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Starter: NightCruiser Posted: 10 years ago Views: 5.1K
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Lvl 4
Many States in the USA are making it or trying harder for a woman to get an Abortion. Some are trying to make the woman see pictures of the Fetus in her womb. Some are limiting the time when she may get an abortion ie 26 weeks after conception. They are trying to make them go to hospitals to have it done instead of Abortion clinics. Women are slowly but surely losing control over their own bodies as mostly men make the laws. Women used to find unsafe ways to get rid of a pregnancy before it was legalized and regulated. Look like we are going back to the old days. I think some of this is racially motivated because a lot of white babies are being aborted. The white race is becoming the minority in the USA. I wish people cared as much about the children who have no health care and not much food to eat. They can't change the channel fast enough when they see people raising money for children starving in Africa. Cut money to the poor is all we hear from many anti abortionist.. My opinion
Lvl 71
I guess we could sum this up with this famous quote : "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."
dragon1175 finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
That is true omuh! Religious groups and some Politicians wanted to stop women under the legal age from getting the Morning after pill over the counter. Make them get a prescription from a Doctor. Get their parents approval. The morning after pill would come close to solving the abortion problem. We know many teens won't tell their parents they had unprotected sex. Just goes to show that many want to use the abortion issue as a Political football.
Lvl 20
There will be a Personhood issue on the ballot in Colorado this year, and it may well prove to be pivotal for the entire nation.

"Personhood" issues are those that seek to define life as beginning at or before conception. The result is that many forms of contraception subsequently become illegal, having conferred all the rights and privileges of being a person onto the embryo. This would also make it illegal to have an abortion under any set of circumstances, including rape, incest, or severe defect - even when the mother's life is in danger.

In Colorado, the measure will be a Constitutional Amendment. It has appeared two times prior to this, and failed both times.

The first time it appeared it was sponsored (read "paid for almost entirely" by Personhood USA. This was voted on in 2008 and lost by 73% to 27%. It was actually a bigger loss than that, but I rounded down.

The second time it appeared was in 2010, still sponsored by the same group, Personhood USA. This time the proposed amendment lost 71% to 29%. Bear in mind that off-year elections favor conservative groups, generally speaking. For this reason the "1 point change" from the previous attempt should probably be seen as the "Personhood" issue having lost support, not gaining it - because their score should have improved by more than 1% in a non-presidential election year.

Still, it's back again this year. In 2014 Colorado voters will again go to the polls to vote on the measure.

Why this is important is because there's a Senate seat up in Colorado this year that is currently held by Democrat Mark Udall. Cory Gardner is a popular conservative in Colorado, and he's running against Udall. This race is pretty pivotal, in that if Gardner wins it may well mean a majority for Republicans in Senate, which would give them both houses of Congress.

But Udall is the incumbent, and Udall is ahead. Right now, the two polls that were conducted have Udall up by between 1 and 4 points. Both polls were conducted by polling agencies that have an error of around 2 points to the conservative side though, so Udall's probably ahead by more like 3-6%. Udall also has more money.

But Gardner could be a strong challenger.

Unless the Personhood issue bites him in the ass. Which it is.

It's on the ballot this year, so many who support a woman's right to choose now have greater incentive to get to the polls. Meanwhile, conservatives really didn't need a greater incentive to get to the polls. They're all charged up because Obama is the devil and Obamacare at their baby.

So the Personhood issue being on the ballot is unlikely to increase conservative voter turnout, but it is likely to increase liberal voter turnout and impact races all the way down the ballot.

To compound matters, Gardner used to support Personhood. He has supported it twice before, but now that he's running in a more moderate district, he knows that issue would get him slaughtered, so he changed his stance. The problem is that he only changed his stance after he entered this race and after Udall attacked him on it. In fact, just three days prior to changing his stance Gardner had sent an email to his supporters telling them how much he still supported conferring personhood on embryos - if not on the sperm and the egg themselves.

So... It looks bad.

