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[DEV] Upcoming tagsystem!

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 8.1K
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Lvl 18
@Dave: emo is already in there and that's pretty much the same as scenegirl, if you have them both then you have to have a definition for both which there is not.

I put up 594 tags in the first hour or so when I realized the tag system had been turned on before I started to feel like I was wasting my time, they're all accurate to the picture they're related to and I took my time and actually tried to find most or all of the tags that apply to a picture rather then just choosing the obvious ones but I guarantee not even 1/8th of them will ever become permanent just because they have to rely on mass amounts of others putting the same tags. I think the tag system is an awesome idea but to get the entire database tagged or even just the new incoming pics is gonna be next to impossible with this 10 temporary tags = 1 permanent tag. Maybe consider making certain well known users like myself TAG MODS only temporarily just so something can actually get done in a timely manner with these tags. I know we can't have just regular users adding permanent tags cause you'd end up with a lot of tags that don't match the pictures but with the system the way it is and no real reward or reason for people to tag the pics I just don't see the tags ever being really useful cause I don't see all the pics getting all the tags they need. I started out tagging pics just cause I love WBW and anything that makes this site better I'm glad to participate in but I don't want to just sit here tagging all day when 85% of what I'm doing is never gonna be added and isn't doing anything to improve WBW. Mostly you'll get hair colors and sexual related terms from regular everyday users. Things like tan, eye color, noface, selfshot, etc more then likely won't be added by most users and as a result won't get added to the permanent list and searching for these terms will prove useless. All the current mods are too busy to get it all done and relying on 10 regular users to add the exact same tags and describe the pics accurately is gonna be like waiting for sheep to shit gold. If you choose to go with my idea just try and pick users who really do care about WBW as a community not just for the porn and who want to see it do better and continue to grow. I know there's a lot more people then just me who feel that way about this place. If you like the idea of temporary tag mods then consider this my application and I'll put FeFe down as a reference cause she's probably got a better feel for who I am then anybody else here. lol

Also I believe masturbation is spelled with a U. In the tag system it's spelled mastErbation.

And a few tag suggestions:
just like we have a hair- and eyes- and tits- category I think there should be a body- category. Maybe..

Also maybe a skin category

married (for girls with wedding rings on)
Hair-multi (for girls with multi-colored hair like blonde underneath brown etc)

Thanks again for all the hard work and new features Diz, we couldn't ask for a better chief. I'm off to keep tagging even if it feels futile for now. I'd really like to see this tag feature not only succeed but shine and so even though I feel like my tags don't really count I'll keep tagging in hopes that somehow this works out. Let me know if there's ever anything I can do to help out.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 25
Spelling corrected for Masturbation..

Will have to think how to put the normal user tagging into action. Will work on that fix in the coming days and will consult Fefe and some others about it.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Diz-X

Spelling corrected for Masturbation..

Will have to think how to put the normal user tagging into action. Will work on that fix in the coming days and will consult Fefe and some others about it.

In the mean time, I'll continue to add permanent tags as I come across pictures.

Originally posted by UserProfile

Tagged: 3826

Lvl 25
Originally posted by EricLindros


In the mean time, I'll continue to add permanent tags as I come across pictures.


Seems like tags count don't higher for tag mods.. should fix that..
Lvl 18
I edited my last post with a whole bunch more good tag suggestions. Just pointing that out in case I added them after you read the post.

@Eric: glad to see your as into the tag thing as I am. I was hoping a few mods would really go after the tagging cause otherwise the tags just aren't gonna get added correctly. I've only got 714 but that's less then an hour and a half of tagging and I'm not a mod. Keep up the good work, it'll be mods like you that make the tag system a success.

Well I'm leavin work and goin home for the day. Have a good one Eric and Diz. Keep on truckin', taggin'.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Diz-X


Seems like tags count don't higher for tag mods.. should fix that..

Fixed in the development site, will be added to live in the next hotfix patch so version 5.3.3
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Diz-X


Fixed in the development site, will be added to live in the next hotfix patch so version 5.3.3

Cool....if I want to boost my ego I'll check the dev site to see how many more i've added.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by EricLindros


Cool....if I want to boost my ego I'll check the dev site to see how many more i've added.

