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New look

Starter: Allen_Bradley Posted: 11 years ago Views: 31.3K
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Is there an option to view my uploads in the same way as I view my favourites? By this I mean at present, my favourites come up with all the photos laid out in a tile format, whereas my uploads appear divided by date uploaded - I prefer the tiled look.

It's no biggy, I just wasn't sure if there's an option that I've not found.
Lvl 4
i guess i'm with most of the commenters.. the site just isn't what it was anymore... i am hoping that everything gets resolved, but it probably would have been better to run a concurrent version of the site to test everything before doing a full swap.. anyway i hope for the best --
Originally posted by otiuk
i guess i'm with most of the commenters.. the site just isn't what it was anymore... i am hoping that everything gets resolved, but it probably would have been better to run a concurrent version of the site to test everything before doing a full swap.. anyway i hope for the best --

There was actually a period of time pre-launch where people could use the new site in order to test it. I guess that's why it is probably slightly surprising to the people who run the site that there has been so many negative comments as there didn't seem to be that many during the testing period. That being said, it's nice to see that if you have a particular gripe/issue, they are willing to look at it and potentially alter things if it improves the site. So if there are particular things that you feel are wrong/missing, it's worth mentionind specifics to see what can be done. Otherwise your comment will just be lost along with the others that essentially just say 'the site has changed, I don't like it'.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Originally posted by otiuk
i guess i'm with most of the commenters.. the site just isn't what it was anymore... i am hoping that everything gets resolved, but it probably would have been better to run a concurrent version of the site to test everything before doing a full swap.. anyway i hope for the best --

There was. And everyone was able to give their feedback for the last 6 weeks or so. Very few did. Now everyone is complaining. Granted, there were a few unexpected bugs, but the layout of the site was the same.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Sugarpie

There was. And everyone was able to give their feedback for the last 6 weeks or so. Very few did. Now everyone is complaining. Granted, there were a few unexpected bugs, but the layout of the site was the same.

Originally posted by Sugarpie

There was. And everyone was able to give their feedback for the last 6 weeks or so. Very few did. Now everyone is complaining. Granted, there were a few unexpected bugs, but the layout of the site was the same.

Well, I criticized during that period, but wasn't taken seriously.
Lvl 70
Originally posted by EricLindros

Well, yeah. I know the edit function does strange things over in the comment galleries, but it seems we don't mod them anymore anyway, so I haven't done too much with them recently.

I don't know how it worked previously but do you mean there is nothing now to mod comments ?

Originally posted by jhope1
Is there an option to view my uploads in the same way as I view my favourites? By this I mean at present, my favourites come up with all the photos laid out in a tile format, whereas my uploads appear divided by date uploaded - I prefer the tiled look.

It's no biggy, I just wasn't sure if there's an option that I've not found.

Go to "Account settings" -> "Site" -> "Disable date seperator in overviews?" and choose [NO]
It will also affect the galleries though.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 3
Originally posted by EricLindros

I've found that the main page makes a lot more sense and is better organized if you're on an iPad or mobile device. When on a computer it does look kind of jumbled.

I've also had issues with slow movie loading times. Not sure if that's just me or everyone.

Yeah, looked at my ipad now and it looks way better. I see that the site is device aware and delivers content depending on what one can fit, so it should be able to keep the layout on mobile devices but make it more organised when browsing from laptop.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by gdet
Yeah, looked at my ipad now and it looks way better. I see that the site is device aware and delivers content depending on what one can fit, so it should be able to keep the layout on mobile devices but make it more organised when browsing from laptop.

That's what I was focusing on. Even the movies will play on iPad now from the web player.. only there are still over 50.000 movies still need encoding.. so takes a couple of weeks to finish that.. sorry!
Originally posted by kyrios

Well, I criticized during that period, but wasn't taken seriously.

This was your comment back then:
I'm over fifty. That might explain, why I do _not_ the new look at all. I definitely prefer a white background to a violet-lilac one. And I miss the small preview (previous, previous +1, next, next + 1).

But as Microsoft always says, when they make things more complicated than they were: "It's no bug, it's a feature".

The site does have a mostly white background, and you are able to change the theme to get rid of the "violet-lilac" look if you want. And the small preview pics are still there, the only change is that Diz eliminated the +2 and -2. So I fail to see how you were ignored.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
I don't bother reading all comments, so I'll just leave my first impressions; care or not:

- There are some .css issues, it seems, unaligned images, text that are outside div box. Can't support all kinds of browsers either, though.
- Of course, I like the idea of selecting months, going back in time. If I'd found the category selection drop down filter, I'd be set for the evening.
- It is taking some time to go to a different page, that not even being a list.
- The background and image matrix made me think of many other "free ..." sites out there; somehow I found parts of the old version more relaxing to the eye.
- I like changes, I do. It's seldom that going back after a while is more popular than at new version release.

