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Finish the sentence, Chapter 16 (by best approximation)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 21.9K
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Lvl 28
Life without a real man, is really no life at all.
Lvl 19
.....thought Bust'm, rubbing his dog bites and looking at an airplane flying overhead as he thought about how cool it would be, to be a lovely dyke pilot...

( sort of like Pussy Galore, but without that messed up male interlude thingy...)
Lvl 4
......... but without F knowing ..... BustM has already dressed up as a woman dyke and entered the plane as the pilot using the piloting skills he learned a year ago ...... he takes the plane to 35,000 feet and then over the intercom announces ...............................
Lvl 19
........that he is actually preop, and the dress is, ( as they say) a dress rehersal because he has changed the flight plan and they are going to Mexico City to complete his surgery, from which will emerge a kinder, gentler person...and will also give new meaning to his nick name "Bust'm".

The Monk is throwing a coming out party for the B gal, and you are all..........
Lvl 28
...out of your F'n minds (could that universal letter be coincidence)...
Lvl 8
To think BustM would go through with that..
Lvl 19 almost inconceivable thought F., but seeing how the Divine Ms. D swoons when she sees F. walk toward her with that smile that promises such fun.....hey, it's Bustm's strategy and he is getting desparate enough to go beyond surgery and a new wardrobe and.....
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Deucie

To think BustM would go through with that..

(FINALLY, a little help around this joint. I was startin' to think I had no friends left in this strange world)

... so he lets her think, but he know what that sultry Deucie swoon, walk and smile are all about, and he grins to himself as he imagines the surprise F discovers when the plan...
Lvl 8
To change him fails big time! Suddenly...

(You know I love you B
Nice avy btw!)
Lvl 28
... as F allows herself to sink back into the plush leather of the Gulfstream seats and closes her eyes, the web of deceit and deception she has woven, comes alive like a black widow web and wraps itself around her evil being. Struggling uselessly, F cries out...

Lvl 8
D? Is that you?...
Lvl 28
...How could you do this to me, my sweet D? I thought..." and Deucie cuts her off...
Lvl 8
So she turns around kinda sad and walks away. With her head down she hears whistling! Well, well, well who does she see...
Lvl 28
...with a couple of bottles, some glasses, an olive tray and a grin, ...

(and he trots off to bed... g'nite, all)
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 22
As the Monk sits back and chuckles he feels sorry for the poor BaitBoy but then...
Lvl 19
....the Baitboy picks himself up, mops up the wine and chases the olives around the cabin of the Gulfstream muttering something about how difficult it is to walk in those cheap stilletto heels that bought.....
Lvl 28
... his way through airport security without a glance from the guards, for he is so damn sexy he can even pull of stilettos ...
Lvl 19
.....and enjoyed the mandatory security "pat down" FAR more than the TSA ever imagined and is now engaged to the nice man who first touched his missing......
Lvl 22
pones. Now you may think that was the only reason yet there was...
Lvl 4
another reason for BustM liking this TSA employee for this employee helped file a flight plan change after take-off with no one on board knowing that they are now destined for ......
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