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Lindy-Ross' Random Celebrity/Pseudo-Celebrity Post Thread

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 12 years ago Views: 112.3K
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Lvl 24
That 2nd thumbnail pic is fucking hot.
Lvl 59
It's the Photoshop icon.

Jessica Simpson's boobs got really really big. Unfortunately, she also started a grandmother's tablecloth or drapes. Or something. What the hell is that outfit?

Why do I post those things? Well, I don't know. Cleavage for one. But probably more because of anchoring. Basically, I have an image of Jessica Simpson in my head from years ago, back when she was really hot and famous and not at all gigantic and such, and so every time I see something "Jessica Simpson" related, my mind automatically runs back to that first impression, before it remembers how much less-attractive she became as time passed (showed her stupidity on that reality show) and more time passed (got gigantic and beastly).

But let us remember those heady days, when I was younger and the singing trio of Spears, Aguilera and Simpson didn't weight a collective 650 lbs and have a combined IQ under 250. The less we knew, the better. These types of things are the cause for my anchoring:

Lvl 59
Lvl 24
Wow, i love the on stage pictures of her in the jeans and black tank top deal. So hot.
Lvl 59
Yeah. Time sucks.

Also, in some of those pics if, if you have an eagle eye, you can see that there's some of her nippy-nip poppin through the lacy part.

Ok, now, this is just going to be some random shizz for a minute here.

We'll start with some Emma Watson, for my buddy Bangles, and all the other weirdos who like her. Not that bangs is a weirdo. Or, at least not entirely for that reason, I guess. Yeah. Ok. Pictures.

Lvl 59
But why stop there? Here's a gif of Emma in a see-through shirt type of thing. Try to ignore her attempt at being sexy by moving like a palsy sufferer.

Megan Fox's tongue, because why not Megan Fox's tongue?

Ok, so, funny story. Tori Spelling.

I kid. Anyway, apparently a while back Tori's husband, who we'll call Blindy Seekingriches, took a picture of their son, and posted it on twitter. Here's what's a little odd or whatever. You see, it turns out that Tori was sitting in the background, just chillin, all pregnant or something. Also, chilling topless, with her chest beefers just hanging all out. Well, that got posted along with the shot of the kid. Now, we don't allow pictures of children on WBW, so I didn't really know what to do with that picture for the longest time. Should I delete it? Should I just let it sit in this dumb folder indefinitely? Well, I've come up with a compromise. I've altered the photo to protect the identiy of the child. There is no child in this photo, and thus it comports with WBW's rules, yet we can all see the hilarity that is Tori Spelling's boobs.*

*Barf bucket not included

Lvl 59
Oh, so remember like three posts ago how I was going on about how the Holy Triumvirate of Hot Young Singers fell totally apart some time in the last 10 years or so?

I mean, I really wasn't lying.

Christina Then:

Christina Now:

FREEBIRD69 finds this awesome.
Lvl 24
I just don't understand how she has gained SO MUCH WEIGHT between the time she filmed Burlesque which came out in 2010 to now. She must have gained like 60 pounds if not more since that filming. Because she was fucking IN SHAPE for that movie.
Lvl 59
The random continues.

Did you know Charlize Theron's name is pronounced like Cha-leese Throne: [youtube]m3TTi_gAS5c[/youtube]

Did you also know that you can kinda see her pokie nips like this:

Did you know that a thing called "Brittny Gastineau" exists? Did you know you can kinda see her boobs through this outfit?

Did you know Lady Gaga looks like Donatella Versace, even though they're like 150 years apart in age?

Did you know someone named "JoJo" made this song: [youtube]ggWyUEuGcWY[/youtube]

...and now looks like this?

Lvl 59
Natalie Portman had a baby with a millipede not too long ago. While her stomach looks like it's gotten back into decent shape here, it seems her boobs haven't been able to shake that baby weight. What a shame.

For a refresher on how they looked back in the day, here you go:


FREEBIRD69 finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
Mila Kunis is kind of annoying me lately. Why you don't ask? Well, I'll tell you anyway. You see, these pictures have come out in Esquire or some shit magazine, and they're really hot. It's like she's saying to me (silently, but with her body), "Hey, Lindros, I want you to check out my ass then take me out for a nice dinner with ravenous, unspeakable sex afterward." But then she's recently started dating Aston Kutcher, who is basically everything in the world I hate squished into human form. What a punch in the balls after her sexy teasing.

And here's a handful of gifs of Mila.

FREEBIRD69 finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
While I'm doing this whole, "Let's remember what celebs looked like back in the day" thing right now, let's kick it up a notch.

