Score: 4.40 Votes: 125
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Pictures of me, yipee! :)

Starter: AngelicTease Posted: 13 years ago Views: 74.5K
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Lvl 6


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    64.49% (287)

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Votes: 445
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 6
White Lace:
Lvl 6
Black PVC and Fake Leather(yay no Moooooos)


Fallen asleep. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Lvl 65
Looking really good so far
Hey, that's what ya said about 5 hrs ago
Lvl 6
What who said 5 hours ago?

Some super random webcam pictures which are now even more random because they've uploaded in a muddled up order!
Lvl 15
Can I ask why you are posted in Famous Babes?
Am I supposed to know you?
Don't be offended, I don't get out much.
Lvl 6
No it's because I have my own site and used to post watermarked pictures, although I've been too lazy to watermark them recently.
Lvl 12
Very sexy pics. Thanks for sharin
Lvl 14
Nice to see you kept your pubes!
Lvl 28
Originally posted by hockedude1

Nice to see you kept your pubes!

Lvl 6
Lol what's with the spiderman pictures?

I'll be shaving the pubes one day, just want to get enough pictures and videos to make it worthwhile having the bush for so long. I planned to just have the bush until about March, then I didn't take pictures for 4 months, so I'm a bit behind on picture taking and have had to have annoying pubes for longer than planned, grr.

More webcam pictures

LoL thanks whoever just rated this 1 star. 1 star is better than no stars, thanks for the effort in doing that just for me, awwwh!
Lvl 6
YAY two stars now.
More pictures:

Lvl 27
i am watching the show bb!

Lvl 6
Originally posted by cog

[ Image ]

Haha totally true! Is it bad that knowing I have haters here is making me want to post more and more pictures just to piss them off?

Some more webcam pictures especially for my haters hahAhaa.
Lvl 17
Why would they hate? You're fucking sexy!

Love the hair colour too.

5* from me!
Lvl 12
really nice body, don't stop now.
Lvl 6
Haha I know I'm not going to be everyones cup of coffee. The reasons most people don't like me are:
1. I don't smile.
2. I'm not blonde
3. I don't have big tits
4. I don't have fake tits
5. I currently have a hairy flange
6. I'm in the famous section despite not being famous haha
7. I have my own site(yeah people hate me for that, lol, don't know how it makes me any different to anyone else but whatever)
8. I don't have normal coloured hair
9. I'm not super skinny.
10. I'm not perfect
11. My body isn't perfect
12. I have a big nose
13. I have a big forehead
14. I have a ugly face

I can't think of anymore but I know there's probably 100 reasons people hate me. If I changed any of them, I wouldn't be myself though, and I sure as hell arn't going to change myself just to please haters/other people! I could lose weight, dye my hair blonde, wear lots of make up, get a boob job and smile all the time in my pictures and someone would still find something to hate me for, so whatever, lol.

Hopefully there's more lovers than haters though so who cares.

More pictures?
Lvl 3
Panties and Pubes in post 1 are super hot.
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