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Future of

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 13 years ago Views: 51.9K
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Lvl 25
As I finished the basics of, my main focus goes back to; The current version running live now is 6. So we are going to start working on the next version, my idea is to totally redesign the site from ground up. The database we are using is still from day one, so the idea is to redesign it and import the data from the old one.

I want to put the main focus of the next version back on the community and sharing, if you share you get a lot back. Members who share should have the same privileges as sponsors. There should be ways to earn a standing inside our community. We could even add achievements as games have these days.

The layout of the current WBW is way to fancy and to much eye candy. To be honest I disliked it from the start, and made bad decision to use it for the current version. It is chaotic, way to complex, way to messy. So the idea is to step back to simple, easy and good designed layout. I dunno if you guys/girls like the simple layout of, as I was thinking of making something similar for;

What I want to ask you guys/girls is, what you like an dislike about the current site. Now is your time to let your voice be heard. Maybe this is the last version I will ever make, as WBW is slowly dieing the last 2 years.

Some things I want to remove is for example the "Adult Filter";
Lvl 6
Everything should be PINK. :P
Lvl 30
All sounds good Diz. You have a big job ahead of you and if WBW Version 7 is similiar to ChatPlayground, you're off on a big start. I wish you well, and where possible as time progresses, I will inform you about the dislikes of the current version. Until then....back to work.
Lvl 3
I like being able to fav pics and videos, as you have currently. Perhaps a better search filter for tags and such? Maybe under categories you could incorporate sorting somehow, like for highest rated, etc.

Having higher quality video streams would be great, and while I know all the content is by the community, so is Youtube, and they have a great flash player that lets you pick quality, widescreen, etc, up to the capacity of the video.

I know you7 want a simpler design, and an easy to navigate one would be great, but perhaps something nice and graphical on the front like having the videos of the week stream right on the front would give it nice pop, excitement, and show movement on the site. Anything you can do to add incentive for paid membership is nice, too.

Just trying to think of different angles to work. I'm a web designer and marketer myself, so I'm just trying to lend another voice.

A simple look could be good, as long as it still shows that you have a lot of content (which we all know you have a ton of) and maintains a professional look and feel.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Diz-X

I want to put the main focus of the next version back on the community and sharing, if you share you get a lot back. Members who share should have the same privileges as sponsors. There should be ways to earn a standing inside our community. We could even add achievements as games have these days.

I totally agree with this,( since I have Uploaded and hot linked ton of pics to wbw).
Lvl 28
I like simple, but nothing too simple. Dark and clean. I like eye candy too, but nothing super fancy.

For example, I like the shit we have running on the homepage, but it's too much at times. It's all great stuff, but it's just too much all at once. Something implementing some of the cool features, but sparingly would be awesome.
Lvl 18
It is nothing like the good ole days when there were great pics from some of the original members AKA: Mr Holland etc: This is still a good site, it just seems to have too many word games or other games. This was a great site for Guys and Girls to see a lot of beautiful girls. This site has lost site of what it was intended. I'm sure that has a lot to do with new members over the years. Still a great site, but the old crew was more into the concept.
Lvl 59
I agree that we should step back, go with a simpler look, which is faster and is less of a load on older peoples systems. (or dial up - lol)

I also think that having a large group of active participants is the best way for the site to run, and in order to do that I think the forum should be the main focus, with the galleries and movies and things secondary. I kind of like the old "Entertainment for Men" style we had here before it turned into all porn all the time.

Just my two cents.
Lvl 12
WBW slowly dying? That's news to me.
Lvl 59
Not dying, so much. It's more of a rewrite, revamp, wihle turning it into awesomeness which will be known throughout the fucking world

I made that. it is a dastardly weapon.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 29
I'd suggest the option of a mobile version, or a version that is more compatible with androids or iphones. Otherwise, whatever you come up with is fine by me.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by poop_daddy

WBW slowly dying? That's news to me.

Well to be honest, business is getting slower and slower. On our top we had about 160.000 visitors a day, now we only got 40.000 visitors a day.

This is one of the reasons why I want to start from scratch with new WBW. Make it awesome again, with the focus on the community; If we go down, we should go down as what we are, and not what makes the most money.
Lvl 20
I agree completely that the site is way too fancy. Too fancy for its own good. Shit crashes and strains browsers and Internet connections. There is way too much shit that pops up all over the place, and all the neat-o tricks, while cool, actually get in the way.

One example I can think of is that for tagging, if I try to tag a picture the picture takes on a gray tint and makes it hard to see specifics in the image.

I can't move my fucking mouse around any single page or a bunch of javascript menus pop the fuck out at me, which makes it very difficult to navigate.

