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boyfriend wants anal.what to do to change his mind

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 14 years ago Views: 11.9K
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I would like some guys opinion.My current boyfriend insists on trying anal sex.I am saying no,because two years ago,I had tried it many times with my ex and it was a terrible experience.I never liked it,but he could always persuade me.It hurt like hell,i bled and sometimes i used to shit myself right after it.I don't want to tell my current boyfriend that i have already been fucked there and i do not want to loose him.I want some guys opinion
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
It sounds like you have two options... pain, blood and shit or lose him, personally I'd go with option two
Would you break up with your gf if she refused?
No, but I'm not an anal bandit. You might get some better opinions from dudes who are
i cannot understand why men like that.It is the dirtiest place in my body.All myboyfriends have asked this
Lvl 29
Say your bf that if you can first fuck his ass with dildo, then he can have you anally..
Lvl 13
Just be honest and tell him no and why.
Lvl 13
Also search for some videos on sites like newsfilter and efuckt and so on, where girls have anals then shit everywhere or all over their bf. Anal sex really doesn't look that much fun after watching that. I expect your bf believes in the porn world style anal sex which is ever so clean. Real world just isn't so dirt free.

But you know, if a firm 'no' isn't enough, then maybe get rid of him.
Lvl 6
tell him you have tried and hate it. Don't go into details, and don't tell him you were willing to do it multiple times with an ex, that will just make him mad. If he can;t accept that you have tried it before and it was terrible and so your not willing to try again well then you have a problem.
Lvl 11
From a "GUY's" point of view . . . bend over and take one for the team. But first, go buy a STRAP-on and incist that you do him first. He might think twice!

Of course, this approach happened to me, and well, I have to tell you, my G/F loves to bend me over!!!!!! But then again, she said if we did the ANAL that she would never do a B.J. again, so that was just out of the question!
Every single guy would call you a slut if you tell them you already had anal,but they may still ask it for themselves
And my ex could make me do anything.I was really stupid back then
What happens when you become a buddy with someone in this site?
Lvl 11
SO NATASA, you said that ASKED for it, but did you ever GIVE IT UP?
Lvl 11
Nothing happens, your names goes it their BUDDY LIST! Sort of an "address book"
Sorry hazmat idid not understand the question.Perhaps my english is no that good
Lvl 26
Simple Answer: If you dont want to do it then tell him NO !! or you could write "Exit Only" by your ass
Lvl 13
So they call you a slut. Guys are stupid. Guys say stupid things to help try to manipulate you. And when a guy wants sex he's ALL about manipulation. (sorry for the massive generalisation.) If a guy calls you a slut he's just being an idiot. Dump em.
you cannot totally refuse a mentality that is dominant in the society.I know that it is wrong,but that's the way it is.I cannot change the world
Lvl 13
But you can say no to this guy.

They guy's using 'slut' as an insult, not because they think you are one. It goes like this.
Guy wants anal sex. You tell guy you've done anal already. Guy calls you a slut. Guy WANTS anal sex. Guy is stupid. Guy doesn't call you a slut because he thinks anal sex is wrong or because he thinks that girls who fuck in the arse are bad girls. No he calls you a slut because he is annoyed that he is not getting what he wants.

And of course you can refuse. If he wants to have sex at all you can say no, regardless of where he wants to stick his cock. No means no. Dump em.
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