And he's getting hammered for it. From the left for being a zealot all along, and on the right for not being a zealot long enough. The conservative groups feel he's a traitor and sold them out, the liberals are positive he's lying about his change of heart, and everyone else just flat out doesn't trust him and thinks he's another career politician telling whatever lies he thinks will get him elected that day.

My prediction is that Gardner will lose his race and Udall will retain his seat. Since this is one of the few seats in contention for the Senate this year, and because Colorado was identified as both absolutely necessary to gain the majority for Republicans, and was still considered a toss-up, I really believe that the GOP will fail to gain a majority in the Senate this year.

I think the GOP will pick up a few seats, but not enough to give it a majority.

I realize that's a bit of a tangent, but I really think that the personhood issue - abortion rights in general - are going to cost the GOP in this year's election if for no other reason than that it pretty much torpedoed Gardner's Senate run, and I strongly suspect Udall will retain his seat for Colorado.

So... I guess there's that. Take it as a consolation that the very reason the GOP can't seem to win national elections any more is because they also can't seem to let go of their extremist views.

While their extremist views can be frightening, they're also the very thing that prevents the GOP from getting control of the elected offices that would allow them to inflict actual harm to others.
budokan finds this awesome.
I don't think its really racially motivated like you suggest. I think we're seeing a split in the republican party, and have for some time now. As some members of the party are beginning to support things like gay rights, healthcare, and yes even abortion, other members are moving more to a traditional church and state belief. The problem is, while this group is fairly small, they are the people with power and money....they just also happen to be white. These old white men (and some women), think that they know whats best for the whole county and they're using their influence and money to try and do just that.
unknown1002001 finds this awesome.
Lvl 15
Usually I hate debates. But I feel inclined to put my two cents in on this one and comment on it no further. People keep saying, "it's the woman's body and she has a right to choose what she does with it." Okay. But, what about the body growing inside of hers? Where are its rights? You're still talking about a human being no mater how many weeks old it is inside the womb. There's always adoption agencies available and plenty of people willing to care for a child like its their own. I believe both men and women need to be better educated about adoption since it "takes two to tango" if you know what I'm saying.

However, I'm still torn on this issue and most likely sound hypocritical when I say in the cases of rape and incest, maybe it should be the woman's choice. But if you choose to have unprotected sex, you know the consequences and responsibilities you need to take if you have a child 9 months later. Just my opinion.
Originally posted by kenpomaster20
Usually I hate debates. But I feel inclined to put my two cents in on this one and comment on it no further. People keep saying, "it's the woman's body and she has a right to choose what she does with it." Okay. But, what about the body growing inside of hers? Where are its rights? You're still talking about a human being no mater how many weeks old it is inside the womb. There's always adoption agencies available and plenty of people willing to care for a child like its their own. I believe both men and women need to be better educated about adoption since it "takes two to tango" if you know what I'm saying.

However, I'm still torn on this issue and most likely sound hypocritical when I say in the cases of rape and incest, maybe it should be the woman's choice. But if you choose to have unprotected sex, you know the consequences and responsibilities you need to take if you have a child 9 months later. Just my opinion.

I hear what you're saying, that abortion shouldn't be used as method of birth control. Having said that, traditional birth control, condoms, the pill, etc...are not 100% effective, so even when taking precautions, occasionally a woman can still get pregnant. The most common forms of birth control are male condoms which have only a 82% effective rate, and the pill which is 91% effective. As for adoption, yes its a option, but you have to remember that being pregnant for 9 months will greatly effect the lives of the woman for sure, and perhaps also her partner. There are doctors bills, and missed work, and sickness, and complications, and hospital expenses. I know I sound like a monster suggesting that a life isn't worth the cost of a doctors visit, but I think you need to be financially prepared to have a child...even if you're not planning on keeping it.
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 20
I don't know of anyone, ever, in the history of the world that thought that abortion was a viable means of birth control.

Some people seem to be under the impression that people are having abortions because it's easy and they feel it's about as significant as changing a tampon.