Stopping before the tldr; signal
Lvl 25
Originally posted by theCritic
- There are some .css issues, it seems, unaligned images, text that are outside div box. Can't support all kinds of browsers either, though.

Can you tell me what browser you are using and where this is happening?
Lvl 14
I like the change for the most part. A big improvement is the rating system, I use to be able go get something to drink after clicking on a rating score, but now it's done very quick. The pics them self seem a bit slower, but not drastically. Overall it's a nice upgrade, but like every site fan i do have a request, is it possible to have next and previous tags to continue on into the next date instead of stopping at the end of the date?
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 17
If not broke, don't fix it.
Originally posted by romar57
If not broke, don't fix it.

Thanks for the insight.

It was broke.
Lvl 15
Been a paying member off and on for years. If you don't fix the "video file being processed" shit in a hurry, I'm gone forever. It makes the archives and anything new completely worthless. I'm not paying money for that.
Lvl 15
Ok, bit more nuanced reaction now then my previous ones a few days back First of all: I know a lot of effort is put in to make the new WBW. And compliments for that.

- The front page: still think it looks very un-organized and not inviting, especially for first time visitors. Mainly because there is no obvious difference between what are pics and what are vids. It all just looks like a scrambled bunch of pics. For me, I skip it right away because it just irritates me. But that's a personal taste also I guess
- Babe movies: these are all now played in one size ... and that size is too big. Lot's of movies are not that good in quality and smaller then the player. But because they are now magnified, the quality gets even worse. I don't know if there is an auto size script running, but here on my 27" monitor most movies look bad. I can download movies and watch them in original size but free users can't. If there would be a choice to see the movies in original size or player size, that would be better I think.
- Babe movies: rather a lot of times I get the message: "Video file for webplayer is being processed..." and nothing happens then.
- Speed: it differs. Right now the pages are loading fast (Page processed in 0.0293 seconds). Other times it's crawling.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by Sugarpie

There was. And everyone was able to give their feedback for the last 6 weeks or so. Very few did. Now everyone is complaining. Granted, there were a few unexpected bugs, but the layout of the site was the same.

Well, for me the new site was also a surprise. And nowhere I did see a mention that a new site was made and could be tested? I am sure it was mentioned somewhere but probably not in a way that everybody could clearly see it?
Originally posted by meem
Ok, bit more nuanced reaction now then my previous ones a few days back First of all: I know a lot of effort is put in to make the new WBW. And compliments for that.

- The front page: still think it looks very un-organized and not inviting, especially for first time visitors. Mainly because there is no obvious difference between what are pics and what are vids. It all just looks like a scrambled bunch of pics. For me, I skip it right away because it just irritates me. But that's a personal taste also I guess

I believe its going to be re redesigned slightly, but oddly, on a mobile device I think it looks fantastic.
Originally posted by meem
- Babe movies: these are all now played in one size ... and that size is too big. Lot's of movies are not that good in quality and smaller then the player. But because they are now magnified, the quality gets even worse. I don't know if there is an auto size script running, but here on my 27" monitor most movies look bad. I can download movies and watch them in original size but free users can't. If there would be a choice to see the movies in original size or player size, that would be better I think.

I never thought of that, but I'm using a 15" laptop, so I can see why it might be an issue.
Originally posted by meem
- Babe movies: rather a lot of times I get the message: "Video file for webplayer is being processed..." and nothing happens then.

A number of the older videos are still be imported into the new servers, sounds like it will be awhile until they are all done.
Originally posted by meem
- Speed: it differs. Right now the pages are loading fast (Page processed in 0.0293 seconds). Other times it's crawling.

Do you get this as often as you did a week ago? I had the same issues, but for me it continues to get better every day.

As for your other point regarding a preview of the new site, it was actually advertised on the home page I believe, for at least a few weeks, prior to that there was a thread like this one.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 13
A number of the older videos are still be imported into the new servers, sounds like it will be awhile until they are all done.

Actually, in the last 10 videos upped in the last day or so, 3 are still tagged with this from yesterday. If new videos are getting clogged in the system, I would think that would be a priority problem to deal with..

Would it be too much to ask that due to the fact that we were all shoved into site-half-working-beta-tester status, paying members get a comped week? I think that would be more than fair.. I absolutely understand when issues come up (I'm a programmer for a large site company) but having this many large problems affecting key aspects of the site is a little over the top, and shows the new setup wasn't tested enough before full go-live..
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 6
Thanks for moving the Download button!
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