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Finish the sentence, Chapter 16 (by best approximation)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 21.9K
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Lvl 28
(sat on his butt and cwied wike an itty bitty baby when evewyone stopped pwaying awong) (where'd everyone go?)
Lvl 22
always thought of himself as the poor little BlueBoy. The real question is...
Lvl 28
... does that mean he's more valuable than the famous Blue Boy painting, or is he just a wall-flower that nobody notices? Soon enough...
Lvl 19
....someone will tell Mr. BM that Blue Boy is a male gay book and he should............
Lvl 28
... not feel bad because no one would mistake him for gay...
Lvl 4
...... so as BustM and the mystery girl walked to the fountain, the mystery girl all of a sudden took off all of the disguises she had on to reveal a LARGE Sudanese teen orphan who then ........
Lvl 28
... said "Master, I and my friends remember your kindness, and though we know your memory of the past is gone, we have followed you here to guard..."
Lvl 4
.... our honor and make you pay for not starting our orphanage but rather chasing your hard dick and girls .... so Mr. BustM ..... meet Mr. Knife .... *the sudanese teen then stabs BustM multuple times until he ......... *
Lvl 28
... realizes that BustM is immortal, due to the potion that Deucie obtained from Mad Mike's Magical Elixir's, many, many pages ago, before Sudanese ever entered the story...
Lvl 19
...and put the LSD in BM's malbec.....
Lvl 28
.... that he shared with all, explaining the means by which all ended up in Vegas. Now D's silent, Monk's on the mend, F's in Hollywood, the fishy fella's swimmin' up stream, so B pops the cork and watches the fountain show...
Lvl 8
When at the blink of an eye who appears, but the lovely miss D who has been gone for some time...
Lvl 28
... and B thinks "YES!!!!, there is a God", and all seemed right as he poured another glass for the green eyed girl and he said "Sit, sip, relax and let me rub that stress out of your shoulders darlin"....
Lvl 19
....but alas....he is mistaken again....for who but the wonderful F has spent lo these many weeks with that same woman and....
Lvl 8
Dreamt the same this as B, but was she lying?...
Lvl 28
...Of course she was, for as D melted under a magnificent massage, sipped her malbec and starred into the sparkling fountain, she remember this lying, conniving, murderous Piratess, and just shivered at the horror of the past three months...
Lvl 22
and the thought of the Monk walking in to see....
Lvl 28
... to see this romantic scene, and she hoped his tender heart could bear the disappointment, so she offered him a glass and...
Lvl 22
a full bottle of her secret potion that ....
Lvl 28
,,,lift his spirits...
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