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The Lindsay™ (Lohan) Thread by EL

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 13 years ago Views: 137.7K
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Lvl 59
I posted those so I could point out that her boobs have turned into a tube sock stuffed with feces. I mean, look at this nonsense:

waywardson finds this awesome.
Lvl 42
Originally posted by EricLindros
Lindsay Lohan is 27 years old. By some tragic miracle of physics, her boobs are 87 years old.


hmm...spaniels ears and the general state of her is bad, getting wrinkles already, gonna age real badly. Well that's what happens when you abuse your body with alcohol and drugs.
Lvl 9
She's a train wreck
gazmosis finds this awesome.
Lvl 23
I can't believe this thread went on for 37 pages......
Lvl 13
Its a shame b/c she was pretty and could have been that way for years. What a waste....
Well, everyone complains she's a "train wreck" etc, but yet they still click on the thread even though it clearly states what it's content is. I guess it's either rubber-necking (that might be just a UK term?) or some still find her attractive. Perhaps some are hoping she has cleaned herself up and returned to those better days of yesteryear, but it seems she's a little way off that.

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