I don't know of anyone that thinks that. I don't know of anyone that has ever taken an abortion lightly or felt it was better than not getting pregnant in the first place.

Anyone that believes that's the reason abortions take place is dangerously ignorant.
budokan finds this awesome.
Originally posted by Tarquin
I don't know of anyone, ever, in the history of the world that thought that abortion was a viable means of birth control.

Yeah, I have.
1/3 of women in North America will have an abortion at some time in their life. Its not a subject thats talked about. The facts are that birth control isn't always effective, people make mistakes, and rapes happen. Unwanted pregnancies can and do change peoples lives, regardless of the circumstance a woman should be free to decide whats best.
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 20
Let me rephrase this then, since it seems what I said may have been misleading.

I don't know of anyone whose preferred means of birth control is having an abortion.

I don't know of anyone that has ever gotten an abortion that thought that was a better option than having used a condom or taken a pill was.

If people are given the education, resources, and opportunity to choose differently, I don't know of any sane person on the planet that would say they would rather have an abortion than avoid the pregnancy in the first place.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 4
When does life begin? The body naturally Aborts embryos a lot. These abortions are called miscarriages. Then there are the stillborn s.
. According to the article below, the female is born with 400,000 eggs! According to anti abortionist, that is 400,000 babies. If it were up to the Catholic church, the woman is required to have those 400.000 babies since she she can't use contraception. We all know only a tiny fraction of those eggs will be fertilized even if no contraception is used. The rest will turn into a bloody mess. Extremism is ridiculous in any form . Just my opinion
The Female Body:
To understand conception, it is helpful to know about female reproductive system and the menstruation cycle. A female is born with about 400,000 eggs in their ovaries. The female obody begins to ovulate during puberty. About once a month, several eggs mature, and the lining of the uterus has been building and has become thick to act as a “nest” for the egg to implant. Then an egg is released from the ovary. If it is not fertilized within 12-48 hours, it disintegrates. Approximately 2 weeks later, the thick lining of the uterus is shed, and you begin menstruating. Your next menstruation cycle then begins again........"..

This is a good alternative to abortion. I mentioned it earlier. But noooo, extremist are against this too because it prevents 400,000 eggs from hatching:

Plan B One-Step

Plan B One-Step is a type of emergency contraception. This is birth control that can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. People sometimes call it the "morning after pill." But you don't have to wait until the morning after sex to take it. In fact, Plan B is more effective the sooner you take it. It is a one-dose regimen: you take one pill. The pill contains 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel, which is used in lower doses in many birth control pills.
How Does Plan B One-Step Work?

Depending upon where you are in your cycle, Plan B One-Step may work in one of these ways:

It may prevent or delay ovulation.
It may interfere with fertilization of an egg.

It is also possible that this type of emergency birth control prevents implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus by altering its lining.

Plan B One-Step is not the same as RU-486, which is an abortion pill. It does not cause a miscarriage or abortion. In other words, it does not stop development of a fetus once the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. So it will not work if you are already pregnant when you take it.
How Effective Is Plan B One-Step?

If you take it within 72 hours after you've had unprotected sex, Plan B One-Step can reduce the risk of pregnancy by up to 89%. If you take Plan B One-Step within 24 hours, it is about 95% effective.

But you should know that Plan B One-Step is not as effective as regular contraception. So don't take it as your main form of birth control. And, it does not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases. Think of it as a backup -- not for routine use. That's why it's called Plan B.
How to Take Plan B One-Step

Plan B One-Step can be purchased over the counter at drugstores without a prescription or proof of age. Because it is most effective when taken as soon as possible (up to 72 hours after sex), consider having a ready supply in your medicine cabinet.

You can take Plan B One-Step if:

You didn't use any birth control.
The condom came off or broke.
The diaphragm slipped out of place.
You missed at least two or three active birth control pills in a row.
You forgot to insert your ring or apply your patch.
Your partner didn't pull out in time.
You have another reason to think your birth control might not have worked.
You were forced to have sex.

