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Exploring Your Local Area...(Urban Exploration) *Updated Again, Now With More Such*

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 14.3K
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Lvl 28

Urban Exploration

  • Cool Beans

    87.95% (73)

  • Weak Sauce

    12.05% (10)

Votes: 83
Basically what I'm talking about is exploring abandoned buildings..

(I didn't take

Yeah, I know that most places (everywhere) this is probably illegal. I'm strictly talking about abandoned buildings. Since I was a kid I've loved going into abandoned buildings with my friends, I find it exciting and interesting. We once got into a school house built in the 1870s, you have to be mighty careful, but it was really awesome to see the blackboards and all the old shit they had just left there to rot. I thought I was some kind of weird freak, since even my friends weren't as into it as I was, but then I was talking about it to my parents today, and my dad actually feels the same way, and he used to do the same thing all the time when he lived in Britain.

Have any of you guys ever done this sort of thing? Any pics? Stories?

Feel free to share, I've always thought it was a cool subject.

Also, here is a picture of some chick, so those of you only interested in wimminz won't feel that this thread wasted your time.

* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 22
I like to explore old buildings,especially attics,I found a pic taken in the 1800s once!
It turned out to be my landlords grandparents wedding pic

The landlord had no other pics of them and was happy enough to give me a free months rent

I'll post some of my latest wanderings soon !
Lvl 28
That's pretty badass Notech...Thanks for posting.

It'll be nice to see those pics when you get them loaded up.

Hopefully some other people who enjoy this activity show up, be nice to hear some stories. I wonder what kind of equipment people have, like if you did this kinda thing frequently.

I can just see some dude with a chest in his trunk, with a respirator, camera..gloves and all sorts of equipment and tools. Like an abandoned building exploring batman type....that would be super balla.
I used to do it alot when I was younger...never took pics though, usually just went into them to get up to no good and nothing else
Lvl 59
Trespassing is code for cool.

Also, I did when I was younger. Now I don't so much, because, well, I dunno. I guess I don't find myself wandering around desolate areas very often.
Lvl 22
I'm going to explore an old mill site this weekend.

Pics will follow!

There's about 5 buildings to explore,this tank was just cut down.

Lvl 28
Fuck yeah, trespassing.

@Notech: Seriously? That's pretty fucking awesome dude...I'm looking forward to this.

I dunno, it's cool to see so many people did guys should do it more, especially Latino.
Lvl 20
That is very cool notech.

I've always liked exploring abandoned buildings as well. In one town I used to live in
we explored an old abandoned icehouse. In that same town I actually went to juvenile court
because we got caught inside an old junior high school that was built in the 1920s.

In the town I live in now we used to spend alot of time on a piece of property that was an old estate of some kind. The house was gone but there were stone walls that followed a creek around the edge of the property. The stone walls had arched passages in them and there was a bridge over the creek with stone at each end. The wooden road bed on the bridge had long ago rotted away and all that was left was four steel beams about five inches wide. We would walk across the beams to get to the part of the property that was inside the walls to go fishing in the creek.

Then the property was sold for development. An apartment complex was built and when they dug a pond for the place they uncovered an underground concrete room. It was where bootleggers would pick up the booze that was stored there to keep it hidden from the law. To this day you can walk down next to the pond and look in the water and see the four walls of the room about six inches under the water.

btw I love this kind of stuff.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by hydrahead

That is very cool notech.

I've always liked exploring abandoned buildings as well. In one town I used to live in
we explored an old abandoned icehouse. In that same town I actually went to juvenile court
because we got caught inside an old junior high school that was built in the 1920s.

In the town I live in now we used to spend alot of time on a piece of property that was an old estate of some kind. The house was gone but there were stone walls that followed a creek around the edge of the property. The stone walls had arched passages in them and there was a bridge over the creek with stone at each end. The wooden road bed on the bridge had long ago rotted away and all that was left was four steel beams about five inches wide. We would walk across the beams to get to the part of the property that was inside the walls to go fishing in the creek.

Then the property was sold for development. An apartment complex was built and when they dug a pond for the place they uncovered an underground concrete room. It was where bootleggers would pick up the booze that was stored there to keep it hidden from the law. To this day you can walk down next to the pond and look in the water and see the four walls of the room about six inches under the water.

btw I love this kind of stuff.