I guess I'm saying, "Less is more."

I like the sleek nature of chatplayground. I think that having one dark skin for the users who prefer that is great, but have a light skin for those that prefer that as well. After a while of looking at a site if the layout is dark, it strains the eyes. In my case at least.

Another option I VERY much want to see is this one for Picture Grouping.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Diz-X


Well to be honest, business is getting slower and slower. On our top we had about 160.000 visitors a day, now we only got 40.000 visitors a day.

This is one of the reasons why I want to start from scratch with new WBW. Make it awesome again, with the focus on the community; If we go down, we should go down as what we are, and not what makes the most money.

But isn't this a fact in general?? I mean there are tons and tons of "bad" copies of WBW out there.... We won't let WBW die. that's for sure.

But I admit a redesign would be very nice as I never really liked the new theme.

Good luck with the Job, Diz!
Lvl 25
Originally posted by z1


But I admit a redesign would be very nice as I never really liked the new theme.

Yeah, that is what I got for hiring the worst designer ever. If every one of his new bosses calls to ask about him, I will give it straight to him and say not to hire this guy. He is lazy, he thinks he is good, he doesn't understand shit about what he is doing, and of course he destroyed 2/3 years of work when he left the company.
Originally posted by Diz-X

Make it awesome again, with the focus on the community; If we go down, we should go down as what we are, and not what makes the most money.


I have to give you huge credit and respect for what you just said. As the owner of a website that at one time drew 160,000 visitors a day; what you just said is amazing to me. I think it shows that after all these years you still have passion for the site, and still care about it...and still want to make it better, even if it isn't as profitable.

Now on to my suggestions. In my opinion, I think what made (and still makes) WBW awesome is the community. There is free porn everywhere, but there isn't a forum like this one everywhere. The focus at some point became more about the porn and less about everything else...but it was the everything else part that made WBW different. I don't really know how you capture that again, but I think your ideas so far are on the right track. All I can say is that 3-4 years ago I came to WBW out of curiosity...maybe hoping to find some cute girls And what I found was unexpected, I found some really great, funny, caring, and talented people. People that I can call my friends. Yeah, we all share that one desire to see naked girls, but it's more than that.

Some features I would like to see in the future are:

- The ability to block specific users from PM'ing you, and replying to posts in forums
- Perhaps the option to have instant messaging between members
- A mobile version, complete with video playback funtion (doesn't currently work on iphone/ipod touch)
- Get rid of or have an option in user settings to disable smileys

If I can think of others I'll post them here.

I wish you all the best, I truely hope that WBW can become what it once was again, and I'm sure that with your attitude and commitment it will be.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Diz-X


Yeah, that is what I got for hiring the worst designer ever. If every one of his new bosses calls to ask about him, I will give it straight to him and say not to hire this guy. He is lazy, he thinks he is good, he doesn't understand shit about what he is doing, and of course he destroyed 2/3 years of work when he left the company.

It's obviously not my business, so feel free to not answer me, but how did he destroy so much work (2 to 3 years)? In what way?

Did he like... Just delete all the old shit and not keep copies or what?
Lvl 13
I'm saying, I love the site! I've been a member for a couple years now, paid and not. Im' unpaid right now cause I'm unemployed, my wife is pregnant with a child we weren't supposed to have and on and on and on. But things are gonna turn around and I intend on renewing my subscription.

I like the layout. I especially like that you can turn off the things you don't want. I just switched to the "dark" layout to try it and I like it too.

If I had one thing I wish was kept up to date, that would be the news section. I love the commentary, but it isn't updated often enough. I don't know how it works, I'm sure it is volunteer, so take my complaint with a grain of salt.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Diz-X

This is one of the reasons why I want to start from scratch with new WBW. Make it awesome again, with the focus on the community; If we go down, we should go down as what we are, and not what makes the most money.

I agree with Sugarpie 100%. Saying that shows so much commitment and passion for WBW. That's what made me love this site when I first found it and has made me sad to watch it change over time. I think you'll find a lot of people getting behind you on this more and more if you keep it up. I know for myself I've become distant from here and disenchanted lately but just reading your posts here has me feeling inspired to do whatever I can to try and bring WBW back to life again.
Lvl 20
Okay, what's this send a flirt thing?

PS: Sugarpie, sorry if you got like 12 of those. I clicked the button and didn't think it was working so like the dumb boy I am I just kept pressing it over and over.

I really am not tryin' to leg hump a lesbian. I totally understand that I lack a vagina. Your page was open and I saw the button. Shiny objects and boys do not often end in good outcomes.

I was just seeing what the button did. Sorry.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
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