Tags are counted while tagging... so you must use the dev site to add more tags to your profile
Lvl 18
Reached 1,000 this morning. I still insist we need a body- category and a skin- category (like in my last post) for proper filing of the pics. They'd both be very useful categories for searching/filtering as people tend to have a preference on body type and skin type. Right now there's "tan" but no other skin tones and there's thick, fit, muscular but they're not grouped as body types the way eyes, hair and tits are.
Lvl 39
maybe tag "alcohol"? u know girls drinking vodka, beer and so on?
Lvl 18
^^^ I agree. There's a drunk tag but I come across a lot of pics where a girl is holding alcohol but doesn't appear drunk.
Lvl 11
I put all of the current tags into Excel, catagorized them, and then made a pivot table to group them. There are a few tags that I'm not sure about the catagories, and I'm sure that not everyone would agree with my catagorization, but this is a start.

I find that this is useful when tagging pics and am posting it so others will have a catagorized list of tags.

@ Swiss and EL - could you two take a look and comment on it? This could also be used for suggested tags. If people like this I can post it to a shared site where we'd all be working on one copy.

This is an Excel 2003 file format.
Lvl 18
@Dave: I took a look at it and I like it a lot. A few things I thought while looking at it...

Barefoot - to me it should be in the clothing category instead of body type
Handbra - That's hard to categorize but I guess it would best fit in clothing even though it's not fabric.
Drunk - I'd say is an Activity
Shaved - I would say it belongs in body descriptor as opposed to Body alteration as it's only temporary and not permanent
like a piercing or a tattoo.

I think the idea of the list is great. Everyone tagging should have an updated copy printed in front of them cause I've noticed a lot of the pics that have permanent tags are missing a ton of tags that should apply to the pics but were just looked over by whoever did the tagging. Thanks Dave. Question though, how could we distribute the list and make sure people always have an updated copy and aren't using an out dated version of it? Maybe get Diz or another mod to make a sticky thread where the link is changed to the latest and greatest version of the list whenever it's updated? Just a thought. Unfortunately I'm totally Excel illiterate and don't know really how to edit or work with the list myself.

edit: after messing around with it for a little while I've figured it out slightly. I now understand how to change categories in it, sort them and make them show up correctly in the table. I'm sure that is very simple for most but I don't use Excel at all so I'm mildly proud of myself, claps for me. lol.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 11

Good! All that you need to modify is the "Tags" tab and then refresh the pivot table in order to update that as well.
Lvl 18
Now I just gotta convince Diz to make me and you tag mods and we can make some serious progress with the tagging, lol.

@Diz: what is the "grey" tag even for? I've looked at a lot of pics here on WBW and have yet to see a grey person.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Swiss407

@Diz: what is the "grey" tag even for? I've looked at a lot of pics here on WBW and have yet to see a grey person.

Somebody posting pics from Area 51?

(link is to a picture of an alien)
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Swiss407

^^^ I agree. There's a drunk tag but I come across a lot of pics where a girl is holding alcohol but doesn't appear drunk.

there is cocktail which I've been using if there is an alcoholic beverage involved. I guess "beer" would be a little bit more accurate, but "cocktail" works for me either way.
Lvl 18
Damn Eric! 4168! Yours are all permanent too so that's a major move in the right direction. Good work bro! I'm only in the low 1,000's but none of em are permanent so they're not really helpin anything at the moment.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Swiss407

Damn Eric! 4168! Yours are all permanent too so that's a major move in the right direction. Good work bro! I'm only in the low 1,000's but none of em are permanent so they're not really helpin anything at the moment.

I think the first 2500 or so weren't permanent as I wasn't a comment mod then and I've come across a few of them that I had rated prior to being given that status, and they don't have the permanent tags.

But I'm still plowing through 'em.
Lvl 18
@Davewa, EL & Diz:

Here's an updated version of the list Dave did. I slightly re-categorized a few things and now only "grey" has no category as I still don't know what it's a tag for. I just wanted to try and clean up the list so that if we do decide to use it as Dave an I discussed it will be ready for new additions etc.

I still think we need to do something a lot better with the skin tags though. Right now we have brown, ebony, tan, white. I think that's confusing. White I think will be confusing to many people and they'll label all caucasions as "white" when in reality it should be "pale". I think you'll get a lot of brown and tan confusion cause it's almost the same thing. I think better skin classifications would be Pale, Light, Tan, Dark.
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