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Pictures of me, yipee! :)

Starter: AngelicTease Posted: 13 years ago Views: 74.5K
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Lvl 25
I like you for the same reason as Sp, "Your Real" super sexy and hot as hell :-)
and your a Brit!!!!!
Lvl 1
Way hot.
Lvl 17
I miss her....
Lvl 7
Great pics,,,,sexy girl. 5 stars
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Paddy!

I miss her....

Nah, she got fat and was miserable, meh.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by tiredeyes


Nah, she got fat and was miserable, meh.

Some people like fat people you know. And miserable, I'm sure that's a common British thing so fuck you cunt! Oh shit have I just proved the point about the miserableness? Oh well!
* This post has been modified by bustMall : 12 years ago
Lvl 6
Pictures of me now I'm fat, taken yesterday.

Sorry they're just webcam pictures, not taken any proper pictures for a while, scared I wont be able to fit into the picture anymore, lol!
Lvl 6

No bollocks here. Have some boobs instead though!

I have lovely C boobies now I'm a fatarse, yipee, that's one good thing about weight gain, I have boobs for the first time in my life... they only took 26 years to grow!!!! Pfft.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by AngelicTease



PS You are NOT fat, you are lush.
Lvl 6
Haha I was seeing if a link to a video would work, the video was er daily mmmm OCEAN and it wouldn't let me, I didn't think it would. How do I post a video in a way I'm allowed? :P I'll go replace my bollocks(ha!) with some more lovely crappy webcam pictures, woo!
I don't like Lush, I can't even walk past the shop without being like AAAAAAA TISSHHHH OOOOOOOHHHHH! I don't know how people manage to work there! Maybe they're sponsered by a tissue company or something? Although only posh people seem to actually sneeze into a tissue. I don't know how they have time to whip one out anyway! You don't stand there going aaaaaaa oh wait a minute I just need to find a tissue... tisshhh ooooh ahh that's better I feel so much better now I've done it in a tissue and not my hands. By the time you get a tissue out surely the oportunity for a sneeze has gone? And I hate hate HATE sneezes that get lost up my nose and never end up coming out so I sit there being like aaa tisshhhh? aaa tishhhh? HELLOOOOO OOOHHH WHERE ARE YOU, COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE! And then it doesn't come and I feel stood up by the ooh part of my sneeze and the ooh part is the best bit!

I like this picture, but it's about 2 years old so a bit pointless showing it really but ah well I'm posting it anyway, you can't stop me, NERRR. Well, you can if this gets locked again where I dissapear and forget the site exists for months haha!

Me looking miserable.
Lvl 11
your very hot, you have a great body, your my taste of girl
i like bald pussy's, but hey your still
Lvl 6
Merry Christmas! (pictures from january 2012)
(I feel like a spanner posting watermarked pictures but I'm too lazy to find the unwatermarked ones)

Andddd some old pictures for people who don't like fatties :P

Lvl 11
your not fat, you're beautifull
Lvl 25
Thanks, your slamming hot in all the pictures. :-)
Lvl 28
Originally posted by AngelicTease


Some people like fat people you know. And miserable, I'm sure that's a common British thing so fuck you cunt! Oh shit have I just proved the point about the miserableness? Oh well!

Love your attitude. The confidence makes you sexy. You GO GIRL!
Lvl 23
So much better shaved
Lvl 6
Originally posted by bustMall


Love your attitude. The confidence makes you sexy. You GO GIRL!

Haha it's because I'm on one of those cam sites that has free chat which is full of trolls. I'm used to every insult possible so it doesn't bother me anymore. And most of them I think are true/say about myself anyway. Ugly? Yup! Fat? Yup! Miserable? Yup! No arse? Yup! Pretty/hot/compliments? Fuck off lying to me!!! Pffffffffft.
If I let bad comments bother me I would have quit 8 years ago. If anything, the 'haters' motivate me to do the stuff they hate more, just to piss them off and show them they can't get rid of me that easily. You hate me posting pictures? Fine I'll post 1000 every day until I die then. Ha! (That probably makes me sound like a cunt, but I think I may quite possible be a cunt too, as well as fat, miserable, ugly, and so on! )

Did someone say PICTURES?!
I don't know why I watermark these pictures, who would want to steal pictures of me anyway? Ha! Although someone did post some pictures of me from like 7 years ago and I looked right rough in all of them! Some of them I wonder why I thought it was a good idea to post online in the first place!

And some old pictures for people who like girls with even less of a arse, no tits, no fat belly, no stretch marks from weight gain, normal hair colour.

Lvl 95
Very sexy
thanks for posting your pics
Lvl 11
Lvl 22
Originally posted by AngelicTease


Some people like fat people you know. And miserable, I'm sure that's a common British thing so fuck you cunt! Oh shit have I just proved the point about the miserableness? Oh well!

Yeah, it just smacks of desperation, that you would carry on despite - how shall I say this - not being on top form after 7/8 years. Sure some guys like that, so I appreciate you're now appealing to a, niche market shall we say. Good luck with that.
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