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Pictures of me, yipee! :)

Starter: AngelicTease Posted: 13 years ago Views: 74.5K
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Lvl 6
Originally posted by tiredeyes


Yeah, it just smacks of desperation, that you would carry on despite - how shall I say this - not being on top form after 7/8 years. Sure some guys like that, so I appreciate you're now appealing to a, niche market shall we say. Good luck with that.

Well, I may not be on 'top form'(whatever that means) but seeing as people PAY ME to get naked for them, I must be doing something right. If I was really as awful as some people make out(me included, I'll admit I'm my biggest hater) then no one would pay me right? If I was so bad, no one would even want to look at me naked for FREE, but because people PAY ME for it, it makes me think I must be doing something right?
If I was so awful, I wouldn't be able to make enough money to live on by camming AND extra to clear debt.
If I was so awful, I'd have to pay other people to look at my naked body haha, but I've never had to do that!

You can hate me all you want, but I bet no ones ever paid YOU to get naked and fuck yourself. Or simply paid just to chat to you coz they like talking to you. Maybe that's your problem, maybe you're jealous. You hate the fact that you hate me, think I'm the worst girl in the world but other people still like me and other people still pay me for it. You probably have a job you hate and are jealous of the fact I have one that I love that isn't even like a job because I'm paid to get naked and have fun!

Yeah maybe I'd do better if I was 'on top form'. But I'm happy just being myself thanks. Why try be something I'm not.
Lvl 6
I know what top form means now, so what if I'm not at my best and never have been. I don't try and be the best. I'm too lazy for that, it's too much effort haha. I already knew that, so thanks for telling me something I already knew as usual.
I'm miserable, ugly, fat, not perfect/not the best. OH WELL. But some people still like me, and plenty of people still pay me, so it's okay! I'm still 1000000% better than you.

This would be the post that starts a new page wouldn't it?! Here's some pictures to make this post less boring!
Something old...

Something new...

Something blue? Err...

Ooh it's like I'm married to the forum now haahaahah! I DOOOO!
Lvl 11
Something shaved
nice pics
Lvl 6
Seeing as tiredeyes keeps coming back here, so must be a true fan, I did him some fan sign pictures.

I'm looking forward to adding more 'insults' to my body for you bb.
And because I'm so fat, I have lots of body space left for more insults, so keep them coming!
Lvl 5
Must admit to liking you more with a few extra pounds, smoking hot sexy body, hope you don't mind if I think of you when I go up and cuddle my wife
Lvl 21
I miss your pubes
Lvl 6
Originally posted by waywardson

I miss your pubes

I still have the pubes? Although they still haven't grown much, I still don't have a nice big curly afro bush like I dreamt of having! I've grown it for a year and a half now and it still looks like I've been growing it for only a week or two.

Pictures for you, to prove the bush is still there!

Lvl 22
thanks for the pics, angelictease. i like 'em....5 stars.

Lvl 6
Here's a video of me talking about my boobies and naming them, haha!

If anyone knows a better place to upload videos, let me know! I just chose one that someone uploaded a video with in the movies forum.
Lvl 30
Originally posted by AngelicTease

Here's a video of me talking about my boobies and naming them, haha!
[ Link ]

If anyone knows a better place to upload videos, let me know! I just chose one that someone uploaded a video with in the movies forum. is a good uploader. Here is a 'mirror' of your clip for Members to share on Rapidshare:
Lvl 6
A mirror? *confused* Do you mean just another place incase people don't like depositfiles?
It's here too:

Really, I should have just been patient and waited until it got posted on the actual site haha, but I wasn't sure if it would get aproved or not... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :P
Lvl 28
So, I come in here and start reading, and I'm not real happy.

Let me make it clear that derogatory comments are not going to be tolerated. Period.

The only reason I'm leaving some past posts up at this point is because AngelicTease has handled it so well. I find her "stick it up your ass" approach to be rather entertaining.


Lvl 12
Fuck the haters Angelicatease. You are who you are. And who you are looks mighty good to me.
Lvl 6
I love this forum.

More pictures.


I'm going to run out of new pictures to post soon, eek!
Lvl 28
And this forum loves you.
Lvl 6
Lvl 14
Definitely like your bush much better and its sexier than the old shaved photos of you
Lvl 21
i lovin that ass, and the tits!

im a fan!
Lvl 12
You have a body just like a girl i used to date. She was awesome. Love the new pics better than the old. I vote you dont shave. Looks very sexy and so do you.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by deathbyboredom

You have a body just like a girl i used to date. She was awesome. Love the new pics better than the old. I vote you dont shave. Looks very sexy and so do you.

Amen! I'll second that...that bush and body is damned HOT
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