Remember: Plan B One-Step will not protect you from getting pregnant if you have sex after taking the pills. Instead, you need to take it right after you have unprotected sex.

Do not take Plan B One-Step if:

You know you are pregnant or suspect you might be.
You have a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to its ingredients.
You have a history of recent abnormal vaginal bleeding that your doctor has not yet evaluated.
Lvl 38
Originally posted by Sugarpie
Yeah, I have.
1/3 of women in North America will have an abortion at some time in their life. Its not a subject thats talked about. The facts are that birth control isn't always effective, people make mistakes, and rapes happen. Unwanted pregnancies can and do change peoples lives, regardless of the circumstance a woman should be free to decide whats best.

[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 13
there is not one single Republican that is FOR people being able to buy a health insurance policy from a for-profit health insurance company. So I wanted to clear that up.

This whole abortion situation is caused by the New Apostolic Reformationists (aka Dominionists...aka Charismatic Christians). They own all the mega churches which are ALL one big organism. If you want to know what their true agenda is (which is taking control of EVERY aspect of EVERYTHING), read the book about their "seven mountains stategy." They are crystal clear about taking over: education, government and politics, media, business (everything). The strategy is to get 5% of any group to be made up by them. That, they believe, is the easy tipping point to be able to them take the whole thing.

Where I live they have successfully just taken over the entire police department. Once they do take over anything, they put yard signs out rejoicing in it.

They engage in what they call "spiritual warfare" in which they believe they can kill people literally by using prayer. They are in "spiritual warfare" against other Christians as well. Just a while back they announced spiritual warfare against Episcopalians (I come from them) because they are "too liberal" in the fact they accept women to be equal to men and accept gay people as well in church.

They plan to first take over the USA politically first at the local level (voting districts) then at the state level and finally at the Federal Level. After doing that they will "make America run by Biblical Law" (whatever the fuck that means). Then they plan on taking over the entire world.

Yup, This isn't a joke. This is happening folks...[Blacklisted]sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1396887210&sr=1-1&keywords=seven+mountain+prophecy[Blacklisted]sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1396887210&sr=1-2&keywords=seven+mountain+prophecy[Blacklisted]sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1396887210&sr=1-3&keywords=seven+mountain+prophecy[Blacklisted]sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1396887210&sr=1-7&keywords=seven+mountain+prophecy
Lvl 8
As far as I'm concerned, there's a shit load of people out there who probably should have been aborted.
Originally posted by paradise_50
there is not one single Republican that is FOR people being able to buy a health insurance policy from a for-profit health insurance company. So I wanted to clear that up.

This whole abortion situation is caused by the New Apostolic Reformationists (aka Dominionists...aka Charismatic Christians). They own all the mega churches which are ALL one big organism. If you want to know what their true agenda is (which is taking control of EVERY aspect of EVERYTHING), read the book about their "seven mountains stategy." They are crystal clear about taking over: education, government and politics, media, business (everything). The strategy is to get 5% of any group to be made up by them. That, they believe, is the easy tipping point to be able to them take the whole thing.

Where I live they have successfully just taken over the entire police department. Once they do take over anything, they put yard signs out rejoicing in it.

They engage in what they call "spiritual warfare" in which they believe they can kill people literally by using prayer. They are in "spiritual warfare" against other Christians as well. Just a while back they announced spiritual warfare against Episcopalians (I come from them) because they are "too liberal" in the fact they accept women to be equal to men and accept gay people as well in church.

They plan to first take over the USA politically first at the local level (voting districts) then at the state level and finally at the Federal Level. After doing that they will "make America run by Biblical Law" (whatever the fuck that means). Then they plan on taking over the entire world.

Yup, This isn't a joke. This is happening folks...





How much of this do you honestly believe? You forgot to mention the UFO conspiracy, they have to figure in here somewhere .....

