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Cocaine scooters and whatnot SPAM

Starter: Davey45 Posted: 10 years ago Views: 106.5K
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Lvl 27
Don't look
Lvl 27
I think Riff likes the horror that we deal with
Lvl 24
Lvl 27
Hey Stranger
Lvl 27
Who the hell is drinking coffee at this hour...
Lvl 19
Hey Babe ! Welcome back !!

Originally posted by FeFeHumHum
Lvl 27
I think Davey deserves a spam thread in tribute to this most excellent one
Lvl 13
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

Thanks, Glad to see you. Hope the weather better there, Had 37 days of rain.
Lvl 8
It's gotten to a point where I come on here just to check if this thing is still alive. *Kicks at somehow still living thread* Yup. Still alive.
Lvl 27
New spam anyone
Lvl 25
The ride never ends.
Lvl 27
Why, just why...
Lvl 25
At least I saved you the horror of scrolling down to see him stick a winebottle up his cornhole.

I can't even process the thought pattern behind a lot of the shit that gets uploaded, "Oh, a site where all I see on the frontpage are attractive women. I better upload pics of me in drag, shoving this winebottle up my ass. Yeah. That's what boys want."
DEMO finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Keep rollin', rollin':
Lvl 59
I recall a very old thread that was explicitly for posting weird things from the picture queue.

I wonder if I can find it somewhere...
Lvl 27
Glad I decided to spend less time in the pic Q as of late...

Lvl 19
Don't you guys get, like, a penicillin shot after every review of the photo que ?

I can't imagine how ugly that probably is.

* admiration for all you guys who have to approach it dressed with rubber gloves and face masks for brain surgery *
Lvl 27
The picture Q can be very comical at times, but other times, yeah,.
Lvl 27
Lvl 27
I can't stop laughing else I'm gonna cry
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