8
Haha I am glad I made such a splash in this forum. If it wasn't for peer pressure and girls being present I most likely would have shit my pants and chickened out. But those memories will live with me forever, was totally worth it.
Lvl 37
I didn't take these pictures, but here are some of the abandoned buildings of the STL area...

I pass by this building on the way to work...

Armour Packing Plant
Lvl 37
By the way... this might be of some interest to you, Honda...
Lvl 28
So yeah, it did end up raining a shit load today, but I manged to slip into this abandoned church before that happened..

Oh awesome, I just realized the 15 pictures I took are 28.5MB...I guess I'll have to make them a bit smaller, and maybe clean them up a bit in PS...check back shortly for neatness.

@RogueLeader: You have to get into those buildings man..that would be awesome. Do it for us, here at WBW.
Lvl 28
I down sized them and tried to keep their kb limit to 100ish..

I also decided not to post a few that are very similar, it just saves me uploading them. Hope you guys enjoy.

Also, if anyone else is planning on posting large sized picture to this thread, please hotlink them and post the thumbnail...just so I can view them without waiting a few hours lol.

Good sites for thumbnail hotlinking are and

Hope you guys enjoy:

Lvl 13
When I was a kid we lived out in the country so there where alot of old houses and stuff.
There used to be a place down the dirt road that was cool. We use to go there and hang out all the time.

Next to it who ever owned it dumped a shit load of iceboxes and washers dryers deep freezers stuff like that .
I guess he was a appliance repair man.

But we used to go there to hunt for snakes and found a lot of them.
those where the days.

Honda thanks man I have not thought of that stuff for years thanks man
Lvl 28
I try man.

You should get back into some pics of your adventures.

I plan on getting a bullwhip and fedora..just for lulz.
Lvl 22
Well of course Notech can't resize/ shop,but here goes..

Do Not Try This Alone

(which I did,only hurt not dead..obviously)!

I think it would be awesome to explore this site in the dark,right? Nooooo....not without back-up!!

first pic and all was well

Lvl 22
I knew the job was dangerous,but I push on..

Lvl 22
All is going as planned

Pic here a pic there....

All was going just fantastic...I'm out the other side of the building..Click for posterity...

Lvl 28
Originally posted by Honda_X

Also, if anyone else is planning on posting large sized picture to this thread, please hotlink them and post the thumbnail...just so I can view them without waiting a few hours lol.

Good sites for thumbnail hotlinking are and

Well, since I'll spend the better part of a life time trying to view these pictures...I just thought I would quote myself a little.

Also, from the 1/30th of the first pic I can far it's looking good man.
Lvl 22
Well, all tho' that looks locked,it's not. I return the way I went through! (not the good choice),

(Did I mention that someone should be with you when you explore?)

Left Leg...

Right Leg...

Yup,That's blood...

Lvl 22
So here's the catch,I went in,it was dark,how I missed these holes in the floor I'll never know..
I fell in this one, knocked my glasses and hat off...(this is where Injuries Occurred),

That's my hat down there!!

(didn't take a pic off my broken glasses,I was able to fix them)
Lvl 22
I didn't think to go down those stairs to get my hat back,so I went out side of the building down in a place that I'm sure was a pond,fell 4 more times,(cracks in the mud),took this pic.

(Last before I blow-up the Hondawgs internets )

Lvl 28
I'm glad I waited and let them load dude...that is fucking cool.

Also, what's up with this being scared to go alone business, you're American, just take a machine gun or something, anything so much as squeaks...blow it to fucking pieces dude...

Man that's cool

..nice fansign by the way, mine was shitty...I made it in the car because I forgot to make one, and then I also forgot my flashlight in the car...and I was to lazy to walk back to get it, so there I am, standing in a church in complete fucking darkness, totally scared to death of nothing. It was pretty retrospect, at the time it was fucking terrifying, because I neglected to post the pictures, just like, the second I slid through the window, A MASSIVE fucking thunderstorm started...I walk in BOOM thunder, I almost shit my fucking pants and then got the fuck living fuck out of there..

Well done dude, thanks for taking the trip.
Lvl 22
(Note to self's)Frickin' flashlites
Lvl 22
BTW, I'm not done yet!

There's two more buildings in the pics I posted...

just may have to let my wounds heal a bit!

(the leg that I could take a pic of,the other leg at my thigh,my back,and the back of my head!!)
Lvl 22
I'm sorry that I didn't comment on all of the other awesome pics of exploration!!(pain pills and age)

I really like that there are so many that like this EXPLORATION IDEA !!!
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