Alright, seriously...that is fucking cool dude. It's a shame digital cameras have only really become easy to get a hold of recently, and nobody wanted to get pics of them breaking into places developed at the local pharmacy back in the day..

I plan on getting more into this over the summer, hopefully with lots of pics, and few arrests.

I keep trying to find a picture of that old school house we got into online, but I can't. I guess I'll just have to take a pic next time I'm passing through that town.

I'm glad to see so many people were into this kinda shit, I love it.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Honda_X


Alright, seriously...that is fucking cool dude. It's a shame digital cameras have only really become easy to get a hold of recently, and nobody wanted to get pics of them breaking into places developed at the local pharmacy back in the day..

I plan on getting more into this over the summer, hopefully with lots of pics, and few arrests.

I keep trying to find a picture of that old school house we got into online, but I can't. I guess I'll just have to take a pic next time I'm passing through that town.

I'm glad to see so many people were into this kinda shit, I love it.

Dude, this stuff is still there. I think I can get a pic of the underground room if the water is still clear. The walls were left in place for the most part and I think maybe the four beam bridge is still there. I'll try to get pics soon.
Lvl 10
I use to go in them with boys when I was a teenie
Lvl 28
Originally posted by hydrahead


Dude, this stuff is still there. I think I can get a pic of the underground room if the water is still clear. The walls were left in place for the most part and I think maybe the four beam bridge is still there. I'll try to get pics soon.

That would be really awesome dude. Between you and the tech man, that would give this thread quite the awesome start.
Lvl 29
Used to do this in Jr. High and High School.
We had a drainage tunnel that went beneath one of the main roads in the area and used to go into it a lot.
Also helped and ex gf break into the closed Asylum in Indianapolis (Central State) to take pictures for a projec tin her photog class.
G4 just did a special on this and called it Urban Spelunking.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by WindyM

I use to go in them with boys when I was a teenie

Wish i could have gone into one of "thems" when you were a teenie Windy!

I used to do quite a bit of tresspassing as a youngster and got caught by the coppers a few times, but now its become far too dangerous where i live - Heroin / Drug addicts, crack whores etc.

What i do enjoy is spelonking, caving and cave diving etc. now! Love the old sewer systems and abandoned military sites - Like ww2 and ww1 sites.
Lvl 28
Man, this thread needs more pics...I've been scoping around looking for cool abandoned places to check out, and I've found a few.

This might sound super, super lame...but since I would likely go at dusk, or at night, I wouldn't want to go alone, so I'm just waiting for a friend of mine to jump on board. I couldn't imagine busting into an abandoned factory or something in the middle of the night alone, that shit would be freaky business.
Lvl 18
This isn't something I've ever been into but I can see how cool it could be. My friensd and I used to go into condemned or fire burnt houses to skip school and smoke weed but I never thought at the time to explore the places and see what kind of cool shit was left over. This is an awesome thread so far, even though there's few pics. Could be cool to find some old buildings and go inside.

Oh and that girl you posted, Honda, is fuckin hot so that's some extra added points to your thread
Lvl 37
Yeah... If there's one thing St. Louis is full of is abandoned buildings... I've been wanting to take pictures, but the weather has been crappy lately. And one of the areas I wanted to do a photo study on was "Slums of STL". I'll see if I can get out this weekend. Some of them are in rather dangerous areas, though... (like marcell1001 said, Heroin / Drug addicts, crack whores etc.) so I might need to bring a long a bodyguard on some expeditions And I am not physically able to jump fences and explore dangerous areas, so my pics will be from the outside.

BTW... before I start trying to hotlink stuff and look like a complete n00b, does anyone know if I can hotlink pics I upload to my Flickr album here?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by RogueLeader

BTW... before I start trying to hotlink stuff and look like a complete n00b, does anyone know if I can hotlink pics I upload to my Flickr album here?

You should be able to do that fine...when stopped letting us fullsize hotlink, Fefe made a flickr account so we could force PM Chosen all kinds of disgusting shocklinks in fullsize.

So I'm pretty sure it's all good.

Worst case, just use err..or
Lvl 22
we have alot of old gold mining ghost towns around here. but wood was scarce & when a mine ran out, they would take the wood & rebuild the buildings in a new mining town. so there aren't many buildings left. i'll try to get some pics this weekend. how about some old cemetery pics???

Lvl 29
Originally posted by WindyM

I use to go in them with boys when I was a teenie

And what did you do with the boys?
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