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Finish the sentence, Chapter 16 (by best approximation)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 21.9K
  • Goto:
Lvl 19
.....what F. is thinking, but............
Lvl 22
she has started thinking about this Monkman and it is confusing the cyborg implanted mind of....
Lvl 28
Lvl 27
Almost to the point of her brain beginning to boil from the thermonuclear energy which was emitted from...
Lvl 19
....the imaginations of her friends who............
Lvl 28
(... wait, what friends...)


... were shocked at this revelation, yet looking at each other as if to say "Well this explains a lot"...
Lvl 19
....and we should stop drinking that white lightning that Demo found in the garage before the rest of our brains dissolve....
Lvl 8

But all of a sudden the"Monkman" walks in and....
Lvl 19
....opens another can of the lightn' while starting up another cigar, and.................
Lvl 28
...and everyone decided that resistance to the MonkeyBrew was futile...
Lvl 19 the ladies in the room quickly left before the howlin' began, for..........
Lvl 28
the monk dropped his bottle of brew on his toe, and...
Lvl 19 pain ( actually pretty unlikely since his blood lightn' content is at least 40%) he drops the cigar and before the volunteer fire department can get it together......
Lvl 27
the garage had been set ablaze, along with the distillery the old monk had used to make his brew. Try as he might, the old monk just couldn't...
Lvl 28
...figure out how...
Lvl 19 to 'splain it all to his new fee-an-say, who is starting to wonder about.......
Lvl 28
...what she got herself into...
Lvl 22
yet the Monk (who is worldly renowned for his quick thinking) mumbles something about...
Lvl 28
...his new fiance, and...
Lvl 19
....heads back to the monk house where is new love....a nun perhaps ?,,,,,is waiting...
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