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Cocaine scooters and whatnot SPAM

Starter: Davey45 Posted: 9 years ago Views: 105.8K
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Lvl 8
This is the best time of year here. It's hot but not blazing yet, all the snowbirds are headed back north and spring break is over. I can finally go to the beach again.
Lvl 27
I'm not a big fan of the beach, unless it's an evening, or morning walk, other than that I get bored with it easily.

But yeah, must be better for you without all the extra winter traffic.
Lvl 8
Don't get me wrong, I'm well aware that tourism is why I don't pay a state income tax. It's just that the population of my city grows by roughly 25% from October through March, mostly retirees from Canada. The traffic gets pretty rough. Restaurants get more crowded. General parking near the beach or downtown becomes a nightmare. I'm just glad I don't work in the food service industry. Even though some of these visitors have been coming here for 20+years, they still like to pretend that they don't understand how to tip.
Lvl 19
I thought of all of you perverts when I read this:
Lvl 22
Originally posted by F1098
I thought of all of you perverts when I read this:


Hmm.......... I wonder how it tastes.
Lvl 25
Why in the world would you think of all of us over that?
Lvl 19
For the home brew enthusiast perhaps ?
Lvl 27
Every time I drink a beer I'm sure to wonder the brewing method...
Lvl 22
Makes sense, I suppose. You need yeast to make beer.........
Lvl 8
There's got to be another way.
Lvl 27

My first tablet post
Lvl 27
my first computer post in approximately 2 years
Lvl 27
You've been using your phone for that long?
Lvl 27
Nope, my tablet.
Lvl 27
I just got mine, I waited until they were cheaper. It was only $150 for an 8" Lenovo with 16GB.
Lvl 27
I like my tablet, its much more convenient for me.

Got mine for free, plus a discount on my cell bill, so basically my cell carrier paid me a dollar every month to have a tablet

I have a 7 inch galaxy tab 4
Lvl 27
Yeah, it's convenient because you can take it anywhere.
I was looking at the 7" galaxy but they were sold out and the Lenovo has more memory.
Lvl 27
More memory would be nice, I can not look at the gif threads on it because it doesn't have enough.
Lvl 27
I tried a couple gif threads and they seem to look alright. That's strange because you're supposed to have more RAM, I only have one GB.

Edit: I'm The King of The Spam
* This post has been modified : 8 years ago
Lvl 27
King spam killer
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