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Exploring Your Local Area...(Urban Exploration) *Updated Again, Now With More Such*

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 14.3K
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Lvl 28
Originally posted by HarleyXLH


And what did you do with the boys?

Probably something fairly interesting involving urban exploration. I hope.
Lvl 25
Probably "spelunking".
Lvl 28
i like the thought of that, but sometimes you have to be carefull... animals or people could be in there... plus if you fall or get hurt it could be bad... i looked up a link from a michigan site for you...
Lvl 28
also, the packard plant...there are pics on this link...
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 28
Thanks FT...yeah, I've been checking around different forums that deal with this type of thing. I got kinda creeped out when I discovered that there is a decent sized ground of people my age that do this type of thing that actually live about 20 minutes from me...

I was considering sending one of them a PM on their would be kinda cool to hang out with a lot of people who share my interest and age group. It would be like..actual social interaction, I had better take my social interaction sombrero.
Lvl 22
This is where I'm headed this weekend...
The old mill site

Lvl 22

Lvl 22

Lvl 22

Lvl 22
It's all the same site...

Lvl 37
Yeah, notech... I can't beat that... at least right now. I'll see what I can do.
Lvl 3
Really you guys should come to Detroit... You would love it, as we have lots of vacant old buildings, and from the look of it, we might have a lot more very soon.
Lvl 8
first off, awesome thread.

I used to go explore an abandoned mental facility. there were 6 buildings or so linked with underground tunnels. At night the tunnels would sometimes have a moist fog due to the change in the summertime temps and humidity.

place was creepy. they had patient records which detailed their problems and what treatments they were receiving (mainly shock treatments).

It was built around the 1920's I'd have to say. place was scary, we would go at night due to the 24 hour security guards.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by grotheafro

first off, awesome thread.

I used to go explore an abandoned mental facility. there were 6 buildings or so linked with underground tunnels. At night the tunnels would sometimes have a moist fog due to the change in the summertime temps and humidity.

place was creepy. they had patient records which detailed their problems and what treatments they were receiving (mainly shock treatments).

It was built around the 1920's I'd have to say. place was scary, we would go at night due to the 24 hour security guards.

That sounds absolutely freaky dude..especially at night. Did you guys ever get any pics, or did you just go in to explore?

Either way that is seriously cool dude...thanks for posting.

@Notech: Yeah, you're winning so far if you head in there...that's pretty badass. Maybe make a little wbw fansign, and just leave it there for fun.

I'm looking forward to the pics man.

Originally posted by simon669

Really you guys should come to Detroit... You would love it, as we have lots of vacant old buildings, and from the look of it, we might have a lot more very soon.

It would be sweet to have a few more abandoned things around's kinda cool that if you wanted to you're so close to such a wide variety of places to explore. It does fucking suck about the economy though...I hope the US makes it through okay...and doesn't fuck up Canada's shit too badly..
Lvl 22
Can do Will DO

Lvl 8
At the time I was about 17 years old and without a digi cam. I know my friend always brought his video camera, but I havent seen or talked to him in a year or so, but if i see him soon I will ask if he has any pics.

It was pretty creepy. Especially since we would smoke Mj while walking through the underground tunnels, and to freak out the girls we would turn off our flashlights (kinda freaked us out too but we were to cool to admit it).
Lvl 8
Found some pics online. check this place out...
Lvl 8
Lvl 8
for more information check out
Yeah I haven't been exploring for a while but we used to go to some pretty cool places as kids with no fear. There's an abandoned mental hospital in the middle of an upper class suburb not far from where I live that I actually checked out not to long ago but it's been thrashed by street kids and whatnot, so often that as soon as you look through the fence someone calls the cops. I went there during the day and felt I was being watched so I couldn't work up the balls to go in and it's not the place you wanna be alone at in the early hours of the morning. It's a mystery though so I'd like to check it out one night and get some cool photos.

A few cool links..
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
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