Here's a recent picture of Madonna Fame-whoring at a concert somewhere (It's either the same or similar to something I posted earlier in this thread, but it fits the theme here...)

And here's Madge doing something similar like 50 years before that.

Boob has held up reasonably well, I'd say. The rest of her, not so much :

Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

Mila Kunis is kind of annoying me lately. Why you don't ask? Well, I'll tell you anyway. You see, these pictures have come out in Esquire or some shit magazine, and they're really hot. It's like she's saying to me (silently, but with her body), "Hey, Lindros, I want you to check out my ass then take me out for a nice dinner with ravenous, unspeakable sex afterward." But then she's recently started dating Aston Kutcher, who is basically everything in the world I hate squished into human form. What a punch in the balls after her sexy teasing.

She just wants it so the sex is incredibly rough and hate filled. She'd probably scream "Ashton" just so you'd bust her lip.

Lvl 59
Yeah, but, even then I'd be like paranoid the whole time that Aston was going to pop out from behind the dresser and be like, "PUNKED!!! ZOZZOZZ! <fart>"

And then I'd have to go to jail.

For murdering a celebrity on TV.

Keeping with the keeping it old-school theme from's Stephanie Seymore, a supermodel from the 90s, all naked and...uh...colorless?

And Ashley Judd, who isn't particularly old, but hasn't been famous for a while because...she stole something from a store and made some shitty movies or something? I really don't know. I just know she's like C-list by now. And she's C-through list to me, since you can see right on through this blouse thing. (The thumbnails are shitty, but trust me, here)

Next up, Alyssa Milano getting fucked against a glass wall of sorts. Like a shower or something. SMUSH CITY. You know, there's lots of celebs out there who used to be famous and now aren't so much. I mean, I think Alyssa is now best known for...tweeting a lot or something.

Finally, here's Sarah Michelle Gellar. Another actress in the long line of used-to-be-hot-but-are-now-frump-moms-married-to-Freddy-Prinze-Junior. Whattashame.

These are gifs, and they're all pretty damn huge. I think they total like 60 megs or something, averaging around 12-15 megs each, so, you know, if you click on these give it a second to load, bros (and brosettes)

Lvl 59
Anne Haddaway - What Is Love.

Just kidding, I know it's Hathaway. Here are some of her and various types of boobage. Cleaveboobage, side-boobage, what have you.

Then here's like 3 stupid pictures of Kristen Bell. Well, one is actually pretty hot. So like one hot one and two stupid ones.

Katy Perry and her new boyfriend getting in a grope. Man, she's really getting desperate, although, I guess he's slightly less hairy and significantly cuter than Russel Brand, so maybe she's moving up in the world.

Gina Carano, as an American Gladiator from that goofy show where they hit each other with giant Q-tips and stuff.

And then here she is not moving, but showing off her turdcutter. And antlers.

Lvl 6

Lvl 59
Ugh. Jeez, Kim, go play with something shiny, I've got posts to make here.

By now I would think that everyone knows I think jennifer aniston (that's right, I'm not even capitalizing her name now, deal with it) is fug and looks like Iggy Pop. And I'm right. Yet a lot of you bros inexplicably like her, so I post her anyway. Being the glass-half-full kinda guy that I am, I've looked for a silver lining in this situation and I think I've found one. The best thing about jen aniston is her perpetually pointy nips. I like it for two reasons; first, it allows me to divert my attention from her Iggy Popface and second, a nice set of boob-cherries is always appreciated, seeing as they draw your attention directly to the boobs, and I don't think anyone's going to complain about that.

So, here's some jen and her nipple sisters. (I feel like I've used the word "nipple" an inordinate number of times in this thread. )

Again, these gifs are pretty large, so just click and wait:

Lvl 59
And this is just like a shotgun blast of random:

Alison Pill, the girl who was annoying in The Newsroom:

Eva Amurri, Susan Sarandon's daughter. Susan obviously taught her well:

Kat Dennings' cleavage saluting you like some kind of gigantic-busted sailor.


Jessica Pare. Actress of no reknown.

Heidi Klum. Holding up okay for a grandma who got beaten by Seal or whatever happened there.

And finally, Bai Ling re-enters the thread. Her nipples re-entered the thread about 4 minutes before she did.

Lvl 24
Originally posted by EricLindros

And finally, Bai Ling re-enters the thread. Her nipples re-entered the thread about 4 minutes before she did.

[ Image ]

Bai Ling likes to show what she's working with. I'm unsure if there's been one movie that she hasn't flashed them.
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