I knew when I first saw the thread start to begin that this would get off track. Some people turn everything into a conspiracy, they demonize all Republicans, the Catholic church, and then all Christian faiths and so on and so on. Nobody mentions Islam, if a women has an abortion there it's an automatic death penalty, so pick on them also for crying outloud.

To start with I confess to being a proud, and very happy Roman Catholic so please stop demonizing my faith. I take an oral contraceptive to control a serious hormone imbalance, I may never be able to have a child no matter how bad I want a child. Even if I wasn't a lesbian no man who wants a family would ever be interested in me. And my biggest failure of all according to your posts is that I am a Republican and conservative. I never vote a straight ticket, I have voted for Democrats, libertarian, and independent. I vote for whomever I feel can do the best job in office. So I guess this paragraph alone makes me a horrible person, according to your afore mentioned criteria.

Having read all of the posts there a couple pretty mixed up people here, I am sorry but this is a women's issue. After all we have the ovaries, uterus's, and the eggs. The only thing the man needs do is share one single cell and a child could be born. All the man might have to worry bout is child support if the mother see's fit and if she needs his help in the upbringing of a child. Someday I would luv to have a child if I ever get the good fortune, and I would never ask for the mans help. If a man would desire to be a part of his child's life I wouldn't deny him his child. Besides it would be better for the child to have both of it's parents.

* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
Lvl 20
No one mentioned Islam because it has nothing to do with the topic. We're not talking about what life's like in Qatar. We're talking about what life's like in the United States.

Besides, someone else's shortcomings doesn't absolve one of their own.

Charles Manson isn't hailed as a hero just because Ted Bundy was worse.
Lvl 25
I'm aborting all of you.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Kanzen
I'm aborting all of you.

I always knew you were a mother...
You were talking about abortion, abortion is a major issue all over the world including the Islamic countries. You want to talk about it here, but want to avoid the issue when it comes to that region of the world, isn't talking about it in the Arab world politically correct. If you cant then that is a double standard and [edited : derogatory]......

I am finished with it, go ahead and abort me....
* This post has been modified by omuh : 10 years ago
Lvl 4
I have a lot of problems with the Catholic Church. One of them is commanding that people not use birth control. The Catholic Church has a LOT of followers in many countries. A good many of those countries can't feed the population they do have much less keep on having babies. We know that most people are not going to abstain from sex. I think the Catholic Church cherry picks a from the Bible. One verse that picked is when God said--be fruitful and multiply. You notice he/she/it didn't say multiply and then be fruitful. i don't think God would want people to have babies they can't afford to support or have the mental maturity to raise them. I think God understands the strong sex drive given to humans.
Lia, you have to develop a "thicker skin" if you are going to be in the panel forum. Try and not let comments get to you. We are not going to change the world here.I wouldn't take it too seriously..

Philippine Court Upholds Condom Law, Aids Birth-Control Push
By Norman P. Aquino Apr 8, 2014 4:40 AM ET

The Philippine Supreme Court upheld large parts of a government plan to provide free contraceptives to the poor, ruling on a landmark case that pitted President Benigno Aquino against the Catholic Church.

The 15-member court unanimously voted in favor of the constitutional validity of the Reproductive Health Act, rejecting 14 lawsuits from groups that said the government would curb religious freedom by mandating population control. It voided certain provisions involving minors and spousal consent.

“The Reproductive Health Law is not unconstitutional based on the grounds raised,” court spokesman Theodore Te said today at a televised briefing in Manila. The tribunal handed down its ruling “after scrutiny of various arguments and contentions.”

The law would guarantee universal access to contraception methods, fertility control, sex education and maternal care. The United Nations has said it will help reduce poverty among the fifth of the nation’s 107 million people who live in slum conditions.

Aquino, 54, has made implementation of the law one of the hallmarks of his six-year term, which ends in 2016, as he seeks to bolster the economy and stem population growth. On March 27 he witnessed the signing of a peace pact with the nation’s largest Muslim rebel group after a four-decade insurgency that has stifled growth in the mineral-rich south. .............
* This post has been modified : 10 years ago
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